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Everything posted by Biaeothanata-Bassist

  1. Clear out time! I'm not using my boss LS-2 any more so I've decided to sell it. You all know what they do, you can use them to switch between 2 pedal boards, amps, switch in and out of certain pedals and simply bypass everything to get your pure tone. It's by no means in perfect condition but it works perfectly. There's just a few paint chips/scratches on the top. It was like this when I bought it but I had it checked over. I don't have the proper box for it but I do have a Boss TU-2 box I can send it in. [s]Let's say £50 plus postage on this.[/s] Sold pending payment Thanks!
  2. Just digging through a box of parts and found 2 bridges I have no use for. Both are black, both of them are the high mass type. [s]The 4 string one has 4 mounting holes, one in each corner[/s]. - Sold The 5 string one has 6 mounting holes, all along the back. Both will be cleaned up before I send them. If I can find any spare mounting screws, I'll include them too. Let's say £10 each including postage? Cheers!
  3. Hey Tommo, i'm going to drop you a message. Might be a bit easier that way Cheers
  4. Right, i'm posting this back up because i'm stuck in a rut now. I followed the Les Paul diagram but now when you turn one volume, it turns down the whole bass. I can't turn one pick up down and leave the other one up which is annoying me. Is there any way around this or should I just give up and go for a jazz bass style wiring with one no-load pot? Right now, i'm thinking this may be the best option. The bass sounds great as it is and it's pretty much the tone I've wanted to always get from it but the fact the controls don't work as they're supposed to annoys me. Curse being a tone chaser!
  5. Hey guys Thanks for all your recommendations. The DHA VT1 seems to be getting quite a few votes here so i'll check 'em out on YouTube. I've tried one of the Tech 21 VT bass pedals before but I didn't get much of a chance to properly try it out so i'll give that another go too! As for the MXR 80, i checked out a few videos and they didn't seem to do what I wanted... I know i know, i'm being so damn picky over this. Whilst I was surfing YT a minute ago, I found this pedal which sounds quite cool but to be fair, his bass sounds better than mine bypassed as well! haha. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBs3vCKKL6A I see the Bad Monkey was mentioned in a post too, turns out that was the Digitech pedal I tried out already and wasn't a fan of. There was also a couple of posts suggesting blending a couple of pedals. Believe me, I would love to do this but money really is an issue so I'll just be focusing on 1 pedal. I can't reply to all posts separately but what Meddle and PaulBuzz have said has been really really helpful. To be fair, all of you have so far on it so thanks very much! I'll go check out a few more demo videos to see what there is as well. I'm taking a trip to Brighton next month to check out GAK so i'll try a few there too!
  6. I've been forced to refund the item and remove them from sale as they're now broken...
  7. Seymour Duncan SPB3/SJB3 set. Really high output and they can go from fat dubby tones to seriously heavy metal tones
  8. Hey guys I'm stuck in a bit of a rut at the moment because i can't seem to find an overdrive pedal that suits what I want. Basically, I want something that's going to add harmonic drive and add grit/crunch to the tone so it's (forgive the phrasing) "zingy" and "snappy" but not sound fuzzy or distorted. Other problem with it is, I play finger style instead of using a pick which probably doesn't help that. I use a pair of passive Fender Precision Basses both loaded with Seymour Duncan SPB-4 pick ups and Rotosound BS66 strings so it's very twangy and has a lot of top end which I really like. For the amp, I'm using a Hartke LH500 and Marshall JCM 800 4x12 cabinet. To put it in to context, I want something along the lines of Eddie Jackson (Queensryche), Rex Brown (Pantera, although slightly less distorted), Geddy Lee (Rush, but not old Rush, think more along the lines of Clockwork Angels and Time Machine live), Land Phil (Municipal Waste). Here's a couple of pedals I've used and a summary of my thoughts on them: * Ashdown James LoMenzo Hyperdrive - good but just didn't quite cut it * Sansamp Bass Driver DI - wasn't a huge fan of it, sounded very thin in places * Ashdown Drive Plus - horrible, horrible pedal. Wouldn't go near one again * Digitech (somethingorother) - sounded fuzzy and too distorted even with the gain turned down * Aphex Exciter - didn't add any drive, just made my top end sound horrible and "tinny" I'd love to try one of the Darkglass B3K pedals or one of the Aguilar Aggros or even the EBS Billy Sheehan pedal for the blending on it but I simply cannot afford them, especially right now and I don't know anywhere that I could demo one in the UK. Any advise/recommendations/etc? All input will be appreciated Thanks! So yeah, what can people recommend?
  9. How much was the neck by the way? I need a couple of necks made for 2 projects i'll be building as I can't seem to find a maple P bass sized neck anywhere with black dots and binding as well as a skunk stripe on the back Cheers!
  10. I'll be keeping a close eye on this. Sounds like it's going to turn out absolutely stunning! I really want a stacked knob jazz bass too! G.A.S. incoming...
  11. I sold Geoff my EMG pre amp and pick ups last night. He even decided to drive up from Essex to come get them. Real top bloke to deal with and I wouldn't think twice about dealing with him again or even sending any items to him before he pays. Thanks for such a painless transaction mate!
  12. I'm more of a Passive fan. Give me a Seymour Duncan SPB/SJB loaded Precision or Jazz bass any day. All I use these days really. Saying that though, I am a huge fan of "that" Spector tone as well so I might end up getting a Euro 4LX at some point just to have one for whatever situation calls for it. Not planning on doing that soon though, I'm quite happy sticking to the Precision and Jazz basses. I get pretty much every tone I need from them There's my two pennies worth!
  13. For me it has to be some sort of overdrive and a tuner. A year ago I would of included a compressor pedal in that but I've not bothered so much with the compression side of it any more. As long as my strings sound twangy still, all I need is the overdrive and tuner.
  14. [quote name='geofio' timestamp='1371249761' post='2111870'] Here is a quick video, to you guys an idea of the tone from this bass. i love it!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSoL5AS1OGY [/quote] Woah dude that sounds amazing! what is your signal chain for this video?
  15. This is back available again as TonyF has pulled out of the deal. In reply to your answer iKay, I originally used it with the passive pick ups that were in the bass before I got the EMGs and they worked fine with it. I just put a quick connect end on the wire from the pick ups and hooked them up to the volume and blend in the same way you would with the active EMGs. Worked fine and sounded good too. And JimbobTTD, one more wouldn't kill you, go for it mate
  16. Hey Warwickhunt, Tony has first dibs as it were on it as he messaged me a bit earlier but if he decides not to take it then you have 2nd dibs (i hate that word!) Thanks for your interest though. You shouldn't need to alter anything on your bass either, depth wise the board is barely any taller standing than a normal stacked potentiometer and if i remember rightly, there's plenty of room in the usual Warwick cavity. The cavity in the bass I used it in was quite shallow and very tight so it was a tight squeeze getting the pre amp fitted but it all fit in with a bit of room spare. And thanks Hubrad, seems we're both on the same wave length
  17. Hey guys I've recently taken this pre amp and the EMG pick ups out of my bass as i've decided I prefer the tone of passive pick ups. I had been using this pre amp in my bass for all of 6 months running it with the 18v mod and used it on a lot of recordings/band practises but never live. I've got the pick ups that I used it with for sale on a separate thread too. Just so you know, they were an EMG 40P and 40DC. Sounded great but as said before, just wasn't for me. I've gone back to mainly using a Duncan loaded P Bass so yeah, that's the reason for the passive love. The set i'm selling here is the BQC System, not just the control so it comes with: Bass/Treble stack Mid boost and cut/mid frequency stack Blend Master volume All EMG knobs included Switchcraft output jack included This pre amp is totally solder less and features EMG's quick connect system but i have soldered one end of one of the cables to the output jack as I prefer doing this. Feels more stable to me. Doesn't mean it's permanently connected either as the other end of the cable still has the quick connecter on there. I'm asking £50 for it plus postage or you can come collect. [url="http://www.emgpickups.com/products/index/141"]http://www.emgpickup...ducts/index/141[/url]
  18. "Like the legend of the phoenix, all ends with a beginning..." I'm seeing a Daft Punk tribute band with this
  19. [quote name='KiOgon' timestamp='1379176380' post='2209538'] You'll need a tone cap in there - or maybe not - if you leave it out on all your basses & some string to tie the pots & jack together with Should be a nice bass [/quote] Haha veeeeery funny. I've got plenty of wire laying around luckily. To be honest though, i'm not sure which capacitor to go with, any you recommend? [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1379176740' post='2209542'] He uses a Lakland live these days. [/quote] He does use a lakland that's very much like his Fender but he still uses the Fender, Tobias, Alembic and Carvin basses live too (albeit the Carvin one is an electro-acoustic bass)
  20. Hey guys I'm a massive Fleetwood Mac fan and John McVie has heavily influenced my bass playing over the years I've been playing. Just recently, I've been watching the Tango in the Night Live DVD over and over again pretty much creaming my pants every time I hear John's smooth bass lines in songs like "The Chain", "Everywhere" and "Go Your Own Way". This got me thinking that I wanted to build a kind of John McVie tribute bass but base it off his Rumours/Tango in the Night era Fender Precision Bass. Specs wise i've decided on so far: Body: Alder Finish: Natural Pickguard: Red tortoise 3 ply Neck: C profile with skunk stripe and 50's silver logo Fingerboard: Rosewood Top nut: Graphtech PT1204 black tusq (just something I always use on my basses) Tuning pegs: either Hipshot HB3 or Fender American vintage pre CBS reverse wind pegs Hipshot: BT3 de-tuner (again, something I need on my basses) Electronics: CTS 250k potentiometers and switchcraft mono input jack Pickups: Seymour Duncan Antiquity (I use Seymour Duncans in all my basses and these have the vintage 50's tone) Bridge: Fender BBOT with bridge and pick up cover mounting screws fitted (no covers though) Strings: Rotosound RS77LD flatwounds (again, I use Rotosound strings on all my basses) Accessories/misc: Schaller strap locks, standard Fender string tree, treble side mounted thumb rest, knurled flat top barrel style knobs, F stamped 4 bolt neck plate and bushing. Can't think if i've forgotten anything but yeah, that's what I'm planning on doing. Nice and vintage styled. I may be a metal bassist but I do enjoy playing Dire Straits, Fleetwood Mac, Status Quo stuff a lot.
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