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Everything posted by Bolo

  1. These blokes get it wrong too! (Or did I...) Promo vid for some instrument builde. No affiliation. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X4tAGDubfmE
  2. [quote name='Deedee' timestamp='1398120956' post='2430760'] That'd explain it then. What's the thinking/reason for it being different then? (Sorry, I guess you don't work for ernie ball) [/quote] I remember reading on the EB forum that on a 2eq one is cut/boost and the other is cut only. They affect each other a bit too. Not sure now but I think the bass is cut/boost and treble is cut only, that would make the most sense anyway
  3. 1 or 2 steps heavier won't be a problem. Maybe not go to low F#.
  4. [quote name='p58' timestamp='1397656544' post='2426137'] My EURO 5LX [/quote] Wow!
  5. Centre is not neutral for a 2eq anyway
  6. [Img]http://www.shop4cars.nl/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/5e06319eda06f020e43594a9c230972d/s/x/sx2808004-500x500.jpg" class="ipsImage" />
  7. Cheers, I agree ^_^ Sorry for the phone pictures, best I can do atm.
  8. Most cobblers will have one in the workshop, see if there is one near you.
  9. I took Ernie Ball's advice and use birchwood casey gunstock oil on the maple fretboard and neck. Then I finish the neck with gunstock wax for a silky feel. About 8 thick layers built up on the fretboard with light steelwool buffing in between for a near-laquer coating, two layers each of the oil and wax on the neck. The bass is a '96 SR5, mine for 2.5 years now.
  10. [quote name='Diablo' timestamp='1398026147' post='2429723'] Compressed air may help, at 100psi it will shift any dust but not require a week to dry afterwards! Just don't use an airline with an inline oiler in or you will have machine tool oil spots on your nice clean bass body. [/quote] This. And you can use painters tape as sticky cloth. Press it down once on a towel or some felt to make it low-tack, if required.
  11. You could easily start a topic on strap fails if you want. I have had straps come off mid-gig before I used straplocks.
  12. [quote name='EssentialTension' timestamp='1397934209' post='2428841'] I don't use Loctite or anything but I do regularly do a finger-tight check and if it's loosening then get the spanner out. [/quote] Exactly.
  13. When im pain, seek medical advice. The internet doesn't know you like your physician does.
  14. Some of the examples shown here are pretty, sure, but not exciting looking in any way. I like this one for instance, poor picture unfortunately but the quiolted maple top and transparent green lacquer really do the extreme bodyshape justice:
  15. When playing rock covers, wearing slacks and a button-down shirt is out of place. Ripped jeans and leather jackets or somesuch would be more appropriate. Try to match your looks and pose to the music you play, look the part or as close to as feasible. Edit: imnsho naturally
  16. Stacking two cabs vertically will give a better result unless you're playing arenas I think, due to acoustic coupling?
  17. Well .. no not any, I'm sorry for charging there. An operational one. Music amplifier or bass head. Preferably cheap and from the previous millennium. Like they used when playing good rock and blues music. That should do nicely!
  18. [quote name='Ziphoblat' timestamp='1396882253' post='2418330'] They're both overpriced... I don't think there'd be sense in buying either new. [/quote] Someone has to, in order for them to become available secondhand.
  19. A good alternative would be any Peavey head. Loud, warm and tight, add a preamp or pedal for overdrive though I'm not sure you'll need one.
  20. It is the meatsmoke valve preamp, not really comparable indeed. What toneshaping do you want to accomplish that is unique to the sadowsky?
  21. Ta guys! I'm not the best player but it has been the only backup for the stingray for a good while. Once you're used to the different position it is not that hard (ooer)
  22. Wear a wide sweatband and suck it up, or adjust strap to comfortable height. Acoustics are even deeper, I manage to play thrash metal on my cabbie.
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