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Everything posted by Maude

  1. Yeah, my two grumbles are very minor compared to the fun and enjoyment I get out of the band. I have absolutely no issues in my other band, such a joy.
  2. My number one annoyance is guitarist and drummer not being able to keep quiet at rehearsals. If we're working out new stuff, how the hell do I communicate with anyone if you pair of feckwits insist on playing random riffs and fills. The only other thing is placing the singers microphone dead centre on the stage area. Sounds wierd but there's three of us across the front all playing guitars, I have to stand to the singers left at the guitarists request as, for some reason, he can't cope if he's that side. If the singers mic is dead centre on a small stage that means his headstock is over in my area so I'll just stand behind the PA speaker then shall I. If we all take a step to our right then we'll all fit, but they just don't get it. Then they comment that in most pictures or video I'm obscured from vision. It's a small stage tonight (The Thistle in Plymouth if anyone's that way and bored ) so we'll see if they've worked it out yet.
  3. I just use rechargeables. I only have one active bass and two rechargeable batteries, every couple of months I'll swap the battery over and put the one that came out on charge. The charger and a pair of batteries is only the price of three or four decent 'normal' batteries. Some people say the rechargeables don't last as long on a single charge as a standard battery but, erm, well they're rechargeable so who cares.
  4. I was going to say mint, but I didn't have a picture to show you. And then Discreet came along and proved the point.
  5. I have one of those Epiphone's in the 'Worn Vintage Sunburst'. I love it. Although it confuses me that it's called a 'Dot' when it doesn't have dots.
  6. I'd like to think the music industry is an area where you would encounter less intolerance to gender, sexuality, race, colour, whatever differences folks might have than a lot of other areas. Music has brought together all manner of different folks and pushed the boundaries and lead the way as far as all these issues are concerned. A lot of the time being a positive driving force in a negative era. I probably haven't quite explained myself well, maybe not using the correct terminology but hopefully you get my meaning.
  7. This is another long term band I'm currently in. All acoustic instruments doing wide ranging covers in our own style. Great fun and a total change from the Mod band I'm in. We haven't gigged for about a month now but I'll start this thread with older pics and update with new ones in the future. This was from a gig at The Eden Project, ooh la de daa . Are you ready for your close up? This one is a regular gig at The Blue Anchor, Helston. Brilliant pub and if you're down that way well worth a visit. This is our singer and guitar/mandolinist grabbing a selfie at a private event. We may be acoustic but we get the crowd going And a couple from local pub gigs.
  8. Didn't know this sub group existed This is the Mod/Northern Soul/Ska band that I'm in. Mainly covers but throw in a handful of originals as well. This photo is from our last gig, a private event at HMS Drake in Plymouth two weeks ago. As it's my first post here I'll indulge myself and post a couple of older piccies as well. A superb charity weekend (Rockfest) with around 50 bands over two days. March Of The Mods in Torquay. Wheelers nightclub, Torpoint. And an arty fatty cartooney one Sadly tonight's gig in Exmouth went down the pan as we rang to see if they were OK with the use of a hazer, and after not being able to contact them, did a little digging and found out the venue has shut down. Thanks for letting us know! It would have been a 150 mile round trip to discover they were closed. Nevermind, onwards and and upwards
  9. I bought some confectionary described as mint, every single one had a bloody hole in it!
  10. I'm not familiar with the band or Caleb but have just seen a report on the circumstances. What a terrible thing to happen.
  11. I love my Variax though an X3 Live as I can get pretty much any sound for any situation I could ever need. It plays well and looks amazing, since I reworked it, and it's a one off now. Amp wise I don't really care about my sound as long as I can hear myself. I always go through the PA with a floor monitor. No point taking an amp just for my own pleasure, the sound out front is what matters.
  12. With one band yes, no problem. With the other band, no I couldn't. I play doublebass in that band. Too be fair I could play the set on a Squier but it just wouldn't sound right, especially when sliding.
  13. See, if he's rectified any issues and given them a set up then it's fair enough to make an honest profit. His answer to your question is an outright lie though and is deceitful, which doesn't sit well with me.
  14. When was after a Yamaha Bex4 it seemed all anyone had bought were the trans orange or blue. I'm so glad I hung on until a tobacco burst one came up for sale. I've seen plenty of blue and orange but you don't see the burst one very often. Isn't it a beaut!
  15. Too true! Good job I've only spent fifty quid on gear so far.
  16. I used a BBG5s exclusively for years. It was my only bass, bought from new from Mansons in Plymouth, and I didn't feel I needed anything else. Loved it. I'm back on four strings again now and it's been in its case for years but I can't bring myself to sell it. Mad really.
  17. There is an earlier version with a different input/output side panel. The different coloured fronts are just vinyl covered MDF.
  18. Although you have a hole in the cone, the displaced cone material will still be attached, just pushed out the back, rather than an actual piece punched out, if you see what I mean. Push these pieces back into place with a finger on either side of the cone, hopefully the hole will virtually dissappear. You can then reinforce with the above method.
  19. Whizz all the lacquer off, give it a good rub down with beeswax and mineral oil, stick some little rubber pads on front and chop yer cheese uo on the back. Works best with a slab body.
  20. Have to agree, the band are always great. Slightly OT, but on one episode a couple of weeks ago, between singers the camera slowly panned up a bass guitar on a stand to reveal a Gear4Music logo. Very sly advertising, or was the bassist using it? You decide
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