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Everything posted by BassMunkee

  1. [quote name='BigRedX' post='340742' date='Nov 29 2008, 08:15 PM']Fast forward to 2000. From the SugarBox skin-Tight video: [/quote] I love this picture.
  2. I picked up Solitude Aeturnus - Alone, which I like very much.
  3. Probably not a good idea. You would probably be way to nervous to give a good account of yourself anyway, and unless you have a reached a level of celebrity whereby you can legitimately walk up to an an established band and ask them, you'll have to wait until someone asks you.
  4. Damn f*cking +1 A+ to everyone involved, my belief in human nature is not good in general, but you lot have done a lot to restore it (at least partially)! It's very cool seeing people band together to get something wrong, righted. You should all feel very proud of yourselves, that's f*cking cool.
  5. [quote name='bilbo230763' post='339799' date='Nov 28 2008, 04:18 PM']My and Golly (as I call him) go back a long way. Apparently he hates me forever. He hasn't seen me for ages [/quote] LOL - don't be cruel, give the poor little chap his ring back! Our bunny would have those carrots soon as winking...!
  6. Remember that you are never allowed to sell this bass - ever!!
  7. [quote]It's hard to make a living from music. Life is not fair. Somewhere a bear wanders into the woods.[/quote] Snigger. You are on a cold and lonely path in The Misty Mountains. You go East. Gollum appears. "What has it got in it's pockets?" You go North.
  8. Assuming it ever actually turns up I should soon(ish) be the proud owner of an ICB-200EX, which I am rather excited about.
  9. [quote]It played beautifully and had such a wide range of tones available as each of the humbuckers was coil tapped. I owned it for a couple of years but then sold it on and replaced it with a Yamaha BB414 of all things. I've seen posts on a couple of forums with a link to my photo on the Ibanez register asking anyone with information to the whereabouts of a similar bass to come forward. I really regret selling this bass as I realise that the chances of finding another are almost impossible. I can't believe I let it go...pass the kleenex[/quote] After looking at that bass guitar I would like some kleenex as well - but not because I'm crying... :wub:
  10. To be honest, for £250 you could get yourself a thoroughly decent spanky new bass...
  11. I pick up the bass, select a setting, and play. and then I play some more.
  12. [quote]I did a great jazz gig on Wednesday and had to drive the singer there ...edited for space... How we feel about what we do is determined by a range of factors and being either pro or semi pro is actually only a tiny part of that.[/quote] Wow.
  13. [quote]I know I've tried to address this with you before ARGH, but in my opinion, if you speak to people in real life the way you do to people on here, I'm not surprised to see you don't get regular happy gigs. Remember that thread about how you couldn't get a decent originals band? I actually liked and on the whole agreed with your first post on this thread - for me. I have never had the desire to be a full time muso because I'm too selfish in that I only want to play what I'm happy playing. That is a generalisation, as we currently play stuff in my current band I'm not keen on, but it's all about working in a team and understanding everyone's likes and dislikes, even the punters. If I had my way fully, we'd be playing 20 minute slow groove Issac Hayes style self indulgent over produced funky soul. I can't imagine there's too much of a market for that all night long. What I mean is, I wouldn't be happy sessioning on stuff I didn't feel happy playing, so I never went pro. I couldn't play "just for the cash". However, flaming people such as Ped and Jakesbass for having a different opinion is a bit too far out of order IMO. I do know some guys who are pros on such things as the cabaret circuit and as far as I know, they are happy playing Mustang Sally etc. I wouldn't be, but they are. You cannot force the world to think like you. You can voice your opinion though. Sorry mate, not trying to start a war, just wondering why you put up "shock" posts and then get really abusive with those who try and take you up on your comments.[/quote] +1 on this. I thought there was a certain amount in what you said that was undoubtedly true in a blunt and "un-sugared" way, but a lot of the rest just came across as unnecessraily negative and aggressive. Again I have no intention of starting, or being in, a flame war - but seriously dude, you need to chill.
  14. [quote]proper bassists dont use picks practice more with your fingers maybe[/quote] /YAWN. +1 for the constructive comment though...
  15. If I play my bass without headphones I have to shut the dining room door or it scares our Bunny Rabbit. (who lives in the dining room).
  16. [quote]a typical Mr & Mrs Clarky evening ends up with me noodling in bed while she reads for a bit[/quote] Snigger. You need to learn a new technique mate!
  17. Marshall Reflector. Brilliant.
  18. I MUST have done more than 250 posts by now...!!
  19. Actually - and I never thought I would say this... the ones that are like Steinbergers or that Hohner(?) with the smaller bodis look ok, more balanced. That one in the photo on the previous page is a bag of w*nk though.
  20. I would really recommend Zoom pedals. I have a 607II and a 708II - (purchased from Wooks on here) - and have found both to be excellent, the latter particularly.
  21. [quote]I played a neckless bass once. Complete and utter waste of time and it looked RIDICULOUS.[/quote] ?
  22. F*kin Chr1st On A Byke there's some serious techno-gash about. It does indubitably [sp. can't be 4rsed] sound like you're having a quick one off the wrist, tho. I always thought it was a rubbish descriptor. Whereas of course Pile Of Unwanted Waste is a rubbish descriptor. Ho ho...sorry.
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