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Everything posted by BigBeatNut

  1. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1348033769' post='1808256'] Perhaps there should be a 'Funk and/or Groove' thread :-) [/quote] Nah ... I like this thread. Doesn't really matter if they're not all spot-on for me, because those that are, are real corkers.
  2. [quote name='Roland Rock' timestamp='1348005057' post='1808134'] Never thought I'd see GnR in this thread! Allow me to redress the balance... [PALM GREASE] [/quote] Hmmm ... you can't shake yer booty to that ... which (speaking for myself here) is stretching the definition of groove to far.
  3. [quote name='Bassdriver' timestamp='1347998306' post='1807989'] Pure groove... [media]http://youtu.be/AUihw8xCL3U[/media] [/quote] Many thanks for that
  4. [quote name='Bassman Steve' timestamp='1347721746' post='1804352'] Just managed to fit the Bass Doc red tort plate to my 'wreck' bass. So now it looks like this (see pics). Much better than the white guard it had before. [/quote] [quote name='pst62' timestamp='1347725280' post='1804380'] Looks great and kinda reminds me of my old school desk. [/quote] Reminds me of the one George Porter Jr had before he got a new Lakie.
  5. Can you explain the electrics, please ? Are the pickups blendable/switchable, is it passive vol/tone ?
  6. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1347170885' post='1797568'] Thanks; good call btw.... [/quote] I was hoping you'd think so. Here's [url="http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/commentators/owen-jones-david-cameron-praises-paralympians-but-his-policies-will-crush-them-8082036.html"]a story from the Independent[/url] that does a pretty good job of covering the issue(s). This [url="http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2012/aug/27/atos-games-disabled-anger-paralympic-sponsors"]guardian article[/url] is somewhat shorter, but focuses well on the benefits decisions that have outraged disabled people. The best organisation that I can find for a donation is DPAC (Disabled people against cuts): [url="http://www.dpac.uk.net/"]http://www.dpac.uk.net/[/url] I started to write a rant against ATOS and DWP here but thought better of it. Just read the Independent article, please. All I'll say is I've witnessed first hand the distress this whole situation causes. Andy
  7. [quote name='silverfoxnik' timestamp='1347108867' post='1797027'] Charities to donate to: As the Paralympics has been so amazing IMO, would anyone like to donate some of what is raised to a related Paralympic cause? Other suggestions of worthy causes most welcome though. [/quote] Not sure if you count this as relevant to the Paralympics but given the shocking way this government is treating disabled people ( via the DWP and it's contractor ATOS, ironically, an Paralympics sponsor ) I'd suggest putting some funds towards the campaign to sort that out. I'll see if I can find a relevant charity, and links to something that sums up the awful situation.
  8. Nearly a year since the last post ... nobody acquired an HB in the past year ?
  9. Thanks. Beginning to suspect, since I have chrome working fine with my MacBook pro, that I have a local issue with my PC. Particularly as it's a total failure, not just slowness.
  10. This from StackOverFlow looks like it's relevant: http://superuser.com/questions/65007/files-from-ajax-googleapis-com-not-loading Looks like if you have the files from google in your cache, the fact the google site is down doesn't affect you. One of the differences with Chrome for me is that I recently cleared the cache. Whether this is the same problem that's affecting others, I don't know.
  11. I love my 55-94D, have a bump on me. Mines not a '97, it's an '05, and I can't really justify getting another.
  12. FWIW, for me the site [b]does not work at all[/b] in chrome, it's not just very slow, I get nothing at all, just an empty, white, page. I'm currently in on firefox. This is on WinXP. The ajax.googleapis.com may be a red herring, It IS down but it doesn't seem to stop firefox working.
  13. I've had two evenings where it's been impossible to get a response from basschat. Not just slow, actually impossible. The pages appear to hang when trying to load from ajax.googleapis.com, which is a site that's down ( I checked independently with http://www.isup.me/ajax.googleapis.com ). The only reason I'm here now is that, on my PC, I've routed requests to that server elsewhere, so the pages don't hang. Otherwise, I'd have no basschat. Is it just me suffering this problem ?
  14. I'm sort of thinking of moving this one on. It's really not my thing anymore unfortunately. Haven't thought about a price yet, so this makes it a kind of 'feeler' post I guess. If I was more sure about selling it I'd have a price in mind and this would be in the classifieds. (Hope I'm not breaking forum rules here). I can bring it to the SE bass bash if anyone's interested. Eclipse Ltd, 5 string. Usual status electronics, vol, blend, bass, treble, bright switch.
  15. [quote name='Hamster' timestamp='1345416350' post='1777369'] Who is bringing what living post - please add and update as you go: [/quote] 1. Hamster - Fender Hotrod P/J, Bareface Compact, Auralex Gramma Pad, SFX Thumpinator; either Markbass 800 Tube or Ampeg PF500 Portaflex 2. BigBeatNut - Rob Allen Deep 5, Status Electro, Lakland 55-02 Fretless, Markbass CMD121P, a selection of SFX micro pedals
  16. Most recent thing I heard (10 days ago on HC) was that this and the comp had both been delayed. [quote] "Hi,i am sorry to tell you the mooer pedals"Pure Octave、Blue Comp " are not available at the moment,because the MOOER company recall all this two modes to make further revision and process improvement,they stop producing "Pure Octave、Blue Comp ", we just infomed in this morning" [/quote]
  17. [quote name='EskimoBassist' timestamp='1345294315' post='1775965'] @Truckstop What's the controller your pedals are all velcroed too? [/quote] Looks like a 1st gen Line6 floorboard to me. [url="http://www.activemusician.com/item--EM.99-FLOORBOARD"]LINK[/url]
  18. I must learn to be quicker I must learn to be quicker I must learn to be quicker . . .
  19. [quote name='Merton' timestamp='1342818101' post='1741604'] And if I bring enough notes can I take one home... [/quote] Nope ... not unless you want to offer me absolutely silly quantities of the folding stuff.
  20. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1339969572' post='1697130'] What a shame you can't balance the voices... [/quote] Now you can [url="http://www.mooeraudio.com/en/ProductInfo.asp?id=52"]LINK[/url] Not on sale anywhere yet so far as I can tell but looks much more versatile than you'd expect from a 1590A format pedal. Andy
  21. [quote name='woodyratm' timestamp='1342699006' post='1739470'] [b]Japanese Man 1[/b]: RUN! IT'S GODZILLA! [b]Japanese Man 2[/b]: It looks like Godzilla, but due to international copyright laws - it's not. [b]Japanese Man 1[/b]: STILL! WE SHOULD RUN LIKE IT IS GODZILLA! [b]Japanese Man 2[/b]: Though it isn't. [/quote] You have no idea the fun I had trying to identify the film from that quote using only my iPhone
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