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Everything posted by Roger2611

  1. I would think a mint pre Ernie Ball Stingray won't be too far off the bottom of that list either
  2. Hearing basslines and picking them up quickly will come in time, but unless you are playing in a tribute band I wouldn't worry about finding each and every note in the right place on the neck....most of the time it is virtually impossible to capture every nuance of a bassline and even after you been playing it for years you will sit down one day listen to it again and notice something you've never picked up before. If you are going to be playing in a covers band as long as you are close to and capturing the feeling of the song your adoring fans won't notice if what you play isn't a note for note copy of the original, A classic example for you....we used to cover Baggy Trousers by Madness, we have no brass section in the band, the guitarist played the brass parts on guitar...on more than one occasion we were accused of using backing tracks because how else would the brass section bits be there? Moral of the story...your audience will hear the original song in there heads as they watch you so as long as you don't dissapear off at a tangent your audience will forgive you
  3. I have gone over from a similar set up to yours to a Mark Bass LM3 a 2x10 and a 1x15 traveller cabs, not cheap but light weight and a massive sound for their size, I really can't express just how much of a positive effect it has had on me...a sound of similar quality to my old Mesa touring rig and I can carry it in and out of any venue without needing St John's ambulance on standby!
  4. You are probably too old to stand up and rap like a gangstar to your hommies other than that anything goes!
  5. Go with the cocktail dresses....on a serious note have you asked them if they realise they have booked a hard rock band and that traditionally these people don't even own that kind of clobber let alone wear it out in public!
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  7. I absolutely love my P bass lyte it's great, I have never really liked the PJ combination, looks wise, but the combination sound wise is awesome, I run the bass and treble flat and just turn the pickup balance slightly to the P pickup and off we go, the band always comment on how good it sounds. I am converted!
  8. [quote name='RhysP' timestamp='1374419920' post='2148498'] I wouldn't call it "cool" (because I'm not 15) but one of my favourites is my Vinyl copy of Talas' "Sink your teeth into that" that is signed "To Rhys from William". [/quote] Surely things can still be cool once you are over 15 years old?
  9. I guess it's my original pressing of Public Image by Public Image Ltd, nothing rare or special about it but to me cool because it was the first record I actually chose to buy rather than something my parents brought for me (Convoy by C W McCall!)
  10. PM'ed[attachment=139256:009.JPG][attachment=139257:010.JPG][attachment=139258:011.JPG][attachment=139259:012.JPG]
  11. What are you looking for trade wise? I have both a Stingray and a Status series 3000 I am looking to trade out
  12. Aaaarrrrggghhhh any colour but Tobacco burst and I would have been in the car now on my way to you! Mine is Tobacco burst....good luck with the sale...cracking bass
  13. I downloaded the Ampeg plugin from these guys a few weeks ago, Bert is correct about it being a bit of a faff actually getting it but I got there in the end. I used the plugin for the first time last night and it is a cracking bit of kit, if the Orange version is only half as good it will still be a cracking addition to your soft studio
  14. I have just taken the EB coated strings off the Stingray and replaced them with Cobalt's definitely prefer the sound and feel of the Cobalt's, I will just have to see how long they last
  15. Will do, Thanks guys, we are going to visit him tomorrow....I will pass on the collective strength....he will be back and the prime candidate for more drummer jibes only next time with a certain amount of underlying love!
  16. Hi guys, Sorry but I am a bottle of wine to the wind right now....but I thought I would share this....will probably regret it in the morning...but here goes.....my bit on the side band is the band we pushed to really succeed a few years back....ended up recording our last album at Sony's studios a week after the Spice Girls recorded there.. we never quite made it....as many bands I guess...anyway we have continued to play together over the years and played a cracking set at a local festival on Sunday which felt fantastic and just reminded me how good we actually can be....one of those special gigging days I guess. I get a text from our vocalist on Tuesday to tell me our sticks man had a massive heart attack on Tuesday, died in the ambulance but fortunately was revived. He is still with us but as the youngest member of the band by some 10 years or more it came as quite a shock to say the least. 37 years old with two very young children...Jesus... I am feeling right mortal at the moment. Anyway he is still here and I have told him we will wait until he is fit enough to play with us again...I just hope he takes me up on the promise....give your sticks man a hug for me and say a little prayer for mine. Rog
  17. I have just started swapping over to flatwounds and I really like them, I have put Fenders flats on my 79 precision and on my main gigging bass the P Lyte the strings are definitely not as bright as a new set of rounds but they are definitely not "woolly and dead" I have brought mine via RST Music on Fleabay as they were doing the Fender sets at £16.99 which was what I was paying for a decent set of rounds Give them a try you may just find they are perfect
  18. Ali McMordie from SLF came up with some cracking basslines over the years. Gotta Getaway is the link http://youtu.be/_uDLjxyZGI0
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