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Everything posted by BassMunkee

  1. I don't see that it's a question of converting. I don't get where all this ring-fencing comes in. I'm primarily a bassist but I'll quite happily pick up a guitar and batter away on that (badly) for a bit if that's what needs to be done, or play the keys. My bandmate can play pretty much anything anyway. There seems to be this kind of self-fulfilling thing about guitarists/bassists...
  2. [quote]on another note, shouldn't this really be in gear porn? ive noticed a few threads creeping into the gear: basses section that should really be in gear porn.[/quote] Probably. I am more than happy to pix of it all over the shop to be honest... I'll stick some in there later.
  3. [quote]The most cutting thing anyone has ever said about my bass playing is - 'you are playing like a guitarist'. It is a true insult to a bass player and if you explain this to guitarist they get all confused.[/quote] I fail to see why that's insulting...?
  4. [quote]Who the f*** are Rage Against The Machine anyway? They're hardly bringing the system down from within! I couldn't even name one of their songs. The only reason I've heard of them is that I've seen them on the T-Shirts worn by spotty 14 year old geeks who wear nhs glasses and are into Games Workshop. Its probably that horrible shouty music all about goblins, crows and shitting in a nuns mouth.[/quote] Blimey, and to think that I took you off ignore for that! I used them as an example because they are (still) thought of by many people as "subversive", doesn't mean I agree with that, it's just an example to illustrate a point.
  5. Altruism is all very well but ultimately doomed to failure if taken in isolation. Human beings will compete for territory, resources, recognition, fame, wealth, power because by-and-large that's how we work, and all of us compete to a greater or lesser extent. In any given social heirachy the less-well-off will push for cooperation because they do not have the recsources available to them to facilitate competition. The more-well-off will advocate competition but will have the luxury of being able to suggest and target cooperation as and when they see fit. A healthy, competitive society will encourage cooperation and will grow and thrive, a wholly cooperative society will wither and die. That last sentance is as idealistically naive as the assumption that a state of competitive-less anarchy will lead to some kind of societal nirvana, however I believe to an extent that it's true. Money and resources are what power a society, regardless of the politics, without money politics would not exist because in order to run a country regardless of whether you're a dictatorship, a democracy, or a communist state, you need to pay for things, or you need to aquire wealth as a symbol of power. Unless the flow of money is distributed perfectly evenly through the system - (which would never happen) - some people will end up richer than others, they will have more power because they have money. A society where everyone is equal will never happen because people, given half a chance, will climb over each to get what they want and to get where they want. Philanthropists and those individuals who perform great works of social change are feted precisely because they are the exceptions that prove the rule. Despite our noble intentions and laudable idealism, we are still just apes, and like any other member of the animal kingdom we will cooperate and be charitable when it suits us and when we have the luxury so to do, other than that we will go for what we want, when we want it, you may not like it but it's true. If you can accept that framework and work within it, then you can facilitate change. Very simply put; it's the difference between villifying Rage Against The Machine for selling out, and acknowledging that to influence the system, they must be a part of the system, and that ironically there is an inevitability to your becoming a part of it once you reach a threshold. You can either be outside railing impotently at the injustices that you see, or you can be inside with influence, and yes, money and power - but the power to effect change. You'll still be just an ape, though. A clever one, but an ape nonetheless.
  6. [quote]Nice one - I take it you're in a jazz fusion band ?![/quote] LOL Ambient Post-Rock actually, but my bandmate does want to include some jazzy bits...
  7. Here's my latest, an ICB200 EX:
  8. Here it is: It plays and sounds Beautiful. Really amazing - I have never had an active bass before, so it's a revelation. The only thing I have noticed is a small imperfection in the finish on the headstock - it's very small and given the amount of time it's taken to get the damn thing, I think I might just dial down my quality filter... ...but other than than that, could not be happier.
  9. The last bassline I learnt was last about 11pm last wednesday.
  10. I find my Civic Type R - ('04 plate, not one of the crappy new ones) - to be extremely good. Not only has it got loads of space, but you can get where you're going - (where legal) - at lightspeed.
  11. [quote]Yeah, I thought about what I'd typed after I'd posted it. I just couldn't be bothered to change it. I thought I'd wait for some clever dick to come along and pick holes in it.[/quote] Glad to have been of assistance!
  12. [quote]Or I might just give them some sheet music instead.[/quote] I can't read sheet music.
  13. [quote]You do know you've posted the photos back-to-front though don't you?[/quote] snigger
  14. [quote]It seems like most people in this thread agree that there's a time and a place for slap bass - noone's trying to force anyone else to stop and noone's trying to force people who don't like it to listen to it.[/quote] By and large that seems to be the consensus - which is as it should be.
  15. It has it's place - for instance Tony Pettit plays a particularly good delayed slap bass line on "Psychonaut", oh yeah and Level 42's music is pretty much wholly based around slap bass, so it fits - you might not like it, and I don't, but it works. Context is everything.
  16. Try this one: [url="http://www.rolandus.com/products/productdetails.aspx?ObjectId=970&ParentId=114"]http://www.rolandus.com/products/productde...mp;ParentId=114[/url]
  17. [quote name='BigRedX' post='340793' date='Nov 29 2008, 09:31 PM'][url="http://www.cc.rim.or.jp/~tune/index.html"]The current Tune Japan website[/url][/quote] Sorry, I really don't mean to appear as if I am following you around, but I just clicked on the link and the bass pictured on the index page is fekkin gorgeous. Once again, sorry - I'm not a stalker...!
  18. [quote name='EssentialTension' post='340727' date='Nov 29 2008, 07:38 PM']Ha Ha - very good. As it happens, I did quite like the Communards but I have to say I am not of their persuasion. I hope I am not protesting too much. [/quote] LOL - "'Ere, 'e's a bit of a communard 'e is..."
  19. Cakewalk so one - compatible with Vista straight out the box. I have the Firewire version which I would highly recommend. But their USB version is supposedly excellent as well.
  20. [quote name='BigRedX' post='340799' date='Nov 29 2008, 09:35 PM']Don't know... Maybe because IMO he nicked all his best ideas from Ultravox and The Human League? ;-0 Although his current live bassist is a [url="http://www.gusguitars.com/news.php?news_id=16"]Gus user[/url] too.[/quote] LOL - fair enough. Tasty looking guitars though - very Manga.
  21. [quote name='BigRedX' post='340779' date='Nov 29 2008, 09:19 PM']You'll might enjoy the whole video then:[/quote] Yup - you're right. Excellent stuff mate - I love it. Why are you not in Gary Numan's backing band?!
  22. [quote name='Tinman' post='340574' date='Nov 29 2008, 04:19 PM'] Now that is the funniest thing I've [b][size=6]heard[/size][/b] in ages[/quote] Please can I have whatever software you use that converts this forum to sound...?
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