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Everything posted by BigBeatNut

  1. [quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1342689467' post='1739211'] It's a great mini board, I love it [/quote] Thanks [quote name='Al Heeley' timestamp='1342689467' post='1739211'] Can you tell me about the Big Beautiful Bass pedal? Not come across one of those from SFX before. [/quote] Forgive me if I cut 'n' paste something I wrote elsewhere For me it's a great 'warm-up' pedal. The way I use it, it's at unity gain (9 o'clock so plenty more boost to be had), scoop engaged, and tone between about 7-10 o'clock . The tone works (to my ears) like a passive tone control between 7 and 12, and from 12 to 5 it adds treble progressively. I think (and Max might correct me here) that it's similar in effect to the tone control in a Big Muff. The scoop is (again I think) around 800-1000 Hz. Set like I have it, it's a very appropriate warm-up before a solid-state amp (Markbass CMD112P). It's possible there's a bit of FET (valve-like) colouration in there, not really sure, all I can say is it works great for me.
  2. The latest version of my nano. Have I broken any records yet ?
  3. [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1340996162' post='1712745'] Despite the tempting looking gap I don't think I'll get an eighth pedal on there without something hanging over the edge [/quote] Okay, so I was wrong ... turns out a Lovepedal trem has just the right connector configuration to fit that gap. Pics tonight
  4. [quote name='51m0n' timestamp='1342346176' post='1733402'] That Rob Allen Deep 5 fretless is very very very sexy....... [/quote] I think that one was on the cards to bring anyway
  5. Count me in. Let me know if there's anything in particular from [url="http://basschat.co.uk/topic/113354-my-little-lot-iii/page__view__findpost__p__1044499"]this lot[/url] that you want me to bring. Andy
  6. First post updated for the arrival of the Shark These black basses are just a coincidence, honest ... all I'm after is fretless 5's, the ones that turn up happen to be black
  7. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1342112628' post='1729843'] What's that green pedal and the white at the top? [/quote] The green one is a [url="http://ews-us.com/item_bassmid.php"]BMC (Bass Mid Control) from EWS[/url] ... it's a semi-parametric mid control. White one is a [url="http://www.mooeraudio.com/en/ProductInfo.asp?id=34"]Mooer 'Hustle Drive'[/url] ... allegedly it's an OCD clone. Andy
  8. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1341763539' post='1723727'] Don't like natural finishes! [/quote] [quote name='73Jazz' timestamp='1341763985' post='1723734'] ..natural is so....boring [/quote] Have to disagree ... for me, I would have left it natural ...classy look. There's no denying it looks good now though.
  9. [quote name='73Jazz' timestamp='1341737992' post='1723239'] As promised in another thread, concerning the search for the right colour. This is my 1973 YOB former stripped, now sonic blue P bass, with one of the most fantastic maple necks i have ever played (J.Torres) I was thinking about refinishing the bass over 1,5 years. Now i am totally overwhelmed and pretty sure that i did the right thing. Let me introduce her to you.. [/quote] Gorgeous colour on the neck I know I would have hesitated to re-fin that, but you have a great result. You have the before pics ?
  10. [quote name='LiamPodmore' timestamp='1341258371' post='1716033'] I also want to add an Octaver but finding the space for one might not be so easy. [/quote] You need to take lessons in squeezing things in .... huge gaps there. Check this for tightness.
  11. [quote name='0175westwood29' timestamp='1341000904' post='1712819'] What the mooer pedal on the end? Andy [/quote] Hustle drive ... allegedly an OCD clone.
  12. Okay here's the latest incarnation of my nano board. Despite the tempting looking gap I don't think I'll get an eighth pedal on there without something hanging over the edge
  13. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1340833155' post='1710395'] ... after several hours of sorting I'm not holding this back just so I wait for a pic of my current board [url="http://www.tayste.co.uk/2012/06/27/evolution-of-a-pedalboard-and-a-player/"]http://www.tayste.co...d-and-a-player/[/url] [/quote] [quote name='BigBeatNut' timestamp='1340869026' post='1710623'] Can I ask about the 1590a format pedals you've gone through ? They first appear on a big board at bottom left, a silver pedal and a white one next to a pandora px4b, later on there are a couple more white ones and a green one. I think one of the white ones was a hyperpak, but for the rest I have no idea. [/quote] Okay, I think I have 'em sussed. All Catalinbread. Valcoder Hyperpak - Dirty Channel V8 - Fuzz Tone Engine Phaeton Serrano Picoso Was I right ?
  14. [quote name='tayste_2000' timestamp='1340833155' post='1710395'] Not actually current but after several hours of sorting I'm not holding this back just so I wait for a pic of my current board http://www.tayste.co.uk/2012/06/27/evolution-of-a-pedalboard-and-a-player/ Enjoy [/quote] Wow Can I ask about the 1590a format pedals you've gone through ? They first appear on a big board at bottom left, a silver pedal and a white one next to a pandora px4b, later on there are a couple more white ones and a green one. I think one of the white ones was a hyperpak, but for the rest I have no idea.
  15. [quote name='dood' timestamp='1340019094' post='1697606'] I'd be very interested in adding the Green Mile, Hustler, Black Secret, Ultra Drive and Metal Blade pedals to the 'must try' list! [/quote] Why stop there ? You missed out the Blues Crab, Flex Boost and Cruncher from Mooer's boost/overdrive/distortion range
  16. [quote name='1976fenderhead' timestamp='1339969572' post='1697130'] What a shame you can't balance the voices... [/quote] Yep, that's definitely the big problem with that pedal for me. Malekko may still produce the 'Down' pedal they announced at 2011 NAMM. Apparently some of the pedals announced at that time are still trickling out. [url="http://www.effectsdatabase.com/model/malekko/omicron/down"]LINK[/url]
  17. I don't think these have ever been out of the packet, let alone fitted to a bass. I sold my only bass that used double ball strings several years ago and just rediscovered this spare set in my strings drawer. Full details: Status Hotwires, Double-Ball, Half wound, 5 string, 45-65-85-105-130. I used the same gauge on my Hohner B2AV (Steineberger copy) and they worked great to my ears. Current price on Status website £22-50, no postage charge. My price for this set: [s]£17-50[/s] £12-50, no postage charge within U.K. Sound fair ?
  18. It looks like this thread has become a general Mooer pedals review place, so I thought you might like to know about my Hustle Drive. I've it for a few days now, so it seems like time to post a few thoughts on it. Caveats here: (1) I'm pretty new to distortion and overdrive effects in general and (2) my goals for overdrive and distortion might be a bit unusual, I'm usually looking for something to thicken up, or vary, my sound a bit, not a full-on distortion effect. My tone ideal (without effects ) is the sound I get from ancient (5+ year old) set of flats ... nice and muted/thumpy So ... the Hustle Drive. It's allegedly an OCD clone but comparing it to the youtube videos I've seen it's maybe in the same ballpark, but not quite there. Comparing it to the pedals I have, it's closest to the [sfx] Black Dragon, that is, it's definitely in distortion territory, a harsher sound than overdrive. In LP mode and with drive set to middle through to high, it's clearly in the same ballpark as the Black Dragon. With drive set from middle through to low, it's possible to set it up so it's touch sensitive. With a bit of care with the built-in tone control, you can get something that approximates to the 'fliptop' settings on a Tech21 VT Bass. Close-ish, but not spot on. The biggest negative on this pedal is that the volume control is quite sensitive ... for the sounds I like, and with an active bass, the unity gain setting is between 8:00 and 9:00. Finnicky to get right with that tiny control, but of course the tiny control does mean that you're unlikely to knock it off your chosen setting once you've found it. So far, I've not mentioned the HP mode ... reason is, I personally didn't get on with it. Best left to someone else to comment I think. The manual suggests it's got a bass boost, plus a progressive treble boost as the drive is turned up. I'm not sure the 'bass' boost is what a bass-player would call 'bass', but I couldn't figure out what the selected frequency was, only that the sound didn't work for me. Given I'm not finding the HP mode useful, I'm now wondering if I should remove the switch, in order to mount larger knobs on the volume and tone controls and get back a bit of ease of adjustment on the volume control. Overall ... I'm happy with it, and it will have a place on my board as soon as I have a daisy chain that copes with more than 6 pedals. Yep ... I'll have 7 1590A pedals on my pedaltrain nano Andy
  19. [quote name='pnts' timestamp='1329299296' post='1540116'] Anyone tried it with bass? [/quote] Nobody ?
  20. [quote name='pantherairsoft' timestamp='1338935157' post='1681503'] It's not too aggressive on the octave down. Much smoother than the OC2, a little more like the EBS Octabass... [/quote] Mmmmm .... I'm see-sawing back towards no-buy. I may end up with an MXR BOD after all, even if it does spoil my all-1590A board. Unless anyone knows where I can get one of these of course ? [url="http://www.effectsdatabase.com/model/malekko/omicron/down"][/url] I'm not sure that they were ever on the market, if they were, they were discontinued pretty quick.
  21. [quote name='lxxwj' timestamp='1339012409' post='1682504'] I think this is my new favorite board on here! What's the box on the top right? [/quote] [url="http://www.zzounds.com/item--XTDXDS95"]Line 6 X2 XDS95 Digital Wireless Instrument System[/url].
  22. Thanks Phil & Shep. Look forward to vids or audio clips, sounds like the Pitch Box may suit my needs. Would like to know how growly or OC2-like it can get ...
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