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Everything posted by martthebass

  1. Thanks for the heads up.....I've put that pub on our 'blocked' list!
  2. IIRC, when I looked inside my old, now departed Streamline, the inside of the body was a rigid foam material not unlike the sort of stuff used for flower arranging (but suspect it was somewhat different) and the carbon weave was layered up around it - couldn't tell from looking whether it was injected in or it was a former, would have to watch them making one to be sure. I think the Stealth 2 is similar to this in construction? My CW Signature is carbon weave layered up around an alder core for the body and the neck is the standard foam core I assume. I'm happier that both of these models have truss rod adjustment; both needed a tweak when I first got them to get the action to my liking. In the case of the Streamline, once set I didn't touch it again in 8 years. I've only had the CW sig a year so we'll have to see with that one.
  3. I've got to be honest, it's the one thing on the SS that I think they screwed up on, it being so oversized spoils the look. It wouldn't have been that much effort to have downsized as I'm assuming the passive pre could have been downsized in sympathy (so the knobs would fit).
  4. I’ll keep on the look out for one, but as I usually go one in one out I can’t decide which of the JMJ, MW Mustang or Fallout bass would go ☹️
  5. Loving the Pawn Shop Mustang. Been looking for one for a while but they are either stupidly expensive or overseas. One day, one day...
  6. I once had a 1990 Ray as per this one but in white. It was a peach but sadly I joined Basschat and after 15 years with this beauty I decided to move it on in a fit of GAS. The worst thing was I sold it to buy a Warwick. The shame.....
  7. It doesn't look too bad, if you're worried about any naked wood just get a very small amount of wax and gently rub the affected area this should seal it nicely.
  8. Sadly not close enough, I love the ceramic pup and 3 band pre on the Sterling - it makes the bass.
  9. Cheapest I've seen them in the UK in recent times is £400-450ish. Somebody got a good deal there.
  10. Just seen this posted by the Circle group on FB
  11. Not that I'm aware of....if they have I'll be having one.
  12. I'm still hopeful of one day finding a Stingray Special with Starry Night finish, around 8.5lbs, with a Sterling profile neck.....😂
  13. Always surprised that you don't see that many around when it is clearly a much better bass than the 'Ray (ducks head).
  14. I’m down to 2 now but the ‘Squier’ has done about 200 gigs with me now. It’s like a pair of comfy slippers. Don’t try a JMJ.....it’ll make you want to buy one big time.
  15. Mustangs can be addictive Chris 😂😂😂😂
  16. An outdoor gig in the blazing sun yesterday. We knew it would be a challenge but 33C is definitely not conducive to strutting one’s stuff. The stage wear was significantly pared down and the Glam wigs were omitted, it was so hot on stage that the singers platform shoes melted.... Fortunately it was a short drive home but I did sit in the car in full aircon for a good 15 minutes when it parked up.
  17. Some of the earlier one's had a very 3D chocolaty brown figured walnut, I think OutToPlayJazz had a couple like this.
  18. Sadly this individual strikes me as the type of person that will not stop this predatory behavior until he is forced to do so. He's not a musician, he's a parasite. I'm amazed any other 'musicians' will play with him...I certainly wouldn't.
  19. I use one of these cases with my 2 Mustangs if they need to go into the back of the van. Sorry no picture to hand; the headstock compresses the padding at the top of the case a bit but there is still material between the headstock and the case shell. It's generally a good snug fit.
  20. Schallers on 3 of my basses (Status, MM and G&L) and Grolsch tops on the 2 Mustangs. I just have one strap equipped with Schaller and swap it to whichever bass I'm using. On the Mustangs I just leave the straps permanently attached to avoid fiddling about. In terms of Schaller pins I've used both OEM and 3rd party and not really found a difference - just need to be careful which screws you use - I generally use the ones that came with the bass rather than the pins to make sure things are secure enough.
  21. I think this topic is cropping up with most gigging bands WH. We normally do a set rate for gigs within a 50 mile radius but thoughts on charges for next year are a consideration if fuel doesn't drop soon. WE will honour existing (I think we have 15 or so booked into next year) but will have to look at increases for next years from now on which we know could be difficult for some of the smaller venues.
  22. That's a shame but I completely understand and appreciate where he is coming from. Glad that I managed to get my CW sig last year and had a chance to chew the fat with Rob.
  23. I'm a firm believer that 'Ilkley Moor Bar'tat' should be adopted....
  24. Very nice Dan, I know I don't get on with P basses long term so I've let my head rule my heart on this one. Sure it won't be around for long mate.
  25. I play pretty much exclusively finger style, also with a heavy touch on gigs. I usually leave the nails a little longer on index and second finger to help but it doesn't always work. I can play with a pick but for some reason I don't feel as connected and enjoy it less so that becomes an 'emergency technique' only.
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