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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. A pub in Bradford I know and have played at needs a band for New Years Eve, just your standard Free/Killers or chart type covers fare. They have a proper stage and will provide free food and drinks too. It's not a load of money but it's OK if you'd rather be out playing than watching the Shootenanny..... Please contact me ASAP if you are interested as I need to get it sorted by Sunday evening if possible!
  2. I have the LMII and the 2X10 Traveller and they are very light weight. I've just tried a Barefaced 15" cab which is even lighter but the sound was obviously different to what I'm used to, as it is less punchy- don't know if they do a 2X10?
  3. There are numerous threads on here about them but you don't have to go to the States, there's this guy in Belgium who had the whole range at one time but now only seems to have Jazzes [url="http://stores.shop.ebay.co.uk/dn-store_Other_W0QQ_fsubZ1QQ_sidZ860476208?_nkw=SX+Bass&submit=Search"]http://stores.shop.ebay.co.uk/dn-store_Oth...p;submit=Search[/url] I'm sure there was someone else importing them too, possibly the Belgian ones, adding an extra switch and then charging £200 ? 'Jim Deacon' is the brand they are brought into this country under, but the distributor told me they were not allowed to retail them on ebay in the UK
  4. [quote name='Thunderthumbs' post='664513' date='Nov 24 2009, 11:16 PM']In all seriousness, you were just 3 numbers out. I was at the bar with Nigel Clutterbuck and each ticket being drawn was getting closer and closer to your number (my number was miles out). Then for the bass, I think yours ended something like 115 and 112 came out. It got a big "oooooooooh" from us bar-proppers. Did you get back to the station OK?[/quote] Just joking.........! Yes, but got on the wrong train ( there are two routes across T'Pennines) so thought I may have to buy another ticket but the very nice young lady could see I was so shell-shocked from all the slapping and kindly let me off!
  5. "Also met up with the usual couple.....Stuart (bassbunny) & Keith( yorks5stringer). Keith left me his wristband in case he won anything in the raffle. He missed out on the bass they were giving away by just 3 numbers!!" Hey Pete, that's funny, you told me the same story ( except I was 1 number off) last year!!!! Anyway, enjoy the new Bass (again)!
  6. [quote name='GreeneKing' post='662774' date='Nov 23 2009, 03:33 PM']When some guy in the audience asked Nathan East to do some slap I was close to using some rusty control and restraint techniques to evict him from the theatre [/quote] That was me and I was being ironic.......! Actually not guilty but a few observations: 1. Really enjoyed the concerts, would'nt the world be a lovely place if everyone was as nice and self effacing as Stevie, Poogie and Nathan? 2. Enjoyed all the trade stalls but trying out a bass except for feel was impossible with all the slap tickle and popping going on 3. Randy Hope Taylor had been billed to appear for months, so why did he admit to almost just busking it? 4. Am I alone ( and I love Carlton, YellowJackets et al US Jazz) in thinking some of the concerts because of the similar lineups all sounded a bit samey? Could the next years Bassday try to move a bit away from this genre? 5. When we've held Bass Bashes, the prize draw has never been held last thing as some people have to travel long distances. Let's face it yesterday, anyone who left before Nathan was in a minority anyway...! So why not bring the prize draw forward a bit?
  7. [quote name='butterfingersbeck' post='657702' date='Nov 18 2009, 12:21 AM']Is this related to the hiss, the hum or the battery life?[/quote] I get little hiss even on phones, some hum which I dial out on my amp, but the bane of my sad existance is poor battery life. I suspect the replacement module may be identical to what it replaces but if its different I'll try to take a photo.
  8. After some communication with Phil, it does not look like a plan, Stan! As you were......
  9. Update on the Stagg electronics saga: they're understandably not keen on EDB's being shipped back and forward around the country so have told me they will send out new electronics modules for owners to fit themselves. I guess if you are not keen/competant, then the shop you purchased it from ( who you need to approach in the first instance anyway) should be able to do the swap for you. I'm now waiting for my module to come through and will fit it myself.
  10. As it's in the area could I try it after you Tony please and I'll take it across to Phil before the 29th, as I have a gig on the 27th and could try it out?
  11. "Wants to go funky" You don't think he's just going to give up washing?
  12. Best gig of my life, original Steely Dan at Leeds Uni 1973 or was it 74? Huge entourage on stage including David Palmer on vocals, Mike McDonald on keys and vocals and the twin guitars of Denny Diaz and Jeff Baxter..............
  13. Roqsolid are actually made in Batley and when I got mine there were always deals to be had: I paid a extra £1 and got a 10% discount on £45! Mine were the first MarkBass Travellers he'd made so I sent in the dimensions and they were made from those plans.
  14. I think the LM1's were lower powered than the LM11's
  15. I'm trying to source Tuners for a 1980 Jazz Bass Neck. It looks from the rear of the headstock as if these would fit but I've never seen them before. Each tuner space on the headstock only has 2 holes for screws but these don't feel screwed but just as if they have been used for locating the pegs such as on rear of each Tuner in the photo. The bushing has then been used to lock them in place, in fact there are code indentations on the rear headstock where it looks as if the writing on the tuners has pressed into the wood as it has been tightened. Does anyone with knowledge of JB's from this era know if these are correct, and if not what should fit please? I'd like to keep the neck as period as possible...! [url="http://www.partsisparts.net/products/1680/Fender-Bass-Tuner.htm"]http://www.partsisparts.net/products/1680/...-Bass-Tuner.htm[/url]
  16. I had tickets to see Snake Davis with Hamish Stuart last December but was ill ( I'm never ill!) that night with a 24 hour virus. Forgot all about it, till the Promoter emailed me in late October this year that the next day Snake was on with Burden of Paradise and to come along. So me and Mrs Y5S went along not knowing what to expect ( we'd never seen a Snake show but had seen the AWB, hence the original Snake/Hamish interest). Snake was appearing as Burden of Paradise with Snake Davis on sax and flute, Helen Watson on vocals, Dave Bowie on double bass, and Mark Creswell on guitar. What a great gig, Dave Bowie on DB was superb (looked a bit different since I saw him at Newcastle City Hall in 1972 on the Ziggy Stardust Tour) and it wasn't until I got home and did some research that I realised Helen Watson had recorded with Little Feat ( mind who didn't in the 70's!). No drums, just the musicians mentioned above, superb originals and adaptations of soul classics (Games People Play), a thoroughly great evening at Coopers in Guiseley. Big Thanks to Keith, Mr Bassman
  17. Sounds like a bit of a pipe dream to me.....
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  19. I love those first 3 albums, bought them as they came out when I was a student from 73-76. There was a joy in their vocals and variety in the songs which I don't hear in their much more recent work. Still appreciate Aja and the like but Everthing must Go and Two against Nature are too "chugga chugga" guitar riffs for me...
  20. [quote name='Mateybass' post='647831' date='Nov 7 2009, 01:44 AM']My battery just ran out this weekend. It was the original battery from when I bought the bass in February this year. If anyone finds out what the exact cause is, perhaps they could let me know so I can add it to my list and maybe work out a procedure for those who's basses are out of warranty. Cheers Ian[/quote] 8 months, I barely got 8 hours! I've got my local shop on to the Stagg rep, D Hunter on Monday, so will see what transpires....
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