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Everything posted by NoRhino

  1. Tonight and next Wednesday we are auditioning two people to fill an upcoming vacancy of lead singer. The band is well established and tightly rehearsed from years of regular live work. I'm interested in your opinions on what will make these auditions go well, make the auditionees feel at ease and help us choose the right person in the end, The auditions will be in a studio and we've sent each a set list in advance plus links to live performances on tubeface. Thanks
  2. I play 4/4 on F notes ascending from 1st to the dusty end. Then I get a thumbs up from the SE. At a festival recently I did that and asked how many bass player launch into a slap frenzy during their sound check. "Every effing one of them" he smiled.
  3. I read this post and bought one of these from Amazon. Have to agree that it's perfectly comfortable and with a long sleeved shirt doesn't look cheesy at all. My next gig is a full on Black T affair so it can be as cheesy as can be and no-one will notice.
  4. No. The adverts definitely give that impression though. There are 3 marquees with one dedicated to reggae. Friday evening has rock and 1970s rock bands. Saturday is a mix of bands. My lot...Used Blues is playing on Saturday evening followed by a cracking rock band called Slyder. Met them last year and enjoyed their set. There will be acoustic players too plus a young musician competition If you live nearby it's definitely worth investigating.
  5. Are any Bass Chatters playing at StaffsFest this weekend?
  6. Are you a lefty who plays conventionally? I don't wear a watch these days but always wore it on my right wrist which is a bit anti establishment. Back to the topic of hats... I don't wear one at gigs but suddenly feel the urge to don a handsome black trilby for Saturday's gig.
  7. Been mulling this over and think that DIY is indeed the best option. That we only have ourselves to blame. And at least I'll answer my own phone calls Thanks for your input as always.
  8. Tribute band covers. Band established 8 years ago and we're looking to play better venues like town halls and small theatres. Festival gigs work well for us with a promoter but moving to indoor venues isn't working as we'd hoped. Promoter pays for hall and makes money from bar sales. Band hires PA and makes money from ticket sales. Is that normal practice?
  9. I'll post this as two open ended questions... What should a band expect a promoter to do for them? What should a promoter expect a band to do for them? I don't have an axe to grind. We've only recently started working with promoters so it's a new experience.
  10. No howls of outrage from me. That's exactly what I did. Makes no difference to sound. Plus the brakes are handy when playing on a stage with an obvious rake. I think that's the technical term for a severe slope.
  11. Spending my weekend in Sheffield at this. http://www.hrhblues.com/
  12. At the very least you should offer to pay half the cost of fuel used on the whole trip. There and back.
  13. Sorry casapete: I'm a slow reader. We were at the Glasgow show. Brilliant as always. John Conte is an immaculate bass player. I saw Little Steven a couple of years ago. Another great show, Not sure if I'll go again, although my all things New Jersey loving wife might decide otherwise.
  14. Which act has the most bands playing 'tribute' to it? I did a quick count of Quo bands today and reckon there are at least 20 in the British Isles.
  15. Several years ago I tired to book us into this very venue only to give up after one visit and three phone calls to a junior under lakky. Total waste of space. Bands pay a fee for the venue and PA but need to cover the door themselves to collect tickets and cash. Best avoided and we didn't try again. The tech set up isn't high end as others have suggested any band member could have coped in the OP's situation. This situation seems to be more than an emoyee failing to turn up for work.
  16. Thanks to everyone who responded with some good ideas that we'll try. Stored in Glasgow.
  17. We have an old PA in storage and we haven't used it for ages. Not expecting much by way of cash when we sell it but is it even worth the effort of advertising it for sale? It's Peavey Hi-sis 12 tops and Hi-sis 15 bins plus a rack mounted power amp + mixer. All too heavy for us to lug around now. Ta.
  18. er... gentle cough... It's not Burn's Night it's Burns Night. His name was Robert Burns. It is nice that he gets a mention on BC though.
  19. St. Paul & The Broken Bones. I had looked forward to this for so long but on the night found them to be pretty boring. A whole show without a change of pace. All excellent musicians and as tight as two coats of paint but apart from a trombone solo there was no highlight. A shame when a gig disappoints.
  20. Great topic. One of the bands I belong to plays a regular gig where, despite our guitarists' tiny 18W Honeyboy amps, the bar manager always wants us to turn the volume down. Our next rehearsal is intended to run through the set at very low volume to see if we can do it, which we know we can, then take those settings to the next gig at that venue. I'm looking forward to it. I played a huge PA gig with a rock band on Friday and the onstage volume from the monitors was shockingly loud. We did ask soundperson to turn them down but it was all a mush. Punters did say the FOH sound was excellent so who are we to complain?
  21. I stood beside him, shoulder to shoulder, in a queue at Stansted airport and was too shy to speak with him.
  22. Well it's definitely not a drummist is it?😊
  23. While we're in the mood .... we're bass players not bassists. (Dons tin hat and takes cover)
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