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Everything posted by Mokl

  1. Mokl


    Not as pretty as mine, IMO
  2. Could the OP advise whether there were 2 female singers? I might have an inkling who it was if so....
  3. A lot of people say that it's in the context of a band mix that a Sadowsky really shines, but sadly I don't have one so I can't confirm that! Lots of folks love them, so perhaps the tone just isn't for you... I have regular bouts of Sadowsky GAS
  4. [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdQtYfURhTM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdQtYfURhTM[/url] I absolutely love Muzz Skilling's tone on all the early Living Color stuff! Hard to pick a favourite but I love his tone in this juicy slap groove. Even if the song is sounding a little dated now, the guys sound like they're playing out of their skin... phenomenal playing. Takes me back...
  5. I like this guys playing, and I really like his nice mid-rangey tone here. Most of the slap stuff I've seen him do leaves me rather cold tbh, but he is a heck of a fingerstyle player too, and it's that element of his playing that I like the most.
  6. One thing worth noting is that I don't think that page of the website has been changed or updated for as long as I can remember so I expect prices have gone up. I am also considering using them for some fretwork that needs doing on one of my basses and it would be useful to have a realistic price guide. I imagine that on the whole they tend to quote when people walk in with instruments, or over the phone (as they did with you). Once they have more specific details I guess they can more easily give an accurate price.
  7. Did you ever sort this out? The JZ3 paired with the Duncans in my Bacchus sounds superb, so I wonder if you have a dodgy one?
  8. Sorry to derail slightly, but is this a Walkabout combo perched on top? I was wondering whether to try running my Walkabout head at 2 Ohms, but wasn't sure if it would hold up. Have you really pushed this yet, and how has it coped? Bet it sounds great with the Celinder.
  9. [quote name='flip' post='559243' date='Aug 3 2009, 02:27 PM']I started playing bass because I was obsessed with Fugazi records, so I'd naturally give Joe Lally a higher score than Mark King.[/quote] I would as well, but that's because I do actually prefer Joe Lally's playing!
  10. I would try a little WD40 sprayed onto a cloth. That stuff can do wonders IME.
  11. I must say that having worked in music retail for far too long now, this thread comes as a breath of fresh air. We have continual problems with people displaying a complete lack of respect for our instruments and stock, thinking it's okay to abuse them as their own and then leave, never having had any intention of making a puchase. We always stress the need for our customers to try out the gear properly and do our best to make sure that they are happy with their purchase, and we are usually more than happy to allow anybody to try anything they want. A polite "would it be okay to try this?" before ripping that Rickenbacker from the display goes a long way! The one observation I would make is that I would not necessarily single out a particular age group as being more guilty of poor manners or disrespectful behaviour. In fact, in my experience it is often the older guys who come in (guys who really should know better), who will start yanking acoustics off the wall and in the process bouncing them off the Clavinova's. As a small, independent shop, you would really not believe how much this can cost us. Irritatingly we often only pick up dings and small areas of damage at the time of sale, which inevitably involves us having to throw in free stuff or reduce the price. Anwyay, let's not give the kids too hard a time. More recently I find that the younger guys and gals that frequent our shop are often very appreciative of our time and attention.
  12. Here's my Sonus. Great little bass.
  13. That's stunning Mike. It looks and sounds fantastic! I particularly liked the bridge fingerstyle tone you were getting in that vid - lovely!
  14. If you can find an original 70's Jazz that appeals to you then I would say go for it. I recently took a real gamble and bought an original '77 on ebay from a guy in the US. I was a bit nervous having heard so many bad things about poor quality build, but I had always wanted a 77 (being my year of birth - silly reason, I know). I have to say that buying that bass is probably the best musical purchase decision I've ever made - it is simply an outstanding instrument! It plays so nicely with a rich smooth sustain - the slap tone is also ludicrously great. It is reasonably light which surprised me, although it is definitely an ash body. Sure, the neck pocket is a little generous but certainly not terrible, and overall I would say it is a well put together instrument. I get no trouble at all with the 3 bolt neck, in fact I have tried moving it by pulling at the neck and it won't budge. The bass has quickly become my number one gigging and practising bass. The cool thing is that it actually cost me less than the price of Fenders US reissue and hopefully won't lose any value.
  15. Mokl


    Oddly enough I want a ramp to sit at the end of my fingerboard. I find the gap at the end of the neck too high when popping the strings so would like to reduce the height with a small ramp (there's no pickguard on the bass). Has anybody else tried this? I have a feeling it will look a bit weird, but I feel I need to do something about it on this particular instrument.
  16. [quote name='Kongo' post='500014' date='May 28 2009, 04:36 PM']+1 they go way too far with the prices! Myself I'm a bit standofish about going ahead with a USA jazz as one I played @ Reverb had a raised fret! For a bass over £1000 that's a bit much but...I'd love a Deluxe Jazz V...gah! I'm currently saving to go on a hunt for the Jazz 24 V...That's worth chasing for me and it's Korean LOL! So that's MIK? LOL![/quote] In all fairness you could get a raised fret on any instrument, no matter what the quality (I had to rectify one on my Fodera recently). You were probably unlucky to find a duffer amongst the current crop of US instruments IMO, and I would be surprised if it left the factory that way. In terms of neck shape and tone I'm not crazy about them FWIW, but having sold quite a few over the years my impression is that the quality is generally very good for the price point - certainly much more consistent than it has been for some time. The factory setups don't tend to do them any favours, but generally you can get them playing very nicely with relatively little fuss. If you like the idea of a USA Fender, then I wouldn't let the one bad experience put you off.
  17. I have the bass John built just after this one (and it's almost the same!), and I can tell you that it's a fantastic bass. The level of attention to detail on Bravewood guitars is something else, and the build quality is superb. I believe that this also has an epoxy coated board like mine? It makes a big difference to the tone. Can't believe you're selling it, but good luck!
  18. I use ASIO4ALL with Reaper on my (cr)aptop, and it makes a big difference. The latency is massively reduced, but I am thinking of getting one of those Line 6 UX1 interfaces which should do a better job.
  19. I work in the MI and unfortunatley we are seeing ENORMOUS price rises from most of our suppliers. 20 - 30 % increases in trade prices this year are about the average, some are far more.... I sh#t you not. Come to think of it, I can't think of any distributor that hasn't had to increase their prices. You may not have noticed much change in online prices, but I think this is mainly due to people trying to sell through the old stock. Believe me, you will see prices rise very soon across the board. I had one customer come back to me who ordered a Roland Bass Cube online and then latterly received a call advising him that he would have to pay nearly an extra £100 on top due to price increases. Blame the credit crunch/falling pound/ increasing cost of Chinese manufacturing blah blah blah...
  20. Big Cat, I was reading Ou7hined's post and was looking at his tracking details thinking they were yours! I've just read your last post and it looks as though your bass has been sat there for a long while. If I were you I would try and ring the main Parcelforce number (not your local depot) and see if they can do anything. It might well be sat at the airport for a few days before anything happens - I'm sure it won't be returned to the US on a priority service so you might have time to catch it. Sorry to hear your woes, it must be very frustrating. I hope you get it sorted.
  21. [quote name='big cat' post='422035' date='Feb 28 2009, 10:31 PM']OMG!!!! Parcel Force sent my bass back to USA.....They didn't write me any letter or email to inform me for the payment things in the past 20 days.....jesus [/quote] Are you sure? That doesn't make sense at all. As far as I am aware they only send the letter detailing the duty charges once the item is at your local depot. Wasn't that only on wednesday?! Have you rung the depot or are you relying on the online tracking? P.S. When you type in the usps number into the Parcelforce sight, the Parcelforce reference will show. This is what you need to quote when dealing with Parcelforce.
  22. I have literally just received a '77 Jazz Bass that I bought via ebay from the USA. It took quite a few weeks to get here, yours seems to have been fairly quick by comparison! If this helps at all I paid about £1100 for it and was charged £220 odd in duty. However, I was prepared for this! With the drop in exchange rates you really need to be careful when buying from the states otherwise you could actually end up paying more than you would for the same item in the UK (as someone has already indicated). When buying from abroad I always assume that I'll have to pay at least 22% on top of the purchase price. I have only gotten away with no charges once, and on that occasion the item was sent from Japan. I imagine it might be due to the carrier. If you haven't had the letter detailing the charges, just call or turn up at the depot with the parcel number and you can pay right away. Hope you like the bass!
  23. Yes, I think he's a wonderful player, and people can at least admire his playing even if they don't dig his music.
  24. I think it's quite surprising that there isn't more vitriol aimed at Marcus Miller, given that he plays jazz, and is most well known for his slap style. Or maybe I just missed all the negative stuff on him?!
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