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Everything posted by BigBeatNut

  1. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1330725782' post='1562371'] Can of worms [/quote] Too right
  2. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1330722810' post='1562331'] When you use an LFO to create auto-wah, the LFO is moving the focus of the filter up and down - the LFO is acting on the filter, NOT on the wave. Same as your foot on the wah. When you use an LFO to create flanger, phaser etc, the shape of the wave created by the LFO adds to the carrier wave creating a new wave shape. The LFO is acting on the carrier wave directly. That's modulation - the alteration of a periodic waveform by influence of another. Modulation and alteration or modification are not synonyms. [/quote] Not quite sure where you're headed with this ... maybe it's a more precise definition in the realms of electronics or physics. But if we're going for something precise, the wave shape [b]would[/b] get altered by any wah (manual, enveloped, or LFO'd). It would vary between a complex waveform and a simple sine-wave when nearly closed. A phaser is (I think I'm right, correct me if I'm wrong) a comb filter where the notches' movement (the notch frequencies) are driven by an LFO, which is not really that different in principle to a wah (a resonant filter) where the peak frequency is altered by an LFO. I think I was actually trying to say something much simpler ... something that's as good as we need as musicians. Essentially, If it wobbles, it's modulation. Is that good enough ? Andy
  3. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1330700147' post='1561847'] Wah is a modulation! Depending on what you have, I'd assume its a band pass filter controlled by expression pedal... :-) LFO's and the like can take some real exploration so I thought I'd work on a run down of all the 'basic' styles of modulation and LFO's and how they react to low frequencies etc with some listening examples... Gimme a week! [/quote] [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1330712816' post='1562133'] er isn't wah a filter? [/quote] Wah isn't usually classed as modulation, but I suppose that between an auto-wah driven by an LFO, and a phaser/chorus/flanger/tremolo (driven by an LFO) ... well, it's hard to argue they're a different class of effect. Andy
  4. [quote name='pnts' timestamp='1329299296' post='1540116'] Anyone tried it with bass? [/quote] Not me, but I too want to hear from someone who has Andy
  5. [quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1330359333' post='1556182'] That is brilliant! Thank god we don't have to earn a living trying to sell stuff in chinese.... [/quote] Funnily enough I made the same assumption about the seller ... when I checked, turned out he (or she) was russian.
  6. Enjoy [quote] Hand made Its tasck is fine tuning of the sound timbre coloration. Some examples of using Suppose you are fully sutisfied with the sound of your musical instrument but you would like to have it brighter to sound in mix but not to bulge in volume Add some boost in range 3 kHz with wide Q Acoustics of the room makes the sound of your instrument chanting. This effect can be minimize by cutting low (200 Hz - 400 Hz) or low mid (450 HZ - 600 Hz) with middle Q. If sound of your guitar is disappearing among other instruments Add high mid instead of adding volume to prevent hammer in other instruments Speaker simulation: If you have to play in a line for some reason you may easy to set emulation Cab+mic using the parametric. Just turn the regulation correct to receive sound of any speaker simulators as well as to modulate any pair cab+mic. Cut a little bit (1/3) 250 Hz at mid close to low. rise a little (apr on 1/4) 3 HZ at mid Q Preamp: Use as "warmer" Plug Parametric EQ first in a chain of effects, set timbre and you get nice booster. To wide your staff possibility: Personal regulator of timbre that is always with you Plug the device into loop effects of amp and ... well, you get it. [/quote] errr, not sure I do get it ...
  7. [quote name='harvey1-8' timestamp='1329994857' post='1550905'] xgsjx is right, George L's. Although I'm considering swapping to these: [/quote] I use these sometimes, but I've been advised against them on a certain US forum. [quote] [color=#000000][font=verdana, geneva, lucida,]the fact that those don't flex means when your foot moves the pedal, the jack is what has to flex--so the jacks will quickly get ruined.[/font][/color] [/quote] I'm working towards a proper pedalboard using 'pancake' jacks ... they seem to be the lowest profile thing you can get.
  8. Has this been on here before ? Worth hearing again anyway. [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qc_QFGzTl7g[/media]
  9. Still got the problem ... no news from IPB yet ?
  10. [quote name='ped' timestamp='1328874978' post='1534076'] We will have filters to enable searches for different types and also a gallery view. [/quote] If tags were actually working as links then this problem might be halfway solved. Click on the tag link for fretless, 5string etc, and try and get people to put up a tag for the brand-name. In fact, even if you have a tailored system for separating out 4-strings from every else (etc), a working system system of tag links would nicely supplement that. Andy
  11. [quote name='1oopus' timestamp='1329341140' post='1541073'] Ok ok there's no bass player in sight and it's a shame but we have to admit that this guy left hand is pretty tasty (not to mention Stanton who's on fire) [/quote] Nice. The guy with the 'tasty' left hand is Robert Walter. He'll typically have a bass-player in his own band, but live, with Stanton Moore's Trio, he holds down the bass (as above). I'm actually a fan of Robert Walter's earlier stuff, where he played with Chris Stillwell on short-scale bass. But for now, that video has made me want a pedal that emulates a Hammond bass
  12. Lettuce - Salute: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=059bkniXvw0&feature=fvw[/media] Live recording is not quite up to the album version, but still a great groove.
  13. [quote name='bubinga5' timestamp='1328369939' post='1526125'] [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcvkqnigUPA&feature=related[/media] [/quote] Oh yeah
  14. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1328366743' post='1526064'] You know you want to trade it for a lovely fretted one... [/quote] Uh-uh [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/30453-fretless-5-unlined-sorted/page__hl__fretless%20sorted"]took me two years to find the one I've got[/url]. Would have really like an [s]lined[/s] unlined (55-94 or modded 55-02) but I gave in and got a lined 55-02
  15. [quote name='MoJoKe' timestamp='1328354737' post='1525845'] They say they only do rosewood for skyline basses, but there are two ebony necked 55-02's on bassemporium.com, so maybe only available in US? [/quote] I have a 2008, fretless, ebony 55-02. I'm second owner, but it was ordered by a UK customer. Either they've stopped doing them or else the ebony necks are not made available separately from the finished product. Andy
  16. [quote name='bluejay' timestamp='1328035265' post='1520706'] From the ticket page: [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Quote[/b][/size][/font][/color] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][size=2]We use Amiando Ticket Management which guarantees your security when buying tickets online: Your data is being transmitted via SSL encryption and stored securely on our systems and handled confidentially. The ticket system is embedded which therefore means you will not see https or a padlock on your browser but still has the same security.[/size][/size][/font][/color] [/quote] That seems to check out. The 'next step' button is an https link (in a frame, FWIW). Andy
  17. I like the strings on this one: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pY3_U-mWuPw[/media] ... and the groove, and the bass sound, in fact, there's very little about this one that I don't like
  18. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1298577883' post='1140350'] I've researched the price and £100 seems fair to me . Postage (if we can't arrange pickup somewhere in London) will be £12 which is just enough to cover what it will cost me at the Post Office. [/quote] Now £80 (+ postage) for a short while before it goes to eBay, where it stands a good chance of going for more. By all means let me know of a cheaper postage option or come and pick it up.
  19. [quote name='M-N-Y' timestamp='1327166893' post='1507365'] Snarky Puppy...great. Michael League is another great bass player. The rhythm section is rather good full stop. On tour in the UK later this year!! [/quote] Yeah, nice. I think this thread introduced me to Snarky Puppy. Now how about some Soul Sugar ? [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE7Dfo1UuwU[/media]
  20. And something more contemporary ... [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmI-IejJl3U[/media]
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