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Everything posted by s_u_y_*

  1. Ah... I'm glad to see my ol' Precision being put to good use. Very nice! Have a good ol' bump on me...
  2. [quote name='elom' post='84667' date='Nov 6 2007, 11:15 PM']That's a nice looking bass. Someone on here used to have one of their butterfly basses didn't they?[/quote] I think Paul_C has one for sale, though I'm not sure. I know one day, I'm gonna get one of those butterfly Daisy Rocks. They look cool, in a quirky way.
  3. s_u_y_*


    Hi there... welcome! After going throught the same problem, I've gone with and so far stuck with a Mark Bass Little Mark II => Epifani-UL110. For me, transportability via public transport is also key. That alone is only 13kg. But if it is just the weight for lifting out of your car, I'd add an Epifani-UL112 to that combo. About 500W through both speakers.
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  5. Ah... the dreaded GAS strikes again!
  6. You could try local voluntary organisations. They may be happy to take this off your hands.
  7. Oh thanks for this. I found this website a while back and lost it again. I dare say it, but I think last time I looked they're even cheaper than thomann.de!
  8. MarkBass Little Mark II => Epifani UL-110 (or for slightly more meat UL-112) This was my lightweight solution. Although I tend to use my EBS MicroBass as my preamp, the Mark Bass head is really good, and I love the ideas of filters. Very useable. The Epifani is great for such a small thing, obviously slight lacking in lows but can really fill up a rehearsal room. It is more than enough in a pure backline role. I can carry this setup + bass on the London Underground during rush hour.
  9. Those are some awesome shots... they really capture you having fun, and capture what a stunner that bass is! You must be a happy monkey.
  10. [quote name='fede162162' post='82474' date='Nov 1 2007, 07:37 PM']ps i appreciate that you understand that i'm not british by £ sign position and not by my terrible english [/quote] lol... If you had this up for sale a few months ago I would have been very interested. Swamp Ash Corvette specimens with the wenge neck don't seem to pop up an awful lot. Anyways, good luck with the sale. Love that inlay too, a very nice touch.
  11. Are you based in Britain? I only presume you're not because the £ sign is after the price.
  12. [quote name='wulf' post='81145' date='Oct 30 2007, 09:44 AM']If you are in a band that pushes the volume up, then there is always the possibility that a crap sound is not the fault of the equipment but just because there is way too much sound bouncing around in a small room [/quote] Yeah... it seems this fact glazes over some of the bands that play at our studio. You can tell, because the guitar amps & PA are shot to pieces by bands pushing above and beyond what they really need. Thankfully the bass amps aren't too bad.
  13. [quote name='cetera' post='80781' date='Oct 29 2007, 12:46 PM']VERY nice!! Just fuelling my GAS for a Jap 75 Reissue.... mwah ha ha!!! [/quote] +1
  14. I usually use Unit 9 in Balham. The amps in most of the rooms are okay, mostly MAG range Ashdowns and Trace Elliots. A few of them have amps that are knovking on heaven's door, and the speakers are a bit shot. But most of the bass amps there aren't too bad. I've also frequented Livewire in Streatham. Mostly Peavey TNT range. Gets the job done I suppose.
  15. Damn... that's really nice. If I had the space, I'd be on this for sure. So have a free bump on me.
  16. [quote name='Mike' post='79146' date='Oct 24 2007, 11:02 PM']Yeah, not always the cheapest but service has always been good to me - great selection of high class basses too! +1 for Alex.[/quote] +1. I am more than happy to pay that little bit extra for that guarantee of great customer service.
  17. One thing I do sometimes, especially if I'm finding it difficult to find something complementary to what's going on, is to sing my parts. Unless you're on the top of your game, I find that it is much easier to create musical parts by singing in your head.
  18. [quote name='E_MaN' post='78458' date='Oct 23 2007, 06:43 PM']Your the One that I want - Grease lol, always gets a few looks, but then you have to follow it up with Master of Puppets or Blood and Thunder [/quote] I'm a Summer Loving type of guy. One time, an employee came up to me and she said it was a welcome change to everyone playing RHCP lines.
  19. Damn you Alan and your GAS-inducing pictures!
  20. One of the best bass distortion I've used has come from my EBS MicroBass II. It can do high gain distortion, but it excels in overdriving so to make the tone more meatier and bassier.
  21. s_u_y_*

    PC v Mac

    Once you go Mac... you never go back. Just got my first Mac this summer specifically for Garageband. After years of being frustrated with PCs, I am just sad I didn't get a Mac sooner.
  22. Amazing! Honest sellers get done, but scammers are left to run riot. My opinion of eBay has run to new depths now. What goes around comes around. Good luck with whatever you decide to do mate.
  23. I think it is far better to be hated than for someone to be apathetic towards your music. At least it generates a response. Glad to see it's been taken on the chin and responded in a dignified manner mate.
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