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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Awesome album and thanks to this thread I'm going to learn Walk between Raindrops now! ( incidentally, how do you walk between raindrops?)!
  2. If it's from Dolphin it may be a bit fishy.......
  3. Played our first Asian Wedding at a Bradford Banqueting venue last night, we were set to start at 6.30 to play in the guests as they arrived but were told by the venue staff that "nothing will go to time". Guests started to roll in around 7.15 pm and we played for 30 minutes and then did 45 minutes during the meal. Our final set of 15 minutes was curtailed to just 2 requests as all the men wanted to do Asian dancing, which was fine. We still finished 2 hours later than scheduled but made some good contacts and most importantly, got well fed!
  4. The advertiser said he had private bids which had taken it above £240.....I've asked him what the serial number is, surely the easiest wasy to see if it is genuine ( apart from going and looking)?
  5. [quote name='ahpook' date='Jul 4 2010, 12:57 AM' post='885177'] very sharp that man Sharp? That was just a 'Jazz' note..... Sorry, got in from a gig last night and obviously had too much energy to put an intelligent reply!
  6. Yes, don't stop believing......
  7. [quote name='TheRev' post='881657' date='Jun 30 2010, 10:05 AM']This works... I put a new set of Thomastik flatwounds on my Musicman just before rehearsal on Thursday and struggled all evening with a nasaly, twangy sound. On Friday I had the obligatory KFC on the way home from the pub and then had a good old noodle into the wee small hours. Did a gig on Saturday night and the strings sounded lovely and warm and mellow and yes, funky. I'm stil not going to rub my bass with a chicken though, It's just wrong.[/quote] Could you recommend a vegetarian/vegan option please....?
  8. Just sold a Jazz Bass to John, top guy to deal with, he paid upfront and waited patiently for 3 days for the next day delivery......
  9. I've got a spare ticket for Stevie Wonder, Jamiroqui, Corrine Bailey Rae, James Morrison, Melissa Etheridge etc this Saturday in Hyde Park as one of our party has dropped out. It's face value at £50 and can be collected in London this week or will be posted Recorded Delivery no later than Thursday evening. Ticket now gone, sold on Scarletmist.com
  10. Our singer will be wearing an orange jacket and picking up litter/helping, she's called Amy.....
  11. [quote name='bottomfeed' post='869786' date='Jun 17 2010, 11:43 AM']Very cool sounding.... My daughter bought me a [i]spongebob squarepants flying V ukulele[/i] last Xmas! I've been having a lot of fun with it.... Now I can't stop looking at videos of the Ubass! ...I'm hooked! There's even a guy doing TeenTown on one!!... ...There must be cheaper options than the Kala?[/quote] What it really needs is the frets taking out and the fretboard epoxied.....!
  12. Sorry, but I have the money in my account now, thanks for your interest.
  13. [quote name='captain black' post='870047' date='Jun 17 2010, 05:25 PM']Does bringing the bridge forward alter the tone much? I'm, thinking 70's bridge pickup positioning and all that.[/quote] I've not had the opportunity to do a comparison: why don't you buy it and see? I'll give you your money back if it doesn't sound like a 1990 Fender Jazz Bass played by me!
  14. [quote name='spaz91' post='870079' date='Jun 17 2010, 06:12 PM']Would you be interested in a trade for an ATK300? If not, free bump for a great looking bass [/quote] Fraid not, need the cash for another Bass....!
  15. If you are a non smoker ( or have given up) but want to have that cool Mojo, this is the Jazz Bass for you! As you can see, the headstock has that time houred mark of a ciggy burning down, I would guess during a 12 bar blues? In the interests of full disclosure, this is the history of this Bass. I bought the 22 fret neck ( which is date stamped December 1990) from a local music shop, it was lying in a corner, stripped of frets and tuners. It has been refretted at a local luthier and I sourced authentic 1990 Fender tuners ( notice these are not the type you can get cheap copies of) from the USA at considerable cost. In an effort to keep it authentic, it has genuine Fender Geddy Lee pickups, CTS solid brass shafted pots with cloth covered wiring, a Sprague or Orange Drop capacitor (can't remember which), Switchcraft socket and control knobs of the period too, although these are not genuine Fender. The black and white scratchplate is again a genuine 1990 Fender item although the Tort one is not, but it will come with them both anyway. The nut was hand made at the luthiers from bone too. The bridge is a Wilkinson in black with solid brass bridge pieces. It sounds really ballsy with all the trade mark Jazz Bass tones and plays really well, as I said it had a set up at a local luthiers once all the parts came together. The body however is not genuine Fender, and was sourced from a fellow Basschatter, as were some of the other parts. It is however an alder body and due to the 22 fret Fender neck, has had the neck pocket routed slightly ( again at the luthiers) to accept it. Consequently the original bridge position has had to be moved forward to keep the scale length so there are 5 holes in the body where the bridge used to be. These are shown in the photo filled and drop filled with paint and a bridge ashtray ( not Fender!) comes with the Bass which covers the holes anyway. There are a few scratches but no dings on the body although some of the original paint was chipped around the neck pocket before it came into my possession, this has been touched in with black felt tip and is hardly noticable. So if you want a pristine 1990 Jazz Bass for £300 this is not for you, but if you want a really nice Jazz Bass with Mojo that sounds, plays and looks great , then send me a PM! P.S. It comes with straps locks which I'll throw in for the price too. I'm coming down to London on the 25th to see Stevie Wonder in Hyde Park, so I'd be prepared to bring it down and meet with anyone not based in the frozen North! [attachment=52435:S5000202.JPG] [attachment=52436:S5000203.JPG] [attachment=52437:S5000204.JPG] [attachment=52438:S5000205.JPG] [attachment=52439:S5000206.JPG] [attachment=52440:S5000208.JPG] [attachment=52445:S5000201.JPG]
  16. Top notch seller, helpful and good comms.
  17. Just announced he's died. Bought this album (3+3) when it came out and listened to it time and time again. Lovely solid Bass, and glorious songs and vocals [url="http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&sql=10:gxfixql5ldke"]http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&a...10:gxfixql5ldke[/url]
  18. Seen him with Bonnie over here and in Central Park (NYC!) with a plethora of New Orleans Acts (Galatica and Soul Rebels). Also he was in Ripley, N Yorks last year with the AMG, great gig and great bassist too. The Guitarist with the AMG is the biggest guitarist I've ever seen, he needed the lift to get up on stage...
  19. It's Kenny Higgins playing on the album and it's him in the touring band as well. Check him out on Youtube..... S'funny as from all the tracks on the album, that's the one we do with Idle Hands as well!
  20. I use Mark Bass now with a 5 string, essentially a 2x10 combo but it's not a cheap solution: you don't mention budget. If you are only playing at bedroom volumes I had a Roland Cube Combo that at 30 watts was fine for practising and the 100 watt I replaced it with coped with a drummer and guitar too!
  21. Yes, and tell him I'll even drop the photo of me with the Stagg....
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