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Everything posted by martthebass

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  5. IMHO a lot of the nuances between different basses can be resolved with clever application of onboard and offboard EQing. Even an EB 3 band Ray can be made to sound as smooth as silk in the right hands and a pre-EB to sound like a ropey dog in the wrong hands.
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  9. [quote name='paul h' post='925680' date='Aug 15 2010, 04:34 PM']Brilliant post GW. Very good job of expressing your opinion and also giving the reasons for it. Nice one. However, IMHO none of that excuses rudeness, especially in a conversation between what is essentially a retailer a customer. Plenty of people do great things for charity and manage not to be complete nobs at the same time.[/quote] I think that was essentially where I was coming from at tthe start of this thread. It appeared to me that BP was abusing his position by belittling a customer who had made a post on a public (albeit company owned/run) forum. Not big and not clever.
  10. [quote name='iconic' post='925003' date='Aug 14 2010, 04:58 PM']cheers guys. but why the difference in the weight between the two SR4 H 2EQ I have held?[/quote] EB have used ash, poplar and occasionally alder for rays over the years. Transparent finishes are almost exclusively ash. I've had a few solid colours and these have always been heavier than trans - maybe they were denser poplar.
  11. Sorry I've not tacked this into the existing thread regarding the new (very pretty) MM roasted neck 'specials' but I'm old and couldn't find it. Anyhow I was just dwelling in the underworld that is the EBMM forum and came across this: [url="http://www.ernieball.com/forums/music-man-basses/45716-roasted-maple-necks-12.html"]http://www.ernieball.com/forums/music-man-...e-necks-12.html[/url] Felt really sorry for the poor guy who very politely questioned the credibility of the claims made regarding the stability etc of the roasted necks saying that unless the claims could be backed up or substantiated in some way then the claims fell into the category of marketing. The poor guy was lambasted by Big Pillock himself and accused of calling him a liar yadda yadda yadda. I guess this is no surprise to any of us that have frequented that forum but it just goes to show how some people can treat customers (this poor guy had stated he had been a customer since 1984 - I suppose that might not be the case for much longer). I wouldn't expect the same treatment from the likes of Rob Green, Chris May or John Shuker if I posed a question (even if it was dumb). Well I will probably always own an MM, and will probably buy another one but that is despite Sterling Ball rather than because of him. Then again maybe it's time to sell the 30th and buy a pre-EB out of spite. Rant over........ No small creatures were harmed during the making of this missive.
  12. I occasionally have a dabble on the bay when I'm looking for something specific that I can't find on here. I've noticed it is getting 'thinner' tho. I've been looking for a fretless Ray or Sterling for a couple of months and not a single private (read - sensibly priced) example has come up. Quite a few 'dealer' based but all at the top end of the market.
  13. Pretty much with the above on this one. I've not found any difference between late 80's, 90's and 00's other than it was more commonplace to have nicely figured maple necks on the 80's and 90's. Soundwise and playability they're pretty much the same IMHO. Oh and I guess I'm with Pete on the new nut (on 2006 on basses) - I prefer it for the intonation but you have to think harder about fretting at the 1st as a bit more pressure is needed (tho I think string selection may have an influence here) than the standard nut. Also as Pete said the anniversaries add something to the mix, especially the Ray4 20th and 30ths - again IMHO.
  14. [quote name='Musicman20' post='923156' date='Aug 12 2010, 08:28 PM']Unfortunately not. Bit gutted you cant upgrade a little to a hardcase or slightly different colour.[/quote] Story of my life.......................the quest for the fretless MM (now in its 3rd month) continues.
  15. If this includes Fretless I might be up for a punt.
  16. [quote name='desmondpot' post='922161' date='Aug 11 2010, 11:31 PM']'fraid not. I'm over t'other side, Broomhill way and I dont get out much (work, kids, work, work etc). Although, if you were passing this way with your 30th aniversary then I'd stick the kettle on............[/quote] Well if Daughter 2 gets into Sheffield Uni this September you never know, Cheers, Mart
  17. [quote name='Lfalex v1.1' post='921990' date='Aug 11 2010, 08:41 PM']You DO need to try them out for yourself. I find the lack of head perfectly acceptable, but can see how some people might utterly loathe it.[/quote] +1 - I fell into the loathe category for quite some time. I used to use headed exclusively except for a local jamnight where the house bass was a headless Hohner. I used to be 2 frets out for 10 minutes until my head adjusted but never really felt comfortable. A year later I had a shoulder problem and moved onto a Streamline as a last resort - I now use this as my main bass and now don't have this problem. Strangely enough when I use a 'normal' bass I don't have any problem adjusting. One thing I can't get over tho is that it never, repeat never goes out of tune!
  18. DesmondP - do you ever get around the Rotherham neck of the woods? I'd love to see this in action!
  19. [quote name='dub_junkie' post='921832' date='Aug 11 2010, 05:59 PM']^ black onyx Sterlings are cool [/quote] Agreed, would love one.....all the better if it was an unlined fretless tho then I guess I'd lose it in the dark.
  20. Ernie Ball Slinkies on my string through body 30th Ray - no problem.
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  23. The Streamline is the least 'hifi' Status out there - very dub bass if that's your thing. Don't let the graphite looks fool you...
  24. Nice one Martin. If I could justify another fretted Status....
  25. [quote name='lewyyy' post='919567' date='Aug 9 2010, 01:16 PM']how much do the 2008 American Standard basses in mint condition tend to sell or part ex for?[/quote] New model? If so I think the last few on here have sold between £6-650
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