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Everything posted by Leen2112

  1. Ok I'll admit I havent read all the posts but my point is that while I mostly buy music I don't see why I have to pay twice. I spent a lot on records (remember them?) back in the day and when that all went out I started to replace my faves on CD till I found I could download them for feck all. I thought I already paid for the music so how bad can It be. I always pay for music now though.
  2. Welcome to basschat Mr Pea. Yes and thankyou It is nice here. Stick around and share your knowledge with us. Cheers Leen.
  3. Hey Rich, Wow! what a bass to come home to! beats jammin with the penguins eh? Cheers Leen.
  4. Hello again! Stay a while this time eh? It's not that bad a place...mostly! Cheers Leen.
  5. [i] [/i]Bassic, You've come to the right place.....well done. Cheers Leen.
  6. Hey JR, Welcome, or welcome back. Stick around and share your experiences and add to that impressive bass list at the marketplace! Cheers Leen.
  7. I've sold 2 basses recently and both times I used Gwizz, they were cheap and adding insurance didnt bump the price too much. Also you can choose who deliveres it, I chose UPS as they come to my work daily. Good service and cheap. It would be hard to get insurance if you are relying on somebody else packaging it.
  8. Eh up Bob, Welcome to the forum. Cheers Leen.
  9. Welcome Roger! Hey don't sweat, we're not going to throw anyone out. just mind your P's and Q's and you'll be fine. Actually, get me a support slot with Opeth and I'll make sure your fine. Cheers Leen.
  10. Hey Tom, Welcome to the forum. What are you saying???? Your writing is fine, but as for your typing.......happy hunting for an amp, you'll find something suitable here. Cheers Leen.
  11. Hello and welcome Ian. Impressive reading there, I love Geddy and Stanley and always wanted a Wal.....too picey! Post your bass for sale in the 'basses for sale' at the bottom part of the forum, I've sold 2 over the last couple of months and the folks here are a good bunch. Regale us of tales from old Ian. Cheers Leen.
  12. Welcome Ambassador! (you win) Oooooooffft!!!...........Fortress....slobber! Cheers Leen.
  13. Hey there Mr legs, Welcome to basschat. There's a few of your countrymen on this forum (don't listen to basstractor - he's from Dudley!) I dabble with a bit of fretless as I have an overwater, but i do find it hard to get a decent recording sound or maybe it's my technique? Share your experience with us and furnish this place with pictures (if it works) Cheers Leen.
  14. Welcome noob? I couldnt tell you anything useful about those cabs but if you post your questions here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/5-amps-and-cabs/"]http://basschat.co.uk/forum/5-amps-and-cabs/[/url] You might get some decent answers. Good luck. Cheers Leen.
  15. I tried loading an image from flickr but it only posts a link!.......bah! and I've got pictures of pusscats to post!
  16. Leen2112


    Groovy indeed! Welcome to Basschat Steve, Oooooo.......Jazz Is a slipery slope old chap, before you know It it'll be fusion, then fusion tech metal, then after a while you get sick of all the self indulgance and strip it all away and form a punk band. Enjoy the journey. Cheers Leen.
  17. Er....It's all been said already...... Welcome all the same! Cheers Leen.
  18. [quote name='taranasus' timestamp='1356934297' post='1915275'] Since monsieur Myung doesn't fancy making songs for 4-strings Watch more cartoons [/quote] I love Dream Theater and unless i'm mistaken johns bass on the first album was a 4string, so away and try 'A fortune in lies' Also, as well as upgrading to 5 and 6 strings last year i also got a Daughter, so the cartoons are covered
  19. Welcome Justin, Lolly-gagging, darn It! Why can't I think of those great things to say in a post! Good luck with your bass hunting, and let us know what you end up with. Cheers Leen.
  20. [quote name='BassTractor' timestamp='1356758139' post='1913304'] You'll be anxious to know what the entrance fee is. Well, as it happens, you have to send everyone some anijsneuzekes. [/quote] Welcome to the forum Mr P, Don't listen to Bert please, the entrance fee is actually the Swiss made Munz bars White ones please. Cheers Leen.
  21. [quote name='geddyfender' timestamp='1356720827' post='1912967'] Ive been playing alot of rush (Attempting) and lynard Skynryd. Any suggestions on what i should practice/play? [/quote] Welcome to Basschat Jerry, Good on you for attempting Rush, I do that sometimes when I need to remind myself that after 20 years I still can't play for sh*t. Next on your list should be Natural Science, I'll expect to see video evidence by tomorrow noon Cheers Leen.
  22. Welcome Phil, Bass collection eh? My first bass was a blue bass collection, not sure on model but it was pretty good for the money I remember. Enjoy the forum. Cheers Leen.
  23. Welcome Mark, I've got to say, my biggest reason for playing bass has to be on hearing Power Windows by Rush and I had to find out what bass he played on It, turned out to be a Wal. Way above my price range. I do have an Overwater and have met Chris and visited the workshop.....interesting place. Anyway enjoy the forum. Cheers Leen
  24. Hey Juliet, Welcome to basschat, fear not it's not all basschat here. you can shoot the sh*t in off topic if you want. Playing bass is all about the fun so keep at it and tell us tales of your gigs. Cheers Leen.
  25. My Overwater from around '83. [url="http://www.flickr.com/photos/13102298@N06/8321189915/in/photostream"]http://www.flickr.co.../in/photostream[/url] Darn It, photo uploader doesnt seem to be working again! The link does though........It is nice...honest!
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