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Everything posted by Woodinblack

  1. He is close enough, just a bit muffled. Could be the feedback caused by the alto, although at practices I just use the evo and can get feedback there. To be fair most of the time at practices it is the sax, although often at the gigs it can be.
  2. I haven't, although considering I have one, it is not a bad shout!
  3. FoH - I use in-ears, we don't have any monitors. Me and the drummer have in ears, the singer is out the front and doesn't complain. The guitarist complains about this, but I don't see his hand going in his pocket, I have spare monitor channels! Its normally the audience saying the vocals are too quiet. There is possibly also an issue the singer is not very clear, as the drummer when he sings is fairly clear, but we can't change him (we have changed his Mic)
  4. Orville Redenbacher caramel popcorn. Why don't they sell that locally any more. Oh I remember, I changed countries! Still, they are dead to me now!
  5. OK, I need to do something as it gets issues. I started off with two alto 212s and a behringer 12 sub (only oudoors the last bit) years ago, and we gigged with that a lot. Originally just vocals / sax and bass drum outside went through, and some keys, But the were always complaints about the lack of volume of the singer. I managed to get a RCF Evox 8, so now we gig with one of those and one of the 212s. I have taken the sub to some outdoor gigs, and it does help with the drum kit. The clarity of the vocals has improved, and now we put a bit of guitar through it too but still complaints about the volume of the vocals and sax, but even though there is more volume I can put up, it starts getting feedback after a while, especially from the sax (wireless mic inside the sax bell). All of this comes from an X18. I must admit I should ring out the system with pink noise and a proper microphone but I haven't. All the PA stuff is bought by me and carried to gigs by me. So I would like to do something to improve it, so if you were in this situation and you had £500 as a max to spend, but not much other space to store and not much incentive to carry, what would you do? Yes, I am aware that better stuff exists beyond £500, but that is completely irrelevant! In an ideal world I would get another evox8, but they have gone up a lot.
  6. I am sure there are some hondo owners who would swap. Although I do understand that, I had an ibanez 4001 copy, bolt on with stereo out back in the early 80s and I really liked that bass. It got nicked. When I did play my first real ric, I was a bit disappointed with it.
  7. If you hate your bass, why do you still have it?
  8. Mine neither. But I do like the ABM600 - just not the compressor.
  9. Why did the machine insist? My music iPad (the one I gig with) doesn't get updates as it has everything it needs on it and it works fine. It will work like that until it eventually dies. My 1994 macbook 160 still works, although it has to be said, the battery life isn't great!
  10. I have owned 2 and sold 2, and keep being tempted to buy a third! Some people never learn
  11. Odd - I went to my calendar to put it in, and for some reason, it was already there 😮
  12. Thats fine, then they don't get the item
  13. Amazon - I did have an argument a long time ago, so I got out of the habit of using them, but now I view them as everything wrong with commerce and just don't want to give them money. Dyson, never realised how much you could hate an inanimate object that wasn't a printer as I did one of their vaccums, but then brexit made it easier to not buy from them. Any company that supported brexit, so weatherspoons, there is a local phone / ipad repair shop that spends its time going on about the eu on its facebook page (in fact, even if I was anti them for the brexit thing I wouldn't use them just for that). A couple of other local companies that don't mean much here Comet - but they went out of business so I won that one I would be wary of buying any steinberg thing after spending too much of my life dealing with their dongles that don't work and protection things - they kind of protected me from my own purchaces and certainly protected themselves from me buying any more from them! btw - currys / pcworld have dropped the PCWorld part of their name recently. Probably vauxhall. just because of their cars.
  14. ok! thought I must have missed something, so sorry for that. Indeed - it would have to be 18.47mm.. or close to 18.5mm So if you had a EHB or one of the later SRs you could probably make that adjustment on the same bridge!
  15. Maybe I missed the start of the conversation here, but no idea what the scale length has to do with the bridge spacing. Unless you meant the bridge pickup or something. The bridge is invariably either 16.5, 18 or 19mm on an ibanez, which has nothing to do with scale, and whether your scale length is a mile or 10", the string spacing at the 12th fret will be the same (maybe your neck might be wider if they want to put more wood either side). according to ibanezes mezzo spec, it is 18mm at the bridge and 45mm at the nut, so a max of 11mm (probably some space, so invariably just under 10mm). So the string spacing at the 12th fret is 14mm (10 + (18 - 10) / 2), so the neck has to be at least 56mm to fit the strings over it, and then a bit more either side to stop the strings falling off the side An SR is the same at the nut but narrower at the bridge, so 10 + (16.5 - 10)/2 = 13.25 so 53 to fit the strings then a bit more. Looking at an SR here, that is pretty well what it is (except the string spacing at the nut is narrower).
  16. There is really no big calculation there, the strings at the 12th fret is exactly half the size difference between the nut spacing and the string spacing at the bridgeg. The scale length has nothing to do with it, with the same nut size and same bridge size it will always be the same.
  17. a SR1300PM? I don't tthink the G should be in there Like this: https://reverb.com/uk/item/41729275-ibanez-sr-1300-pm-custom-made-1994-natural
  18. She really did, not an easy song, especially as she appeared to have caught fire at one point!
  19. Bristol used to be good, it had its own bass section, its own keyboard section. It was also convenient to get to so that when I was downtown shopping with my wife, I could nip there while she was in another shop, and I got a chance to actually look at stuff. But then they closed the bass section so the basses moved to a wall, then they closed the shop and moved to somewhere where there was no reason for me to be, so I haven't been since then.
  20. That is the trouble, sometimes the only way to find out you don't like something is to get it. I would love a 5, but again who knows if it is any good until I get to play one?
  21. In which case edit the first post and add the word sold to the title, it will close
  22. My group isn't going to do this, so I doubt I will ever play it, but it has a really killer bassline so I thought I would learn it anyway!
  23. I am in no way saying having a feedback link in your profile is a bad idea, its certainly doable if people want that?
  24. The bit where you have 'please check my feedback - graham1945'. That could be a link to your feedback. Editing your profile involves going to your profile by clicking on your image at the top (computer) or probably the menu on mobile, select profile and then pressing edit on the options there.
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