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Everything posted by SICbass

  1. How COULD you toy with our emotions in such a fashion? Oh be still my beating heart!
  2. Thank you for the nice comment. Let’s let someone else do one, eh?
  3. OK, before I kill the poor thread at birth....
  4. No horns at that spot in my recollection, but I’ve been wrong before, so...
  5. Frayed knot. Thanks from reminding me of that song though. Haven’t listened to that in ages and its ace. Getting warmer then?
  6. That’s odd if you have the right band because it was one of their biggest hits. #12 in the UK and #7 in the US according to Wikipedia.
  7. Oh the adulation, I can hardly wait. Thanks for the kind comment. Without giving away too much there's an Anglo-Teutonic-American mix. Also (and here's a big giveaway) a Michael Jackson connection.
  8. Have I already killed the thread? 70s anyone?
  9. Sorry this took a bit. Stuggling with technology.... ....sorry also that that the click's still in there. In my rush to get it out (ooh err, vicar!) I oversaw this fact. Hey-ho...
  10. That‘s no rockstar name, you came in second in the 4:30 at Doncaster and I claim my five pounds.
  11. True enough, however with the simple addition of “the third“ you become a legend in Nashville.
  12. With all due respect, as wobbly as DB can sometimes be compared to it‘s earlier self, a poor day on the Deutsche Bahn lies well above the level of Southern Rail‘s highest aspirations.
  13. You may laugh now but you’ll all be kicking yourselves when these real bargains have all been snapped up.
  14. Pigtails? I bet he’ a big sissy! [runs away at full pelt].
  15. It doesn’t make him a bad person 😛
  16. Maybe a narrow strip of material on the waistcoat (if the waistcoat is black even easier) sewn on one side and open on the other so the buttons are covered but you can still button it?
  17. Please excuse the threadjacking, but any excuse to play some Ian Dury (especially with the Nutty Boys).
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