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Everything posted by s_u_y_*

  1. I began on piano, but play it rarely. I use my sister's Kawai digital piano (though she uses it even less than me).
  2. eBay gets weirder every day... good luck with the meeting Chris! I wish we could film it to see if he is nonsensical in real life as online.
  3. That is amazing! I like in particular how the lighter wood comes through just behind the bridge. It's a nice effect.
  4. [quote name='ped' post='67879' date='Sep 30 2007, 08:45 PM'][url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/rockcase_rc20805b.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/rockcase_rc20805b.htm[/url] These are good![/quote] They are, just a little bulky for my needs. They're great for carrying in a car however. My guitarist's hard case slides around and bumps in his boot when he has it in there sometimes. I have one I've been thinking about getting rid of. A bit cheeky to mention it here, but if anyone's interested, give me a PM. I'll get a proper post and some pictures in a bit.
  5. [quote name='G-bitch' post='67775' date='Sep 30 2007, 05:50 PM']I'd love an incase bag.[/quote] +1. I have a Hiscox case, but tend to only use it nowadays if I'm flying. Soft cases are best for my situation, as I tend to use public transport to get to gigs and usually carry a lot of gear with me too. I try to avoid using hard cases also after a near miss with my case, a 7 year old boy and his very attractive but distracting mother.
  6. [quote name='Geddys nose' post='67036' date='Sep 28 2007, 05:35 PM'][url="http://www.adtrader.co.uk/detail/frameset.php?aid=829627&class_id=53"]http://www.adtrader.co.uk/detail/frameset....amp;class_id=53[/url] d=829627&class_id=53Don't know much about it but it could be one of 'Them' what you dream about finding.[/quote] If it is too good to be true, it usually is.
  7. Ouch! Good on ya for having a contingency.
  8. s_u_y_*

    Forever Never

    I've seen these guys twice. My friend is a massive fan and found them on Myspace before they started to get hyped up. I saw them at Camden Underworld and that was a great gig. I saw them more reently at some festival in North London... they had some problems setting up and I think it affected their performance as it seemed slightly sloppy. But yeah, cool band. Saw the guitarist at a Tool gig and shook his hand. I'll see if my metalling amigo is up for it.
  9. [quote name='Jean-Luc Pickguard' post='64657' date='Sep 24 2007, 10:53 AM']I keep my nails trimmed down as much as possible so they don't catch the string at all. I carry a little nail trimmer gadet[/quote] Me too. I freak out when I'm playing with long nails (>1mm) and really disrupts my flow. As for the TS, I seriously suggest going for a manicure everynow and then if they are that much of a problem. I've considered it.
  10. I gig regularly about 1-3 times a month. Live performance is one aspect musicianship, but there are many others which can be developed. It just depends where you see yourself and where your state of mind is at. But surely anyone who looks down upon another isn't worth giving the time of day really.
  11. Cruel to film it and post it... but admittely made me giggle a little bit.
  12. emm... For me it's just worrying that they seem like general twats to me. Comments about spitting and urinating on it. What was that about?
  13. [quote name='metalmaniac' post='63029' date='Sep 20 2007, 11:54 AM']08701849990 So the manager promised me next day delivery on tuesday for my items. ok no biggie. I was willing to let it go. But , it didnt turn up... i phone up today... now this managers not available... and my order has not been shipped.... and my order is no longer on the database. Surely this is worth a voucher. Moral of the story Steer about one earths radius clear of turnkey.[/quote] Once this is all sorted out mate, I suggest that you forward the manager a link to this page. Surely these shops must know that business is built on reputation. If they can see how much their poor customer service is actually damaging them, maybe they'd buck up their ideas!
  14. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='62275' date='Sep 18 2007, 07:03 PM']It is great when people get bargains (especially if the 'people' is you) though I seriously had to sit on my hands as the last seconds ticked away on that Warwick [/quote] I completely understand the feeling mate. Though if I didn't sit on my hands when there were bargains to be had, I'd probably be on my 8th Warwick already, not 3rd.
  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='62235' date='Sep 18 2007, 05:16 PM']Someone snagged a tasty Streamer Stage I for £550ish off eBay (see the eBay section in sales/wants) and I assumed as I'd flagged it up on here someone might have nabbed it![/quote] Reminds me when someone got a '94 Thumb NT for about that price when I had literally bought one the other week for a lot more. But hey, at least I'm happy to see people get a bargain.
  16. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='61795' date='Sep 17 2007, 05:39 PM']You didn't snag that eBay bargain did you?[/quote] No... but do tell!
  17. I love Warwicks, and if everything goes well should own my third by tomorrow. My avatar has me playing one (though it isn't clear). But I was just surprised that all these videos had them all in quick succession. Especially as there is a good range in availablity to your rock/metal/whatever Kerrang plays bassists. Maybe it just goes to show that Warwick users do have good taste.
  18. My experiences of the shop have been nothing but good I have to say. Though on all occasions I have been there to actually buy stuff, so that might have something to do with it. Perhaps one day I'll pop down for a browse and see how different they'll treat me. But the Gallery does have fantastic service. Even for a quick browse, if they are not too busy they will actually give you the time of day and aren't condecending.
  19. I think it is important to improve your finger alternation. Development of this can help with tricky basslines. But economy of movement is important in practise. So my thoughts, be sure to develop finger alternation, but go with what feels natural at the time.
  20. Saw these pic on the Warwick Facebook group. Very nice!
  21. I'm sitting here with Kerrang in the background and I've noticed that the last four videos have had bassists with Warwicks on them. Fightstar - Stryker Can't Remember the band's name - Vampyre Enter Shakari - Jazzman Fei Comodo - Thumb It's like a bloody Warwick fest here tonight.
  22. [quote name='ped' post='60848' date='Sep 15 2007, 02:04 PM']Christ almighty. I think Comfort Strapps might be a welcome addition to the Basschat shop (when it happens!)[/quote] Yeah! I couldn't find these anywhere online apart from the Bass Centre who only seemed to stock the extra long version of something.
  23. [quote name='Chappers' post='60278' date='Sep 14 2007, 10:25 AM']Just stop playing during a song and see what happens [/quote] +1. With one of my old bands I had to arrive an hour late for band practise. When I came in, the lead vocalis ran up to me and hugged me saying how he missed me and didn't realise how bad it all sounds without bass. With immature opinions like that, I wouldn't pay attention to those people at all.
  24. Here's that demo video. Pretty damn cool seeing it in action.
  25. [quote name='Mike' post='59417' date='Sep 12 2007, 06:10 PM']Do I deserve them?[/quote] I ask myself that everyday.
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