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Everything posted by s_u_y_*

  1. [url="http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/industry_news/gibsons_new_self-tuning_guitar.html"]http://www.ultimate-guitar.com/news/indust...ing_guitar.html[/url] Gibson's just announced a self-tuning system for guitar (Had to double check today wasn't April 1st... lol). Self-tuning bass may just be over the horizon.
  2. [quote name='ped' post='58541' date='Sep 11 2007, 01:14 AM']but the fact he went to all that bother but won't go and borrow/buy a cheap little amp, or even play it into his HIFI or SOMETHING so we can hear it is just obviously him avoiding the fact that it doesn't work, electronically or physically - again, not something I would make fun of him for IF HE HADNT PLASTERED IT ALL OVER THE INTERNET![/quote] My feelings exactly. If I slaved away at making my own instrument, as well as wanting people to admire how it looked, I would sure damn want people to admire how it sounded. After all, that's the most important thing about an instrument!
  3. [quote name='Brave Sir Robin' post='58976' date='Sep 11 2007, 09:25 PM']Yeah, but unless it's really sh*t, I don't mind usually. Here, I felt strangely compelled to watch it. They must be on drugs. That's what being on a cocktail of Prozac and crack must feel like.[/quote] I quite like it. It's quirky and I like quirky.
  4. I'm a fan of Jim Dunlop Dual Design. They have straplocks as standard, but you are able to fit a straplock-less strap onto it. I like to have that contingent that I can borrow another strap.
  5. [quote name='Cantdosleepy' post='58257' date='Sep 10 2007, 03:40 PM']My Markbass head has one Speakon socket and one 1/4" socket. If I want to connect two cabs, do I have to use both sockets? So do I need to have one speakon-enabled cab and one 1/4" socketted cab?[/quote] You can have 2 speakon-enabled cabs. Just make sure that one cable is 1/8th inch jack to speakon.
  6. [quote name='Sean' post='57730' date='Sep 9 2007, 02:08 PM']I dare someone to go on the EBMM forum and say what a fabulous modification you think is and that you think it should be offered as an option!!! [/quote] lol... I would love to see someone do that.
  7. emm... I agree with some people that it is a bit suspect all he's done is post pics of it. Are there any videos of him actually playing it?
  8. [quote name='Paul Cooke' post='57799' date='Sep 9 2007, 04:47 PM']they're not biting... looks like you may have to resort to ebay If I had the money, I'd think about it, but I've got a moaning back and I'm tempted in the direction of a Mark bass setup as a long term goal...[/quote] Don't eBay it. You'll most probably get a really bad price for it. Doesn't sound like your very desperate to get rid, so just play the waiting game. There's new members coming in all the time. I personally would love to have that beast behind me. But I don't think I could fit it into the car. PJB rigs have that great weird and wonderful look. This will go at some point in the future.
  9. [quote name='Machines' post='57413' date='Sep 8 2007, 04:16 PM']It tastes like Bass beer of course ! [url="http://www.bass.com/"]http://www.bass.com/[/url][/quote] Would be funny if they ended up sponsoring Bass Day UK. Anyways, mikeh you have a PM.
  10. s_u_y_*

    Russian Circles

    Yeah... I was very impressed with Russian Circles when they supported Tool. Sometimes felt a bit too wandery, but generally very good.
  11. Oh... that DJ is lovely! No cash available I'm afraid. But have a good ol' bump on me.
  12. [quote name='Machines' post='54681' date='Sep 3 2007, 12:24 PM']Yeah that really bugs me with my Jazz - at least he redeemed himself with the Stingray . Personally single cuts don't feel comfortable to me. I have played 2 Shukers (the doodle included), and though very nice, aren't for me.[/quote] I really wanna try one out. I mean, do you mean uncomfortable in wearing it, or in playing it. At the moment I'm dreaming to take out custom job, a Fender-eque Jazz but with a singlecut body. Maybe Red with a rosewood board, pearl inlays and matching headstock. Yummy!
  13. [quote name='Alpha-Dave' post='53810' date='Sep 1 2007, 01:33 PM']I think they look great and I hate Marmite! Poll?[/quote] +1.
  14. emm... I'll tell you what. For £240 I'll come over to you for a quick deal.
  15. [quote name='warwickhunt' post='53463' date='Aug 31 2007, 04:20 PM']£570 bargain if ever![/quote] I am speechless. Right when I was starting to gas over Streamers a sudden glut occurs on these fair forums, and then this happens.
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  17. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  18. EDIT: Not really for sale at the moment as I'm not that desperate to let go. But if there's something for trade or part-ex and you're interested in this, talk to me.
  19. [quote name='tayste_2000' post='51672' date='Aug 28 2007, 11:58 AM']When you say part ex do you mean bass + cash to you or Bass + cash from you?[/quote] Both.
  20. [quote name='dood' post='49441' date='Aug 23 2007, 11:59 AM']Yes, I agree.. I think you can learn from watching any musician no matter what level they are at.[/quote] Definately. I guess I would prefer to see a bad originals band to a poor covers.
  21. Bump... cash offers are cool btw. But would still prefer a trad/part-exchange.
  22. [quote name='Geddys nose' post='50738' date='Aug 25 2007, 11:44 PM']Frusciante looked a little p*ssed off and avoided eye contact with the others,might be me but they normally look like they are having great fun [/quote] Well after your equipment kept on failing before the first song even properly begun, I'd understand. I hold the view, and after seeing him at Reading that he is one of the more tasteful bassists out there. His playing during the jamming sections and encore were spectacular. Him and Chad Smith were joined at the hip.
  23. Moral of the story... don't sell your basses. I regret my Warwick Corvette. Though after I got my Thumb, it wouldn't be needed so I sold it. Truth is, they are very different basses and I do miss the Corvette's look and what it offered tonally. My sister was upset I sold her too.
  24. s_u_y_*

    South East Bash

    Gutted I couldn't make this in the end. I'm still having the itch to get my greasy paws over OBBM's Lakland DD and see what is all the fuss about these Dark Star pickups. It was great of him to organise the thing in the first place. Will definately drag my behind to the next bash, be it national or regional.
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