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Everything posted by Leen2112

  1. [quote name='WHUFC BASS' timestamp='1359452587' post='1954827'] Let the music speak for itself. If you feel the need to get a bazillion views on your vid then maybe you're missing the whole point of playing music. [/quote] Again can I say we were doing fine until our singer all by his ownsome did this. This thread really is to highlight the potential pitfalls. Also being In a tech metal band means we're all about the music anyway.
  2. [quote name='gjones' timestamp='1359410608' post='1954481'] It's like buying 10,000 copies of your own single to get to No1. By the way Leen......... [b]DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT IT![/b] [/quote] We paid to get 250 copies of our EP......Is that the same?
  3. [quote name='flyfisher' timestamp='1359410429' post='1954470'] I may be missing something here, but what's the point in artificially bumping up the view count on YouTube if nobody has actually viewed it? [/quote] In our case we had a lot of views. Some say that you look more pro or you get taken more seriously if you have loads of views or likes.
  4. The story is... [color=#222222]After making our first band video we set out to promote it best we could. We sent links everywhere and posted most other places, It was great when we found It was on places we hadn't put it on ourselves, we even found It on a Japanese site. The view count was going up fairly quickly and we had around 3000 views in a short time.[/color] [color=#222222]Great until our singer mailed to say 'hey look at our views now' It was at 16,000!! [/color] [color=#222222]What he had done Is use a company called Viewbullet, you pay per 1000 of views/likes etc. Now before folk shout 'cheat' I say again, our youthful singer took it upon himself to do this. His view being similar to Lance Armstrong In the way that he felt that Other bands MUST be doing the similar as how come every other crap band has thousands of likes etc[/color] [color=#222222]Viewbullet say It is completely above board and It’s all part of some big marketing thing blah blah but that didn’t stop youtube emailing us shortly after to say we had breached terms&conditions and the video had been pulled down! They continued to say that we were allowed to re-post it.[/color] [color=#222222]It is annoying how they don’t seem to care about videos that contain bullying/racist content but That’s a whole other thread![/color] [color=#222222]We have now re-posted It and It starts from 0! No comments either and our own views all gone. Then we realise that everywhere we posted it now Is just a screen saying 'this video is not available'[/color] [color=#222222]Gutted! [/color] [color=#222222]We did actually get a refund from the company, but by then It was too late. You live and learn, but as I've been doing this stuff for 25yrs I thought I'd seen most scams.[/color] [color=#222222]Today I got an email from the company saying they had a sale on and did we want to..............![/color] [color=#222222]Thanks for listening.[/color] [color=#222222]Leen. [/color]
  5. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1359402354' post='1954285'] I'll have my thumbs back - either is good. [/quote] I'll have yer knees before you get those thumbs!
  6. Welcome Ash, The forsale threads are a slippery slope.....beware the GAS................. Cheers Leen
  7. Welcome Kev, You've come to the right place. My excuse is 'no dear, I'm just looking after those for a mate who's doing time' she now thinks I'm part of some crime syndicate! Cheers Leen
  8. Welcome Sam, Dig in, there's info in those threads. Beware the marketplace, we've lost many a good soul there! Cheers Leen.
  9. Welcome to Basschat Xray, All hail Classic rock..... Cheers Leen.
  10. Leen2112


    Welcome Romulus, You undoubtedly have a genius for a daughter! Most of us at that age go the route of guitar first before realising bass is the way. Fire away....we're waiting. Cheers Leen.
  11. Hello and welcome Wilson, Try your post here [url="http://basschat.co.uk/forum/16-bass-guitars/"]http://basschat.co.uk/forum/16-bass-guitars/[/url] Someone might know more there. Cheers Leen.
  12. Welcome Tim, Why not carry on with a 6 string bass? There is no going back by the way Cheers Leen.
  13. Yawn.......oh hold on.....sigh, if only I could be bothered to welcome you. But, well you know.....I just don't have the time. Otherwise i would tell of how there is a mine of good information here. Enjoy the forum and dodgy banter. Cheers Leen.
  14. Leen2112


    Welcome Lamont, Straight up, Ibanez rocks.....and so do Bill and Ted! Enjoy The forum. Cheers Leen.
  15. [quote name='jaydentaku' timestamp='1358771891' post='1944630'] hello nut job. welcome. [/quote]
  16. Orite Billy, Guid tae hear fae you. Canny mak oot whit yer oan aboot, but hey Ho. Ah think yer aifter a 5 string eh? There's bound tae be sommit roond here Ye like....ken. Cheers Leen
  17. [quote name='White Cloud' timestamp='1358681863' post='1943131'] My choice would be either the Musicman or the Ibanez SR1205, the Ibanez will do everything the Warwick will do and is lighter and has a more consistant neck. The spec, sound, playability & build quality is outstanding. [/quote] Hear Hear!
  18. Realised years ago that after a few I can't feel my fingers, which is annoying as after a few I really think I'm ace on the bass!!
  19. [quote name='Dave Vader' timestamp='1358715267' post='1944014'] I learned everything I know about bass from Craig Logan (google him kids ) [/quote] he was from my neck of the woods too! No google needed!
  20. I'd like to say I've taken a load from the likes of Geddy Lee etc but my playing doesnt have much to do with them. However, I saw, years ago a guy called Fred T Baker at a folk gig playing bass through a whole raft of effects and hitting 3 or 4 harmonics at a time and having them ring out, he would fade them in and out with the volume and It was the most beautiful sounds I had ever heard! I now have a pile of effects and now and again throw in some tasty harmonics. Also sometimes....very rarely I do a bit of tapping.....thanks to one hell of a bass solo by Stu Hamm on a Satriani tour where he played the theme to star trek! Awesome.
  21. It must be you, coz I can't fathom what in hell's name your on about.......sorry.
  22. I thought It was just me thats weird when It comes to sound. I spent ages creating patches on my pod to use, then when i got a new bass I started from scratch and created new patches which now sound just like the old ones......
  23. Welcome to basschat Mr Starter, Will It be another 20 years till your next post? As for wisdom and experience I have none but In the book I'm reading by Kenny werner he says 'there are no wrong notes' so aparently you can play whatever you want as long as you make It look like you meant It! My band mates don't take too kindly to this, but try It, If It's good enough for Kenny........ Cheers Leen.
  24. Welcome to basschat 'D' ? You never know, your dream bass might just pop up for sale in these very pages eh or http://www.soundslive.co.uk/product~name~Yamaha-TRB5PII-Bass-Guitar~ID~2922.asp [url="http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/10227-yamaha-trb5pii-bubinga.html"]http://www.dolphinmusic.co.uk/product/10227-yamaha-trb5pii-bubinga.html[/url] Bit Pricey though!
  25. Great choice! When the upload thing is working again start a thread in the porn section, I'd love to see it!
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