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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Saw them at the 02 just before Christmas gone...shook the man's hand
  2. Some people warm up before a gig with scales and arpeggios, played unplugged
  3. The cute response is B.uy O.ther S.ound E.quipment...however we've rehearsed with one (just vocs, guitar, bass and electronic drums and it sounded OK in a smallish room at low volumes. This PA was owned by a drummer we auditioned, he got it for £1600 with all the Bass additions as well. If you don't want to lug loads of heavy gear around then it may be an option: I read some opposing views on Talkbass, I guess it's a 'Marmite' product? I'm sure there will be someone along soon who says "that to get good bass response you need to shift air" and how much air does a 3" woofer shift....? Oh and I mean to say, if you want something small but powerful try a HK 2k rig, we have the 600w version and it suits us and the venues/type of music we play.
  4. [quote name='farmer61' post='740947' date='Feb 10 2010, 01:16 PM']My MM Stingray is suffering from rusty screws on the pick guard and also there is a hint of it (I think) on the bridge, I guess the screws can be replaced, but any great tips on how to clean it up? I think it may have come from the string cleaning spray I use???[/quote] Given your name I thought this might be a thread about your winter wheat....?
  5. Does Andy Murray play Bass as well? Think he's a bit gay/nazi
  6. Copper tape is very quick, shielding paint however takes a few days to dry.
  7. When I pointed out he would have been better booking a more local band, he has come back to me and insisted "the Mitchell House and Garden, 421 North Lake Drive, Lexington, SC." is in the UK! I have explained to him SC means South Carolina, and Lexington is nowhere near Yorkshire.......just to add to his confusion, I have said I contacted the venue and they have no record of his booking so he had better find a new venue fast, I'm sure I could find a venue in Yorkshire!
  8. I think the luthier who comes up with a dust-free finish will have the Bassworld at his/her feet......
  9. 2 reviews in the new issue mention "dust" getting on the finish of the basses. Petra Jones even suggests keeping the Vintage in a gig bag......... I thought these were working musical instruments, not valuable antiques or pieces of furniture. I must be even more out of touch with the modern bassist than I thought!
  10. I am please to announce the following four Luthiers will be attending the Yorkshire Bass Bash on March 21st: Jim Fleeting Alan Gringean Jon Shuker Paul Rose We hope to have further exciting announcements in the weeks leading up to the event....... Details of the Bash are pinned at the top of this Forum.
  11. I asked him for details of the venue, he's not very bright..... "The weeding would be at the Mitchell House and Garden, 421 North Lake Drive, Lexington, SC. I've asked him for £10,000 up front for our air tickets......
  12. It's the old overpayment scam but not once yet has he discussed/confirmed with me the venue ( am I being picky?) "Thanks for your reply and assistance so far. I got the total cost for the booking and I will like to proceed with the booking asap. So, please I need you to charge the total amount of £11,000 + processing fees on my card, then deduct £5000 for the booking and send the balance of £6000 to my fiance. She needs it to make other arrangements for the weeding as she is out of money. I will provide my her information later when you have charged the credit card and confirm the money. Please, i will like to hear from you soon as i am very busy with work and making other necessary arrangements for the weeding. If this can be arranged let me know so i can give you a call and process it over the phone. Thanks James Langdon" I'm going to give him the local Police contact number as my number......
  13. Having taken the advice of this forum 'never to undersell oneself for a Wedding', my quote of £5000 has not provoked a response from James Langdon as yet. I'm almost disappointed......
  14. Yes, but we're not the 'Real Thing' either....! As he has my email address anyway I'll post his response
  15. Just had these two emails today: Hello, My weeding is on the 26th of March and I would love the band to play. Get back to me if there is availability. Thanks James L****** to which I replied tell me more.... Hello, I am currently not in the country. I want to hire your band for our wedding on the 26th of March 2010 and will be having nothing less than 100 guest. The band would play for about 6 hours, from 12:00PM to 6:00PM. My Fiance loves Jazz, R&B and soul Music so we will like some good Jazz or Soul Music. Please, get back to me with the cost. Like I said earlier I am currently not in the country, I am currently at work in an oil rig so the only means of payment is my Credit card. I hope you do have a POS machine for credit cards charges as regards payment. Please get back to me on the costs. Regards James L****** I think I'll get back to him quoting £5000 ( I know, too cheap) and see how he reacts.. to me it is definitely a scam.
  16. I bought a Hair and Body Dryer for Mrs Yorks5stringer for Christmas.......(just joking). Bought it, it didn't work from the off so they sent a replacement and said ," don't send it back it will cost more than its worth". New they cost up to £85, got this from ebay at around £40 I've had a peek inside, nothing obvious, checked the fuse etc so if anyone wants it to try and get it going they are welcome. Might be better if you pick it up or come to the Yor-Bash on March 21st to collect, I'd hate to take postage from someone (around £7.50) and it not be repairable! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hot-Air-Body-Hair-Dryer-1KW-240v-White-BRAND-NEW_W0QQitemZ140366706843QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Home_Garden_BathroomAccessories_SM?hash=item20ae81f89b"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Hot-Air-Body-Hair-Dr...=item20ae81f89b[/url]
  17. Updated list taken from messages, please update if it is you..... 1. Born 2B Mild 2. yorks5stringer 3. Al Heeley 4. Wonderhorse 5. simon1964 6. Tait 7. Mikey R 8. budget bassist 9. Jake_tenfloors 10. Soopercrip 11. timloudon 12. Kirky 13. Huwberry 14. Conan ? 15. Gnasher? 16. J3ster? 17. bigevilman? 18. Keefman? 19. Josh3184? 20. Prosebass 21. richardd 22. Anthony Joseph W? 23. sifi 2112 24. Guybrushthreepw? 25. retroman
  18. [quote name='retroman' post='722429' date='Jan 23 2010, 06:38 PM']Stick me down as a provisional. haven't got anything planned that day yet, and it's not that bad a run from Derbyshire I can bring some basses along, but I would struggle to bring my heavy weight rig [/quote] 2B or not 2B, that is the question....
  19. [quote name='Sean' post='720772' date='Jan 22 2010, 08:10 AM']FFS the man invented, amongst other things, the Precision, Jazz, Stingray, Telecaster and Stratocaster! I'm sure he had a damn good reason for needing that many. And how do you know that they are[i] all [/i] pens? There could be a 0.5mm propelling pencil, a 0.7mm propelling pencil, a pen torch, one of those novelty sliding bikini pens where the bikini slides away to reveal a naked lady and a pen-style terminal screwdriver. [/quote] Yes, but why were 4 of them clipped outside his shirt and one left loose inside?
  20. [quote name='BassBunny' post='713425' date='Jan 15 2010, 09:24 AM']I've e-mailed SD for the answer and will post their reply when, (if), I get one.[/quote] Don't hold your breath waiting for the reply Stuart! You might be better asking the question on their forum, someone usually rolls along with the answer. That's how I found out about my similar active circuit and where to source the pots it needed.
  21. [quote name='Anthony Joseph Waczek III' post='710966' date='Jan 13 2010, 10:07 AM']would love to come along just to meet other bassists and learn, if thats plausible. i dont really know how a bass bash works.[/quote] You'd be more than welcome, you can either come with or without your gear, and you can try out other people's gear ( with their permission) and just generally chat to other bassists. It is however compulsory to buy some Raffle tickets, and compliment the organisers on what a good job they have done.... The only thing that is frowned upon is showing off your new slap licks at full volume for 25 minutes!
  22. [quote name='Dr.Dave' post='709365' date='Jan 11 2010, 08:54 PM']Well , I am a real Yorkshireman so I tend to use products like this because they're cheaper !!! [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-x-NEW-RED-BLACK-PAISLEY-BANDANA-SIZE-66cmx66cm_W0QQitemZ140361517031QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMen_s_Accessories_UK?hash=item20ae32c7e7"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/1-x-NEW-RED-BLACK-PA...=item20ae32c7e7[/url][/quote] Well, as long as no one slips on the disgarded skin.....
  23. Stevie Williams was talking at the National Bass Day about something he's arranged, I think it was on one of the Balearics? At least the weather should be nice..... Can't find a link to it but there are plenty on here who may have details?
  24. [attachment=39939:mane_20small.jpg] Sorry no can do, no flash, no Bash..... PS If you were a real Doctor you'd use products such as above........
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