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Everything posted by martthebass

  1. Sadly we had to cancel our gig at short notice due to the singer testing positive. Covid, the gift that keeps on giving 😔
  2. Had a trip over the Pennines on Saturday to a place topside of Manchester that wasn’t Yorkshire. Great little boozer and great crowd. Although the pub was adorned with Happy Monday’s, Oasis type stuff they really sempt to enjoy 70s Glam. https://www.facebook.com/100057309975369/videos/312264734148803/
  3. Love it, yes definitely a whiff of Flying Lizards on the delivery, but loved them too.
  4. I get all my gear in one of these.......with a bit of a squeeze....
  5. What secret mountain top HQ.....is there something I should know 😒
  6. I've been on MB for about 10 years now so haven't really tried Mustangs on any other set up; seems to work well for me though. The MW sig can sometimes be a bit overblown in the bass end on stage depending on venue, but usually seems just fine FOH. If I need a bit more definition I take the G&L Fallout which has a bit more flexibility.
  7. It almost felt like things were back to normal last night with a fully packed WMC less than 10 minutes from home (much better than the trip across the Pennines in less than ideal conditions last weekend). The last time we played this venue was during restrictions, limited numbers, no dancing, table service etc so it was awesome to have people dancing from the first choon and lots of noise. The new songs were well received too so a cracking night all round.
  8. Love mine, in fact the Mustang brothers got an outing at a packed out to the rafters gig last night
  9. I can’t believe how much £ they are going for these days - even the Mikey Way
  10. Wow......my CW has gone up £500 since I bought it last year....now just over £4K with front leds and schallers.
  11. I'm still searching for the perfect pick, I'm almost exclusively finger style and can get plenty of attack with nails/hard skin but appreciate that sometimes to get that 'feel' you need a pick. I always struggle to get the level of control on volume with a pick and generate too much string noise, especially if I use a thick pick.
  12. It is, it’s a p width rather than a jazz.
  13. Is that the original fitment bridge? I thought it looked more like the older 4003 bridge than this?
  14. I don't need another Rick, I don't need another Rick, I don't need another Rick............ That bridge is hideous, I hope you're going to do the right thing
  15. I notice he now 'resides' very close to my abode....perhaps a buy and collect is in order.....
  16. I reported all of those as scams yesterday.....
  17. It's amazing, FB block people for the most meaningless of reasons yet when there is a real cause for concern seem totally incapable of dealing with the issue....
  18. I've reported a number of the above as scams - the ones that were still showing under Mr Smethurst.
  19. Humbuckers in series mode are just the best. One of the reasons I ended up moving on my last Stingray in favor of my Sterling is because I always use the series switching on the Sterling - much beefier than parallel.
  20. I hadn't realised how hot the MFD pups are. I went to a jam last week with my Fallout Bass (US but I don't think that makes a difference) and it's the first time I've had to dial back the amp settings the house bassist had. It was clipping the amp even on a quarter volume in my preferred OMG mode. Awesome sound from a little bass..
  21. Sadly the red comp stripe jap reissue is no longer with me.......
  22. Moderators may be superhuman but we aren't omnipresent....if someone reports specific posts on the BB thread then it will be looked at. This thread is still open so that 'non-price' points can be discussed - pictures can always be reposted if the pricing request is omitted....
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