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Everything posted by Bolo

  1. It's going to be great. Slap them on but, as we saw above that the tension on the neck is slightly lower with heavier strings, the neck my straighten out a bit over time (see below). If the strings start giving fret buzz take the bass to a local luthier or knowledgeable BC member to tweak the truss rod a little.
  2. Visualisations of kinetic energy. If you want to throw psychology in the mix you could show people on a dancefloor.
  3. Fit the strings first, to see if anything at all needs to be done. Then let it sit a day or two to see if any part needs tweaking.
  4. Failure to start the video with the fender P and J invalidates the whole thing imo.
  5. Hit the Road Jack, Smoke on the Water and Running with the Devil.
  6. Not my video. I've been using Verellen's meatsmoke preamp pedal for years. Using channel 1 as my default tone, off for clean lead/solo bits, channel 2 for anything 'are you nuts?'. Drive, eq and master volume per channel makes it the perfect tool.
  7. Why would you want a flat response setting on your amp for a non-flat response instrument? A good sounding amp (be if for bass, guitar, PA or hifi) is not ever going to be on flat settings in actual use. There would be only one real world application for it and that is calibration. If your ears won't tell you what a fairly neutral setting is, but they'll tell you what sounds good to you... That's the best we can wish for.
  8. Billy Sheehan needs to be mentioned
  9. Thank goodness I didn't have to do the ironing last night, as I was watching Alanis Morissette!
  10. I was reminded of the Golden Earring, and recent Eurovision winners Maneskin using Danelectro Longhorns.
  11. What about one of the industry standards? Maxon OD9 or or OD808?
  12. A year or two ago I flew from Amsterdam to Stansted (iirc) for a straight trade: MM SR5 for Spector euro LX5. Brought my iPad and iRig for a quick test at the gate. Departed at breakfast, home in time for dinner.
  13. People often ask me: "Bolo, I don't like you"
  14. I dated Miss Representation once, she kept pointing out everything twice!
  15. AEADG works perfectly on the basses I play/ed: MM SR5, MTD Kingston, Spector LX5, Cellar V. I know some Mayones players droptune, not sure to what note.
  16. The MXR is super clean, too clinical for my taste eventually as I sold it after a year or two. I wanted something with a little life, flavour, juice to it. Tried the Cali compact bass but didn't get on with the controls. Switched to the Compact Deluxe and that's it! Perfection.
  17. I have a Kustom defender 15h that's currently living with a friend who is building it into a vintage radio enclosure.
  18. Handforth Dean and the Retail Park Funeral bringing you the very latest in shoegaze country!
  19. I think you're too hung up on the numbers. Only 70ms or longer works? That's just really odd, more so because you apparently are not confident in your ability to hear the difference. Horses for courses I guess. For me compression is about catching the peaks and bringing them in line for fuller, steadier notes. The bass has plenty of sustain so there's no need to lift the noise floor there. Because I'm not limiting, the leading edge of the tone is not squashed at all just reined in. Fast attack and reasonably fast release for me.
  20. None. Not the Cellar or the Spector. Even the stylist cabbie isn't any worse than usual.
  21. Since Phil called for violence against Dime (weeks before the assassination) and turned into full blown KKK I'm absolutely done with that piece of scum.
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