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Everything posted by elephantgrey

  1. [attachment=209366:IMG_20160111_181628991.jpg] I think im gonna need a bigger [s]boat[/s] board. I am totally loving the chase bliss pedals, especially the warped vinyl. Lots of warm warbley goodness, with the bitcrushers & drive after it i get a lovely numan-esc synthy sound.
  2. I live in a shared house, so i use a headphone amp.
  3. Another recommendation for a zoom multieffects unit from me. I use a ms60b on my board as an allways on gate/preamp/amp&cab sim (+a reverb when I want one). Don't know about the other zoom units, but if they're anything like the ms60b then they're definitely sturdy enough. Edit: also, if you're getting a board together, then I'd suggest getting an isolated power supply. And a bitcrusher. Bitcrushers are fun.
  4. [quote name='Guinness21' timestamp='1452021492' post='2945659'] What's not to love? It's now got the versatility of the b7k with the addition of the switches and extra mids controls, and is obviously a warm/vintage sounding pedal. [/quote] I find darkglass pedals are usually a bit to harsh for always on. Though i have been thinking of trying a b3k into bddi as a low/mid OD/boost.
  5. I have a great drummer. http://medias.audiofanzine.com/images/normal/korg-electribe-esx1-603049.jpg Edit: don't know how to embed images from my phone, will fix when I get home from work.
  6. If you want the best tracking for them both, put them parallel using a ls2 or similar. Whichever goes first is going to negativity affect the tracking of the second.
  7. Or, get an ovtave up pedal, and a blackstar valve OD. Then, mix those two with the DHA.
  8. just watched the videos. Im impressed, seams to open up the controllability of the zoom units alot. Some things id like to say about it though: could you change the signal chain from 'right to left' to 'left to right' please (or option for)? Multiple LFOs would be sweet. i wouldnt need the rhythm machine really, but tempo control over a looper would make this a really nice little unit. There arnt many midi-sync'able pedals out there, and alot of them are both expensive and large. Id love a small one (with a controller if needed) to go at the start of my board with my boss looper at the end. Still, even if thats not possible, ill still be following with interest. Edit: also, i should have said, the ability to control multiple of these pedals at once is awesome.
  9. Again, if you go down the multi-FX path then you could get a noise gate and a LPF for one power/size 'slot', whilst replacing whatever you take away. Some questions to OP, what effects are you using (dirt/preamps especially)?, and what power supply are you using (wall-warts/1spot+daisychain/unisolated brick/issolated brick/gigrig)?
  10. I use a gate on my ms60b, that might be an option worth considering.
  11. No idea about the sparky stuff, but if you remove the "s" from the link (so "http://" not "Https://" ) the video should embed itself.
  12. Havnt had chance to watch the videos yet, so sorry if this is covered there, but is there any chance of midi in/out for program change and temposync?
  13. [quote name='iamtheelvy' timestamp='1450702903' post='2934959'] If only I didn't need to spend money on lots of boring things... [/quote] This. Its depressing how often I end up thinking this to myself. I think i either need less GAS, or less boring but important things to spend money on.
  14. The lofi machine is a digital bitcrusher. The large knob is samplerate, top left small is blend, top rated small is bitdepth, and switch at top centre is an eq ccontrol. (High mid low, but labled guitar synth bass). I use it as my bitcrusher (I then use the IE Frantabit as digital samplerate reducer) It doesn't seam to gow down to either as few bits as the IE, nor as low samplerate. If i where to choose just one if go for the IE, it reduces ore, and hasn't got the always on eq section.
  15. The IE Frantabit also has a switch to go between normal digital samplerate reduction, and a digital simulation of the analogue "samplerate reduction" might be worth checking out.
  16. Basicaly any analouge 'bitcrusher' is based off of the bugcrusher. Like the 8-bit duck, Catalinbread Heliotrope, EarthQuaker Devices Bit Commander, Devi Ever Legend of Fuzz, and Noise Maker Effects Arcade.
  17. [quote name='AustinArto' timestamp='1450037400' post='2929092'] I could be wrong but I think the Bugcrusher is an analogue circuit and the Frantabit is digital.[/quote] That's correct. The bitcrusher and some others are analouge recreations of what true digital samplerate reduction sounds like. They mainly seamed to start showing up about 2006~ (if I remember correctly) when the only bitcrusher pedals found where only about in small limited runs, and beyond the average DIY pedal builder.
  18. Where thy gigs, or are you a jam tart .
  19. [quote name='GilGB' timestamp='1449876720' post='2927778'] [attachment=207097:ZEHU.jpg] [attachment=207095:ZEHU1.jpg] [attachment=207096:ZEHU2.jpg] [/quote] I love the 'F. it' approach to pedal order.
  20. [quote name='GilGB' timestamp='1449876720' post='2927778'] [attachment=207097:ZEHU.jpg] [attachment=207095:ZEHU1.jpg] [attachment=207096:ZEHU2.jpg] [/quote] I love the 'F. it' approach to pedal order.
  21. Its NPD! Two pedals from Chase Bliss, Wombtone mkII and Warped Vinyl mkII, along with two more gigrig isolators. I'm loving the Warped Vinyl, getting some nice subtle low warbles from it that I'm really digging. I'm not finding the same instant love for the wombtone, but I'm sure I'll find it with some more knob twiddling. I havnt even started on the dip switches yet, the amount of control you have over is the sounds these make is amazing. Theres one bad thing about NPDs though, what I like to call pedalboard Tetris. I've spent way too long playing about with pedal placement, trying to fit them all onto my board. I now think I'm going to have to get either a bigger or a second board. Also, still got the Chase Bliss gravitas and moded empress midibox incoming. Will definitely need more realestate when they arive.
  22. I have the frantabit and the mooer lofi machine. The frantabit is a digital bitcrusher and samplerate reducer. It has a blend. Its simple, on a beautiful lofi way. The mooer has some filtering applies to it, selectable by a switch. The other ones like the WMD all seam to have some modulation applied to them. I wouldn't mind this, if I could sync the LFO to midi.
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