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Everything posted by uk_lefty

  1. Chris replied to my basswah wanted ad within a day and gave me a great deal on a Dunlop bass cry baby, posted exceptionally quickly. Trade confidently with this top member!
  2. There is a trend in the last few years on eBay of not necessarily the worst type of scammer but everyone trying it on with "oooh this is slightly worn, can you knock a tenner (or more) off??" particularly on items that would be a pain to repost back. Sold a bass to a guy who lived in a city I once lived in... He claimed an electrics problem and said he'd been quoted twenty five quid for repair on his eighty quid knackered bass... I said fine, I'll call the shop and sort it because I used to live nearby and was a regular there. He backed down immediately...
  3. I see what you mean. I have four basses and am not allowed any more... Having said that I've made good investments in my basses by buying at good prices and having potential to sell on should I need to. My P bass does everything I need to in my band but I long for the days of us I my fretless all the time. Thing is, if you get basses that you love playing and they may hold or increase their value (and we don't have to be talking five grand Wals here) it's better than keeping your money in the bank. I sold a German Warwick for five hundred quid in 2010 - kicking myself now.
  4. My drummer tells me I am a "busy" bassist and he enjoys that because we push each other in to fills and stops. My singer says I drive the songs well and appreciates that every time I play something that doesn't have a simple riff it's going to come out differently. If I try to play the same baselines isolated at home then they aren't very melodic or musical but in the room with my band they somehow work.
  5. [quote name='blue' timestamp='1464392504' post='3059237'] 1.When someone asks you to do something say yes. You might not like it but say yes anyway. [/quote] Yes!! Songs I hate listening to have been fun to play with the right band. Anyone remember "foundations" by the irritating mockney Kate Nash? Good fun to play in one short lived band. Honestly.
  6. Went for 320. We are a desparate bunch, us lefties. It wasn't me.
  7. [quote name='Dropzone' timestamp='1467190111' post='3081714'] There has been quite a lot of hate for Janes addication, however, I suppose it is because they are not "metal", I caught the start and tail end of their set and thought it sounded great. [/quote] They had a really small crowd, which was a crying shame as I thought they were amazing. I only have one album of theirs so not familiar with all the songs but they put on a great show, including dancers, and sounded awesome. Most of the crowd were setting up their deckchairs to sit and wait for Maiden straight after.
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  9. Been fired once for wanting the covers band with two good female singers to focus on the 80s ballads they were brilliant at singing... But the guitarist wanted to play five or six stereophonics songs. I recently mutually agreed to fire a drummer. He was an ok drummer but we couldn't get on with him personally. He also suggested our talking heads/ police/ Elvis Costello covers band should play Robbie Williams "let me entertain you". We were giving him a chance on the being a bit of a tw@t front but that was the final straw.
  10. No doubt left handed not produced :'(
  11. Hmmmmm have had hot weather play havoc with the tuning on my jazz bass but with regards tone I don't have this problem with any of my basses. Did anything else change, like had you cleaned the strings in between playing etc?
  12. There was a Harley Benton resonator bass for a while, not sure if it's still available
  13. [quote name='Painy' timestamp='1466190346' post='3074060'] Search Ebay for Caline Power Supply. Only £18.99 currently on there and I've been using mine for about a year now with no problems at all. Has to come from China so might take a couple of weeks but if you can cope with that then I couldn't recommend it any more highly. [/quote] I use this and so does my guitarist. Does the job and didn't cost silly amounts.
  14. I have been round the houses with having loads of individual effects, multi-effect pedals... and now I'm trying to be sensible. Being sensible means selling off pedals I don't use (Micro Q-Tron being one) in my band and focussing on key sounds that are useful and work in the band scenario. I now want to make the most out of what I have got but make some decisions on pedal order based off the greater experience of other effects users... My current set up is as follows: Harley Benton Tuner/ Mute > Hartke Bass Attack VXL > Boss Flanger > Mooer Fuzz/ OD > Boss LMB-3 Limiter Enhancer... The tuner is fine, doing its job, no issues. Bass Attack - great for getting my clanky P-Bass tone that i like out of any amp i set flat and go in to. Not getting much from it in terms of OD though and finding it hard to find a good sound for my Hohner headless which comes out for a few songs in the set. Overall I want to keep it in the chain for making sure I get my sound when using festival backlines, PA and rehearsal room gear. Should this be at the front of my chain or nearer the back? Boss Flanger - provides a nice swirly sound on a few songs, I like it, its staying. But where in the chain should it sit? Would this clash with a chorus (thinking of getting one again) Mooer Thunderball - does its job ok, I'm not a distortion freak so it gets used sparingly. Felt this was best off after the tone shaping and Flanger? LMB-3 - a real quandary on this one. It works great at home but needs more work at volume in rehearsal room. I feel i need it to even out the sound between my P-Bass and my headless (which gets slapped a little) but I find it often "softens" the sound and can mess up volume. Really stuck with whether to keep it at all. Also, should this go at the front of the chain or the back? Does the VXL make this redundant?
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  16. Thanks for all comments. I have played it and felt the weight, its very good but not amazing, however for its price point and with a bit of tlc it could be excellent. I am mainly interested in value because it firstly makes a good persuasive point to the wife and secondly I may profit from selling it quickly or need to turn out some other basses to recover the cost.
  17. [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1465938222' post='3072348'] I`ve had two - one weighed 10.5lbs, the other was about 8.0lbs, so they`re not all heavy. I really liked mine, great sounds, but ultimately I couldn`t replicate the sound with any other Precision - must have been the ash body - so I moved them on for alder-bodied Precisiosn so I couldreplicate the sound pretty easily with rented/borrowed gear if necessary. [/quote] Good point... How will I know whether the body is alder or ash?
  18. Simple question, was 1978 "a good year" for Fender Precision basses? I may have the chance to get one for a not so silly price but just wondering how these are viewed as either investment pieces or playable qualities? Of course I will go and try before I buy, but perception of others can drive cost of I was deciding to sell on after a while Thank you
  19. Great to play bass on, very difficult to sing!
  20. [quote name='Hobbayne' timestamp='1465247835' post='3066551'] How can you make Sweet Home Alabama more interesting?? [/quote] Going to play it with my bass round behind my back tonight... Seriously, I play some p!ss easy songs, our last rehearsal felt stale even though I've not been with the band long, it's easy songs and they've played them for four years together. So we can add more and more songs but also really fine tune some of the performance aspects such as how we transition from one song to another or ensure each player gets a slot to flourish, change up the rhythm and breaks in songs... We all try to add a bit of spontenaity but sometimes it's hard to recapture!
  21. Schaller lightweight chrome machine heads that came fitted to my jazz by the previous owner. Nothing wrong with them, just not quite the traditional fender look. These are made for a left handed bass or reverse headstock, etc. After some digging it seems that trying to undo these and rebuild for a right handed bass (as I have done with original fender style tuners before) is not recommended by Schaller.
  22. [quote name='chris_b' timestamp='1465035892' post='3064810'] What does "old but massive" mean? If an option is to link this with your gear then I guess it's a combo. A marquee is basically an outdoor gig. There are no reflecting surfaces so the bass will get "lost" and, as you know, your bass will need help. The first option I'd check out, is the PA is good enough to DI the bass. If it is then problem fixed. If it's not then checkout the Peavey and daisy chain the two combos. You're combo can take an extension cab. IMO bass always sounds better with more speakers even when being run at ordinary gig volumes, so I'd suggest getting the extra cab. [/quote] "Old but massive" is all I know about the Peavey. From my experience of old peaveys it will be loud at least... Thanks for the advice, def considering the extra cab for more presence.
  23. Thanks. Peavey is coming to next rehearsal so it will get a thorough pushing. I'll ask about the PA too, hope its got big bass speakers...
  24. Forty quid, decent envelope filter in great condition with box and Velcro. Unused and not likely to be used in the current band so up for grabs. PM me if interested
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