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Everything posted by Biaeothanata-Bassist

  1. Hey Dad(3353)! That's definitely a bit easier to say than my username. Thanks for the link, i'll go and check that out now. looks like an interesting read, especially the bit about how to test the magnets. Again, thanks for the pointer
  2. [quote name='Skinner' timestamp='1384465507' post='2277173'] Are the ratings the same? ie Ohms and handling power, if they are then it should be a straighforward swap and a good move (in my opinion). [/quote] Hi Skinner, they're the same ohm rating so would that not be a problem? [quote name='Bill Fitzmaurice' timestamp='1384467383' post='2277195'] If it was me I'd stop using guitar twelves and get a real bass cabinet. You're giving away an entire octave or more of bass response with the G12-65s, and G12-30s are no better. The only thing 'bass' about the JCM was what they chose to call it. [/quote] [quote name='JTUK' timestamp='1384469422' post='2277214'] Yes...agree with BFM... sell the gtr cab to a guitarist and get a bass cab....assuming that is what you'll put through it. [/quote] This was a question about mixing speakers, not about whether or not using these cabs for bass is a good idea. I've been using these cabs live for 6 years, been complimented on my bass tone many a time and never had a problem with the low end. So saying "the only thing bass about them is in the name" is a pointless remark to make. i'm sorry but people like these 2 annoy me. If you're not going to help on the subject at hand, please don't reply to it. Many bassists over the years have used them as BASS cabinets. Fine example, go listen to the first 3 Iron Maiden albums, Steve Harris used them with his rig for all that time live and in the studio before the speakers died and he eventually replaced them.
  3. Ah good thread. I'm quite interested in this too as I have signed my custom bass as a deterrent! haha
  4. [IMG]http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w99/Stevie_Dewar/Morleywah_zpsf61018c6.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w99/Stevie_Dewar/null-8.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w99/Stevie_Dewar/Photo13-11-2013224220_zps873c33cb.jpg[/IMG] All items gone
  5. Hey guys I've got an old Marshall JCM 800 bass cabinet, the 4x12 one, and it's fitted with the original Celestion Pre Rola G12-65 speakers but one got replaced prior to my ownership with some no name 12" speaker. Now, it doesn't sound bad but I'm not happy with the no name one, it sounds crappy compared to the Celestions and I've been presented with the chance to buy a pair of Celestion G12-30 speakers for £20 each. My thinking is, I'll take out the no-namer which is in the top left position and the top right Celestion G12-65 speaker and replace the pair of them with a pair of the 30s and just keep the 65 safely boxed away somewhere in case something happens to one of the other 2. What i'm wondering though is whether this can cause serious damage to either of the pairs of speakers or the amp at all? I would literally just be removing the top 2 and replacing them with the 2 30s. No change in wiring. If this is a really bad idea, I won't do it.
  6. Hey guys I've got a Trace Elliot double footswitch from the AH series amps. I used to own an AH300SMX and bought this footswitch to use with the amp at the gigs I was playing. I found it handy to switch in the pre-shaping for when the songs had just bass and drum parts. It's got 2 switches on it, one for the Pre Shape and one for the Graphic EQ. This is non latching footswitch too. Can be used with any amps or effects as well. I've been using it lately to temporarily mute my signal chain on the Korg DTR1000 whilst I'm tuning or in between playing songs. I've used it as recently as 10 minutes before posting this advert so I know it works perfectly. Condition wise, there's a couple of small scrapes on the bottom but nothing worth noting really. Nice long cable on it too which is the original cable. I saw one go on the evilbay for £40 a little while back and i paid just over that for it so i'm asking £20 plus a couple of quid postage. Collection is welcome though if you would like, I'm based near Milton Keynes. [IMG]http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w99/Stevie_Dewar/null_zpsd8e5ad45.jpg[/IMG]
  7. I've got one. It's quarter sawn neck
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  9. I own one of these and it's by far the best P bass I've ever played. If I had the money, i'd buy this as a back up to the main one. GLWTS though dude1 This should shift fast
  10. Ah thanks for the pointer. I was on the mobile site at the time so i didn't see it. Hopefully i can follow that diagram. From the comments though there's a lot of mistakes. I'll probably keep my eye out for a kit on eBay or something
  11. Jazz basses - Hated the thin neck, double pick up configuration and stupid control plate. Now I love them and really want to build one like Kevin's 62/66 Oly White one but with a few differences. Telecasters - being the awesome "metalhead" that I am, Telecasters seemed too girly. That way until I played one and fell in love with it Mid range - Too honky. Now I build my tone around it Overdrive / Distortion - Used to be all about the clean. Now I love a bit of grit Hartke - Used to use their stuff at a practise space and hated it (mainly because it was broken as well) but now I use their LH500 and want to get a 2nd one. EB-0/EB-3 basses. Used to hate the 2 stupid pick ups and short scale neck. Now I've seen Epiphone do an EB-3 with set neck, trapezoid inlays, 34" scale and I like the pick ups now. Guacamole, 3/4 shorts and PlayStation. Yeah...
  12. Just found this on the net thanks to your help Musky! http://www.bitsbox.co.uk/FXKits/Microamp.html I think i'll get one ordered and see how it goes. Either that or pay someone to build it for me xD haha
  13. Hey guys (and gals...) I've been recently thinking of getting rid of my Morley DB Wah to get an old Power Boost Wah (tel ray era) but i've taken a step back and though a: it's pointless and b: they're hard as hell to get hold of for a decent price with 240v transformer. So, I decided i'm going to mod my DB Wah. What I want to do to it is add in a switchable gain boost circuit before the wah filter. I used to use a gain booster pedal in an old pedal board that I ran in to a wah pedal then ran the wah in to an EHX big bass muff. Loved the bite that the extra gain gave the wah and it really was noticeable. I would just do that again but i'm trying to keep things compacted down in the pedal department. Less to move around and I'm set on doing this. I opened up the wah this evening and found that there is LOADS of room to add this mod in to and it seems simple enough. Basically, i want a simple gain boost circuit with a latching footswitch and a potentiometer to control the amount of gain boost and as it's going to be powered off the inlet from the actual pedal, I want to have an LED indicator. Reason I want it switchable is because I like to have it running clean some times too. Is any one able to help with this? I'd be really appreciative if someone could help. Thanks!
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  15. Sold a Boss LS-2 to Julien, really good bloke to deal with. Highly recommended.
  16. [quote name='Horizontalste' timestamp='1299849534' post='1158007'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cMkbnLUovXs&feature=relmfu[/media] Maple! don't know if its custom though. I can also vouch for the 614 too. [/quote] Yep, it's a custom shop model. As is James Lomenzo's and Nathan East's BBs. Still the standard models are so damn nice though. Really easy to play. I goat chance to play one of the top of the line models in a bass shop. Nearly cried when I couldn't afford it haha Strangely though, Glenn Hughes has gone over to using custom Nash basses (A P bass and a J bass).
  17. 2, 1, 3 for me. That 2nd one has real clarity and the 1st one comes very close to it but the 3rd one i'm not a fan of at all. Still, all sound nice just really do prefer 1 and 2
  18. Ohh i'll be able to post here soon! The doc's making a guard for my bass at the end of the week! Looking through here, I have NO doubt that it's going to turn out amazing
  19. Good god Gary, that bass is stunning! I've never seen a near 40 year old bass in such mint condition. You should be proud you've managed to keep it looking so good. This should have no problem shifting fast!
  20. That's fine by me, the amps volume needs to kick in a bit earlier than it does to me anyway. I'm not on about getting valve distortion from it, just a bit more drive from the pre amp to make it a bit richer on the harmonic side. That's what I did with an old Trace Elliot I used to use. Regret ever selling it but this Hartke is a great amp
  21. I'm really interested in trying each of them out, especially the "Nitro" one in my Hartke LH500 to see what drive it can produce from the amp. Heck, if they're no good, they're no good! I'm not going to pass judgment on them until i've tried them. If they do suck, i'll stick a Groove tubes gold in it. Simple.
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  23. I sold an item but had to refund the money before I even sent it as I managed to drop and break it (DOH) As for Anth though, top bloke to deal with and was really understanding when I explained it all to him. He enquired about the item and paid the next day. He's a man of his word and i'd always deal with him again if it comes to it.
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