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Everything posted by BassMunkee

  1. [quote name='OldGit' post='298560' date='Oct 3 2008, 01:23 PM']I don't ...[/quote] Our survey says - FAIL on the spot the deliberately elaborate misspelling of a previously mentioned name written in the context of the OPs reply to me about not knowing said basserists - (see what I did there?) - identity.
  2. +1 on keeping this under control. Seriously, this is such a well run forum - (and I'm not being cheesy or sarcastic) Nice work all. Yay!
  3. LOL - you'll regret that now...! But thank you mate, it's always nice when someone is appreciative. Yeah I use Sonar, best money I spent - it's brilliant.
  4. [quote]A favourite of mine at the time was Paul Gardner of Tubeway Army. "My Shadow In Vain" was the first bassline I learnt. Okay, so its only open E then E at 12th fret - but how encouraging is that for a beginner. Twenty seven years on and I'm now able to add a third note into my riffs![/quote] Tubeway Army are funking excellent.
  5. [quote]QUOTE (BassMunkee @ Oct 3 2008, 10:07 AM) Humourous post fail. Reference to some earlier post about Carole Kayes validation of certain tracks recorded. Another Bassist you have not heard about..? Nothing wrong with that. Garry[/quote] Chill out. I meant you made a humourous post and it failed. And yes, actually, I do know who Carole Kiegh is...
  6. [quote]You won't find ANY disagreement from this corner! I've seen Bauhaus and Sisters Of Mercy recently, David Jay was great live, unfortunately Sisters Of Mercy had programmed basslines for most songs - I'd have jumped up and played 'em for just a couple of pints in payment.[/quote] I would have fought you for that opportunity. Though I would rather have been playing with them in the early 1980s...
  7. [lotus position] OMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM [/lotus position]
  8. Craig Adams was/is an excellent bassist imho - what a sound.
  9. This: [url="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zd5YEbY4OUo"]http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=zd5YEbY4OUo[/url] And if anyone disagrees with me I will challenge them to a fight. And that goes for anyone dissing Budgie as well. So there.
  10. [quote]Hi all! I find a lot of these kinda threads interesting. I like to see what people have to say about other peoples playing techniques. Though, having been on the forum since the BassWorld days, I have always noticed a bit of a negative knee jerk reaction to posted videos that feature speed or the more 'dextrous techniques'. Now, I'm not saying that people can't have an opinion, but I sometimes can't help feeling that us Bass Players can be a bit..well.. set in our ways a bit? Tunnel visioned? Less willing to accept 'unnorthodox' playing techniques etc? I agree with OutToPlayJazz, in that I find the video interesting in that the guy is using a technique usually employed on a different instrument to great effectiveness. It might not be the tightest or cleanest, but it shows what you *could* do to make a song or piece of music interesting. I'm gonna try it myself. As for being the fastest.. well... As someone said above.. I dont think it can be quantified.. comparing playing styles for speed is like comparing apples and oranges.[/quote] That is without a doubt the single most even-handed and equanimical post I have ever read. I feel all calm and charitably disposed to other people's points of view. You aren't a diplomat are you?
  11. Hello, Yes, Zoom do a number of different low-cost digital recorders - I have an MRS-4b which is the 4 track version, it doesn't have an audio per se, but saves to SD card and has software you use on the PC to convert the files to WAV format, then you can use Audacity or some such for anything you need, I used to use it a lot and found it excellent value for money, easy to use and very well featured for it's price. Now I use Cakewalk Sonar Powerstudio 660 - the firewire version, which if you can stretch to £250(ish) is I would say the way forward for sure, you'll need a decent PC though...
  12. [quote]I've a fiver in my pocket that says most of us in these parts would mix the bass too high[/quote] +1 Same as a guitard would zap the guitar up, a drummer the drums, etc... That's why you need a producer...
  13. [quote]The original was done AFAIK with Rodger playing a Rickenbacker and Dave playing a Precision.[/quote] I thought the original was done with both of them hating each other...?
  14. Me. Or if you want something good - try anything by a band called Rothko, or Cocteau Twins, Chris Wolstenhome [sp] uses some pretty funky stuff too.
  15. [quote]you could always play lefty, but buy righty and string it upside down, a la cobain and hendrix et al...you get to keep your dexterity, and get the choice of basses (but upside down!) so could be a win-win?[/quote] Although not exactly like them, as you would have to choke on your own vomit or shoot yourself in the face...
  16. [quote]QUOTE (yorick @ Oct 1 2008, 12:14 PM) Seen yer band, and you ain't.!!!! Damn it. Where did you see my band?[/quote] Briefly, on account of you being so quick and all.
  17. [quote]I'd be more interested to see the fastest tuba player in the world... Alex[/quote] The more I think about that, the funnier it is...
  18. [quote]BassMunkee, enlighten me, what is the blast beat? I may have heard the term before but I'm not sure what it is.[/quote] I was slightly inaccurate to be honest because Mick Harris did a lot move it's development on and such but it actually truly originated in the 70s with it's original use in Rawk by Dave Lombardo. Well it's basically very fast drumming using alternating or indeed coincidental drum beats, kinda mostly on the kick and snare with lots of ride as well. There's a big diversity of patterns and timings and indeed method as well used in it, anything up to about 300 or so bpm... I'll check up Wikipedia to see how accurate I'm being!
  19. [quote]I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with playing fast or wanting to play fast, but few people put the time in to have clean and efficient technique with good tone. Even fewer do something musical with such technique.[/quote] That's very true - Take Napalm Death for example, Mick Harris is an amazing drummer, arguably the inventor of the Blast Beat, etc. He's proof that there is a big difference between simply beating the sh!t out the drums and cymbals as fast as you can, and actually being able to do - (as in his case) - and still retain, rythm, phrasing, a proper technique, etc. Anyone can make a noise, it's just a lot less people can make a noise WELL.
  20. I do think "chops" is a great word though, and conincidentally I had one last night for my dinner, and jolly nice it was too.
  21. [quote]I think you have arrived in the wrong thread......The Assassinate Jeff Berlin Thread is Here[/quote] JEFF Berlin? Dammit! I thought it was Irving Berlin...
  22. [quote]On a serious note I'm quite a fast player (not stupidly to try to impress at my speed) and I find it very hard to play slow stuff ie anything below 120BPM, is that odd or is it just because of the type of music I usually practice?[/quote] That's actually an interesting point... I'v been anywhere from 80 to 215/220, and I've always been of the opinion that it's harder to play slower than it is to play the same thing faster.
  23. [quote]QUOTE (BassMunkee @ Sep 29 2008, 02:26 PM) It's terrible, I shall have a stern word with myself when I get home, and spend the rest of the evening mastering some funky chops and jazz/blues motifs just to make up for my obvious shortcomings in the the "Not Liking All The Staple Bass Players And\Or Bass Standards." department. You see....just what i mean... Abe can rock out with the best of them... [ Famous for his pumping 8 grooves ] Carry on the good work in the Bedroom...with your Jazz / blues motifs... Garry[/quote] I would like to point out that I don't know who he is, and I've never actually heard of him - but I've never considered a lack of information to be an obstacle to the random trolling of threads... ...I only replied anyway because I was amused at the "How can you be a bassist and not like X" comment, but I'm not really interested...
  24. How about some chess pieces...?
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