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Everything posted by songofthewind

  1. The SUB Ray 4 has tons of bottom. Thin? Nope.
  2. Very nice. My usual question at this point is, what is the nut width? My birthday is coming up! (Sharks start circling)
  3. Good choice! Looks snappy and no mistake!
  4. Mirror definitely. Although they were not meant to be seen, the shape is stylish and moderne and looks really classy on there. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
  5. This is a very handsome Jazz. Is the nut 38mm/1.5”?
  6. I am a TOTAL SUCKER for that kind of playing and feel!
  7. Lovely. Looks like a very well thought out bass, graceful shape which is, I think, not always seen in single cut basses. Colour me jealous.
  8. Shoulda read the OP😕. My bad.
  9. Logic Pro X is massive value for money. Slick user interface and good plugins.
  10. I had one of these, but with the expression pedal. Surprisingly good, and more useable live than its successor, I would say. GLWTS.
  11. Cripes! I remember seeing Renia at a student union do in North London Poly, round about 1973. I was intrigued by their name. I think I was the only person watching and listening. I can’t for the life of me remember what they sounded like, but they must have made an impression.
  12. Pulled the Dunlop chrome flats off my SUB Ray 4 and put D’Addarios back on. that’s better!
  13. Neat job! What is the paint? Looks a wee bit like Tuff Cab.
  14. Tom Barney, Steely Dan, Gaslighting Abbie, on Two Against Nature. Punchy.
  15. I remember that build thread. Fab. It looks a wee bit like a Sterling. Stylish.
  16. ..on my SUB Ray 4, distance from 12th fret to leading edge of pickup is 12 and 9/16ths inches, or 32cm.
  17. Can someone definitively state the distance, on a real Ray, from the 12th fret to the front edge of the pickup? Answers on a postcard, please!
  18. Oops, sorry, I see the balance pot in the diagram. Which looks very clear.
  19. Very smart work on a very smart mod. What do you do to pan between pickups? I am a dimwit.
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