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Everything posted by SICbass

  1. I Second That Emotion. Nicely done.
  2. Are you familiar with the game Mornington Crescent from Radio 4's I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue? Your description sounds like a similar experience.
  3. I reckon that this is an easy one if you've ever played it (which a good many of us have), but less so if you haven't i.e. the line doesn't jump out at you when just listening. I've only played the chorus because the verse is more of a giveaway...
  4. Like most people contributing to this thread, I‘m a huge fan. I just spontaneously googled Paddy Mcaloon and he now looks like Terry Pratchett‘s long lost half brother. Not a bad thing, merely an observation.
  5. Sorry, but my mouse batteries have died and won’t be charged till morning.
  6. Doh! Of course! (Hand slapping forehead emoji)
  7. Get away, no one tops Madonna‘s version.
  8. It isn't "Quiet" off the Blockheads Do It Yourself album, is it?
  9. My guess is that we have very similar record collections 😉 Thank you for the kind comment. Oh, and yes it is 👍
  10. Here's one to keep us going...
  11. Correct. She is just a genius at getting “simple“ but super effective lines that you can listen to all day.
  12. Am I the only one who read this thread title and thought it was going to be about Boris Johnson’s selection of close co-workers? No joke, I really did think that.
  13. Correct. I didn’t think that one would go so quick.
  14. Sir duke. Give me a minute I’ve got one ready.
  15. Understandable really. It's your shirt, almost identical.
  16. I’m a fair man, the guitar I can let pass, but a MUSIC STAND! Off I pop. You can all just talk amongst yourselves...
  17. The three harmonics at the beginning bring to mind a Level 42 song from the second or third album, but it’s so long ago I‘ve forgotten.
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