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Everything posted by ambient

  1. [quote name='philw' timestamp='1393854920' post='2385024'] I'm with you on that. I've never quite understood why you'd want to put conventional flats on a fretless. P [/quote] I think it sounds really nice, you still get the mwah but it's just a little mellower. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-_R5_iVxZk"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-_R5_iVxZk[/url] It may be down to the bass though, Steve's is a graphite necked Modulus, my fretless has a Dyamond wood fretboard, so it's incredibly hard. Maybe with rosewood or ebony you'd lose some of the sound.
  2. I didn't realise the dark part of the bass was painted, I always thought it was some sort of darker wood facing. I'd love a Fodera, it'd have to be a 6 string Matt Garrison model. Real players basses, do get marks, not clumsy knocked about marks from drunken gigs down the pub, but swirls and finger nail wear. Ken Smith basses are very prone where the players thumb wears away the finish from resting on the body. I remember seeing photos of Stanley Clarke's brown Alembic bass. You should see my one tutors cello, where she's been playing it with a pick in a contemporary classical orchestra.
  3. I've got some Status hotwire flats on my basses. Quite nice, I wish they were a teeny little more flexible and bendy. They do sound quite nice though, not at all thuddy. Quite cheap too, £26 for a 6 string set. I'd like to try some TI flats, but I'm put off by the price (£70 for a 6 string set !!!!!!!!! ), and the B string is enormous.
  4. ambient


    Noooooooo takers ?
  5. Nice bass, these are very [i]Fodera'ish, [/i]probably what attracts me to them, seeing hiow I'd love a Fodera but can't possibly afford one .
  6. [quote name='Dingus' timestamp='1393769970' post='2384130'] I would think that Elixirs are not really likely to wear your fingerboard significantly less than uncoated rounds. The coating is so thin that it is unlikely to prevent the usual abrasion. What's more, the fact that they are stainless steel means that they are not really that suited to fretless playing, both tonally and in terms of the extra wear that steel tends to inflict on the fingerboard. If you are going to use rounds then they should at least be nickel plated because it tends to be a little kinder to the board, although nickel rounds will still wear it out eventually. Some folks think that if you use strings with smaller/ narrower windings that it wears the frets or fretless fingerboard less , but such strings are hard to find. Thomastic Jazz Rounds are nickel with smaller than average windings, but they are a very unusual light gauge and are quite expensive, but then again the Elixirs you were considering aren't cheap either, so maybe you could look at them as an option . The Thomastics are a remarkable sounding string and would be great on a fretless, providing you could live with their low tension -feel. Another option would be something like D'Addario XL's , which are relatively inexpensive, sound great and are a popular choice for a lot of fretless players, or the excellent but more costly DR Sunbeams, which are what I use on my fretless . Any of those strings would probably be more suitable than stainless steel Elixirs. [/quote] I thought Elixir strings were nickel ? I've got Status hotwire flats on mine, they sound really nice. I was put off the Thomastiks by the price and huge great B string .
  7. I have 2 balanced sets of these strings that I ordered a few weeks ago. They've just arrived today but I've already settled on a different string that I'm extremely happy with. These are totally brand new and unopened. They're 6 string sets, but you can obviously use them on 4 or 5 string basses too. The gauges are as follows - [center][b].118 .090 .067 .049 .035 .022[/b][/center] [center][color=#000000][font=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3][b].124 .094 .070 .053 .037 .026[/b][/size][/font][/color][/center] [center]£25 per set posted 1st class.[/center]
  8. Just on real instruments, not software ones ?
  9. ambient


    Bump. Very slim and narrow, easy to play 6 string. Only something like 17mm string spacing, sounds amazing, and a fantastic price too.
  10. What's wrong with it ? Ever actually tried one ? I have and they're great, I'm possibly gonna be buying one later in the year. These are extremely good quality basses, at a superb price. Check out the site [url="http://www.rmiuk.biz/News.php"]http://www.rmiuk.biz/News.php[/url] My fretless 6 has (or would have) 26 frets. Two pickups I though most basses had 2 pickups, except for P's ? A ramp, my Mayones has one. It's just an extremely good instrument for the [b][i]right[/i][/b] person, the OP, obviously isn't that person.
  11. Lots of times the insurance is a total waste of money, musical instruments are excluded items. If it's a bolt on necked bass, and you don't have a case, just a gig bag, then ship it in 2 pieces, just make sure both are wrapped well with bubble wrap and lots of cardboard.
  12. ambient


    Phew, 1,390 views, but no real interest. A sign of the times I guess, plus 6's are still a bit of a niche market.
  13. For a university project this semester, I have to write or arrange a piece of music that incorporates at least one wind instrument. I'm working on an ambient style piece of music, and I'm looking for a flautist to record, or who can record themselves if I send them a backing track. I have some ideas that I've notated. PM me if you know of anyone. Un-paid unfortunately , but possibly good experience and fun.
  14. [quote name='ML94' timestamp='1393500358' post='2381006'] I can get by with average stuff its when you start looking at Jaco, Incognito, tower of power bass lines and it makes you cry [/quote] I had to play a tower of power song last year, that was tough man. We get given a transcription of song a week to learn for a performance with guitars, drums and vocals. I think it was Funkifize .
  15. I'm looking for a flautist to help with a recording project for my university course. I need to write an arrangement (or reverse engineer an arrangement ). Basically I'm writing a piece of ambient music, and need someone to improvise something over it, if anyone's interested .
  16. ambient


    [quote name='Scott S' timestamp='1393455572' post='2380658'] ARGH! The GAS...it's burning my pretty flesh! [/quote] Just to add to it it has a fantastic neck profile, my one tutor at uni fell in love with it when he played it recently. It's very light in weight, and very eye-catching . You're welcome to try it, it's in Birmingham.
  17. It's just practice, just like you see the word ELEPHANT, you don't have to break it down into smaller pieces, you recognise it as a whole word. The more you play complex syncopated rhythms the easier you'll find it to just recognise them and play them. If you have a bar of small notes and rests, just use a pencil and divide the bar up, make the phrase smaller and work on it a bit at a time, then put it together. You'll eventually just feel it. That's my experience anyway, I'm only in year 2 of my degree, so I'm still working on stuff, and expect to always be. The average chart I have no real problem with.
  18. ambient


    [quote name='Scott S' timestamp='1393431015' post='2380230'] Any chance of posting some more fotos? [/quote] More photos as requested. [attachment=156318:p1000457m.jpg] [attachment=156319:p1000460ap.jpg] [attachment=156320:p1000461f.jpg]
  19. ambient


    Yeah will do when I get home from uni tonight 😊
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