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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Map with directions: [url="http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?sourceid=navclient&oq=&rlz=1T4ACAW_enGB332GB332&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=The+Manhattan+Club+*+Beech+Avenue+*+Harrogate+*+HG2+8DY&fb=1&gl=uk&hq=The+Manhattan+Club+*+Beech+Avenue+*+Harrogate+*&hnear=HG2+8DY&cid=0,0,14262647170956529448&ei=WbWkS_ygJsfKjAfz0ZGaCg&sa=X&oi=local_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CAcQnwIwAA"]http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?sourceid=nav...ved=0CAcQnwIwAA[/url] Link to Manhattan Club website: [url="http://www.themanhattanclub.co.uk/"]http://www.themanhattanclub.co.uk/[/url]
  2. The numbering is of no significance...if it was I'd have put myself first! [b]Luthier Update[/b] As well as Paul Rose's apologies, it looks as if both Alan (ACG) and Jon Shuker are now unlikely to attend: they have both flagged up seperate problems regarding coming along this Sunday and send their apologies. However, Jim Fleeting has promised to attend! [url="http://www.guitarrepairman.co.uk/forsale.html"]http://www.guitarrepairman.co.uk/forsale.html[/url]
  3. [quote name='fatwull' post='779621' date='Mar 19 2010, 11:53 AM']I would like 3 also but don't know how to get them!! [/quote] Thanks, please visit this site: [url="http://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirebassbash2010"]http://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirebassbash2010[/url]
  4. [quote name='Metalmoore' post='779080' date='Mar 18 2010, 08:21 PM']Where can i get 3 tickets?[/quote] Please visit this site: [url="http://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirebassbash2010"]http://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirebassbash2010[/url]
  5. [quote name='Bassman Rich' post='777985' date='Mar 17 2010, 09:09 PM']Well by all means, but I may be 'out' when you come to pick it back up again!!![/quote] In that case, I'll take it directly to the Bash and you can balance it on one hand whilst playing open strings with the other....
  6. Yes please, I'm giving away the remaining Cold Soldering thingys as well. Oh, and thanks for your "donation" of £10 and maybe the Book too! I can't rig the draw but we'll try to ensure you don't get back anything you donated!
  7. 62 views and no-one thinks for £2.00 ( or 3 for £5.00) they could either win [b]3 [/b]sets of strings or a Hartke pedal....?
  8. Updated List: 1. Born 2B Mild 2. yorks5stringer 3. Al Heeley 5. simon1964 6. Tait 7. Mikey R 8. budget bassist 9. 10. Soopercrip 11. timloudon 12. Kirky 13. Huwberry 14. 15. gnasher1993 16. J3ster? 17. bigevilman? 18. Keefman? 19. Josh3184? 20. richardd 21. Anthony Joseph W? 22. sifi 2112 23. 24. retroman 25 thisnameistaken ? 26. Mr Bassman 27. Funkypenguin 28. Monz
  9. [quote name='Bassman Rich' post='777742' date='Mar 17 2010, 06:02 PM']Hey Mr Bassman Could I enter the 'closest to the venue' competition, i'm from near the milepost on Leeds Rd!! On a more serious note, will anyone have some lightweight cabs to try? Rich[/quote] I'll be bringing a Mark Bass 102T, shall I drop it off at your gaff so you can carry it to the Bash......?
  10. Well the tickets are selling well: chances of winning are likely to be 1:40 at the most, at the moment they are 1:3
  11. "About 3 songs in, my hand became really painful" It would have been better to say "about 3 songs in, my hand did not feelgood...."
  12. In line with previous Yorkshire Bass Bashes, we have some great prizes (generously donated by Hartke, thanks Gareth!). We have a Hartke VXL Tone-Shaper Bass Attack Pedal complete with a set of 3 Hartke Light [b]or[/b] Extra Light Strings. [attachment=44666:S5000730.JPG] We will be selling tickets in advance to any Basschatter for £2.00 each or 3 for a £5.00 and also on the day of the Bash. There will also be additional Raffle Prizes on the day (for those who attend in person) of packs of 3 sets of Hartke Bass Strings, Light or Extra Light! All "donations" will be going to LiveMusicNow: [url="http://www.justgiving.com/livemusicnow"]http://www.justgiving.com/livemusicnow[/url] For those who wish to "make advance donations" :http://www.justgiving.com/yorkshirebassbash2010 N.B. It is possible to enhance your "donation" by ticking the Gift Aid Box, this adds £2.82 from HMG to every £10.00.
  13. You could bring it along to the Yor-Bash at the Manhattan Club on the 21st if anyone wanted to see it....?
  14. Your namesake "Jakesbass" is a good person to speak with...
  15. "Dave's very small. Even i tower above him" ....hence the silver platform boots?
  16. Great gig by the "Nearly's" last night: even if by some freak of nature you are not into the Dan, do go and see this band! Great musicianship right through the 9/10 person (sorry, I'm ex local government!) lineup and Pete holds down the Bass with great skill and aplomb. He has a great-sounding and looking Roscoe/MarkBass set-up as well!
  17. No, I meant if there's gas in [b]my[/b] car......!
  18. A rare City Centre gig for us on Friday, hopefully lots of Amy's student mates will come along...... P.S. Basschatters welcome too!
  19. I'll be there ...if there's gas in the car!
  20. I get quite few non technical queries about the Stagg EDB, like "what the F**k is that".....?
  21. This happened to me at a Wedding some tiime ago, the groom and some guests who seemed vaguely familiar asked to play our drums, guitar and bass. We had been warned the groom wanted to sing but not about the other instruments. Anyway, arsey me replied regarding his car keys to the prospective bassist.. at which the groom got a bit upset, so I relented. They played a couple of numbers very well: they were all either members of or well connected to a major league Indie band who I won't mention to spare my blushes ( as pros they knew not to trash our instruments)!
  22. [b]Luthiers Confirmed[/b] Just in case you did not see the separate thread, the following "Bass Builders" are attending on March 21st: Alan Cringean (ACG), Jim Fleeting, Paul Rose (Prosebass), and Jon Shuker They will all be happy to talk about any aspect of their or your Basses......
  23. [quote name='funkypenguin' post='752404' date='Feb 21 2010, 12:17 AM']1. Born 2B Mild 2. yorks5stringer 3. Al Heeley 4. Wonderhorse 5. simon1964 6. Tait 7. Mikey R 8. budget bassist 9. Jake_tenfloors 10. Soopercrip 11. timloudon 12. Kirky 13. Huwberry 14. Conan ? 15. gnasher1993 16. J3ster? 17. bigevilman? 18. Keefman? 19. Josh3184? 20. Prosebass 21. richardd 22. Anthony Joseph W? 23. sifi 2112 24. Guybrushthreepw? 25. retroman 26 thisnameistaken ? 27. Mr Bassman 28. Funkypenguin unless a gig presents itself, il be there we're cool to bring bassist friends along who arnt on here yes? theres a few at uni who fancy coming along! il be bringing the two 6 strings in my signature [/quote] Yes, please bring along anyone who you think may be interested: even guitarists!
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