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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. I think the 'wedding' may have to be cancelled if he's relying on getting £1500 for that!
  2. Just bought some pots, a control plate and bridge from gafbass02. All items as described and well priced too!
  3. Speaking of the Stingmeister, did anyone see the promo film for the Winters Tale thing in Durham Cathedral last night on BBC1? As someone who grew up in the NE from 1960 till 1973 I enjoyed the music and shots of him going around his old haunts. However I lost some of my respect for him when he went to by a "United" football book from a market and got his lackey to pay for it, as apparently he does not carry cash on him! I know he has more money than the Queen but when I'm a multi-millionaire I'll: A: keep editorial control of anything I'm on and B: carry some cash on me!
  4. Here's a bit of an ebay story with a twist and 100% true! My brother in law plays and buys and sells guitars and around 10 years ago saw a valuable sunburst or gold top Les Paul ( it might have been 1959?) on ebay. he bid for it but did not win it, only to get a second chance offer from the seller, I think it was around £2500 which he accepted.(The explanation was the winner was in the USA and postage was too much). He'd checked the provenance of the guitar and spoken to the seller who seemed genuine and knew about guitars. The seller said to get the £ to him ASAP as he was working in Switzerland next week: if he got the money quickly he'd send it before he went. So my BIL sent the money, he'd had a few difficulties getting hold of the guy but always got through in the end. The guitar arrived by courier in a case but not a shaped case, BIL thought "Ok fair enough, it's not a dealbreaker as long as the guitar is OK". He took off the wrapping paper, opened the case to find it filled with 3 bricks! He contacted the seller who said it had been definitely sent with the guitar inside and it was the couriers fault. BIL spoke to the couriers who said it could not have been substituted. BIL contacted the Police ( who did not know what ebay was at this time). To cut a long story short the case went to court in the sellers home town of ......... Day one saw the prosecution make their case, then BIL was called by the prosecution, then the defence. The defence lawyer went thought his bank details trying to prove he'd received the guitar and had sold it on. They then called Chandler Guitars to establish the provenance of the guitar. Then the defence called a little old lady who under questioning said she'd seen the defendant wrapping this guitar up, in a park opposite a guitar shop, where he'd called to get some wrapping materials. She said she sat there every day and noticed this guy wrapping a 1959 sunburst/goldtop Gibson les paul..... Immediately suspicions were raised, how would a little old dear know so much detail? The detective on the case was a local guy and called his girlfriend who worked close by. He asked her if she knew the old lady. "Of course", it was the defendant's girlsfriend/partner's mother! After lunch the detective went to the Judge and the case was halted, ultimately the old woman was charged with perjury and the guitar seller was charged again, fined and made to pay back the money ( which he still has not done). The Judge who knew nothing about ebay castigated BIL for sending off money for something he wasn't sure existed...! The defendant had money troubles and had just copied a photo from US ebay! However the twist in the tale was that on day one, the detective said to BIL, I'll tell you something about the family of the defendant at the end of the trial. Apparently the defendant came from a family of two parents and two brothers, of which he was one. When he was younger his mother left home so they stayed with their father. Then the guitar cheat brother left home. Some time later the remaining son died one day sat on the sofa, and instead of telling the authorities, the father left him sat on the sofa: for some reason he did not decompose and the room was just left closed. Time elapsed and for some reason, people were going to visit the house so the father wrapped dead son's corpse in an old carpet and dumped it in a park. The body was found, the Police thought they had a murder: after investigations in the end the father was just charged with preventing a burial.
  5. No fleas on that review....
  6. Do you have to be travelling at the speed of sound for them to work?
  7. Just had my first lesson with Jake on Boxing Day ( my birthday treat from the girls). Not much to say that has not been said before on this thread: he was clear, patient, affirming and has shown and explained to me a number of principals and techniques that should, if practiced correctly by me, enable a more fluent and musical technique!
  8. On page 73 of the January BGM there is an article about "Luna Guitars" and this special PBass 'copy' they have produced for Paz Lenchantin. Yvonne de Villiers who owns the company tells us, " Alex Morgan was commisioned to create a gender-neutral paisley henna art design that was laser edged onto the cedar pickguard". I'm 55 the day after next and have never once encountered gender specific designs in paisley henna art designs, it seems I have led a sheltered life.! But if anyone has an examples, I'm prepared to be shocked.....but aren't they just random swirls? BTW, I think this has to be my weirdest post, ever!
  9. Well, it seems someone has not read this thread...£585 for a £379 Bass!!! Sorry, it comes with a lead as well...... [url="http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/signed-Flea-bass-sunny-model-32-gig-bag-jack-lead_W0QQitemZ320465245202QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Musical_Instruments_Guitars_CV?hash=item4a9d379412"]http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/signed-Flea-bass-sun...=item4a9d379412[/url]
  10. Been a bit bemused by one of the google ads at the top of the page during this thread..."Council Approved Pest Control", of course it was triggered by "flea"!!
  11. A 50th Birthday Party in Helperby Village Hall, near Borobridge, North Yorkshire. As we departed the main road from Borobridge, the snow started to come down, even though was only 5 miles to the village, it was very scary. Luckily the snow then stopped. The host assured us it would be nearly all his friends and age group, but 2/3 of the audience were 20 somethings, his daughters friends all dressed to the theme,"The 60's". Lots of groovy Austin Powers and gals in white plastic boots..... Our set was around 10 x 60's songs (BTW, he only told us on Weds it was a 60's theme), the rest were more modern. We debuted "New York" by Paloma Faith, we all learnt it at home then a quick soundcheck, and into the set! It was good to have people up and dancing, thorugh most of the first and all of the second set. Last song before the encore was Last Christmas by Wham, this saw us wearing our Christmas hats and in my case a Santa Hat/beard combo, that was very warm! The host runs a hog roast business, 2/3 of the way through the first set he came onto the stage whilst we were playing to tell the guitarist "Don't worry, there is plenty of food left!"WTF There was in fact virtually 2/3 of a pig left at the end: I asked what would happen to it, was told it would be thrown. Shame it could not have been taken down to a homeless charity or something but the weather/roads were very treacherous. We had a different dep in on drums, he added some nice BV's and it keeps me on my toes. Next gig NYE at a restuarant, can anyone see a theme developing......?
  12. Just bought a semi-loaded Jazz Body from Smash, extremely well padded and packaged ( the bass body, not him!). Recommended!
  13. or available in Spanish for those who fancy the linguistic challenge....
  14. "I therefore invite the tight-fisted, gap-toothed, faux-psychotic, fanboy-exploiting fret-masher to pack his cash-filled Hermes bags and shag off home to his adoring acolytes, thus avoiding the likelihood of having a tightly-rolled item of headwear rammed up his Sheriff's badge" Possibly not a fan then?
  15. In the spirit of seasonal goodwill, could I just point out my comment regarding the price of the hats was tongue in cheek: some of you may have realised that anyway.......! I have no idea of the real price of them.
  16. I had one made to measure but the holes for the handle were slightly in the wrong place: I sent it back and they made a new one at no extra charge so if you are not satisfied, just give them a ring and they should re do it.
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  18. Just received a set of Geddy Lee Jazz pickups from Paubass: well packaged, swiftly dispatched and pass the "Ronseal " test!
  19. Try a Rick Turner Electroline using the piezo bridge pickup and strung with flats. I have one for sale, a 5 string.....
  20. I'd be surprised if he got a fee: anyone with anything to plug has been queueing up to play either Xfactor or Strictly because the exposure is huge. Mind if they did pay him, 10m cast votes last night for Xfactor, at £1? per call. no wonder they can afford all those sparklers and lights and Cowell is a millionaire.....
  21. However I'd be very careful about what you put on Talkbass, just keep it to the facts and avoid opinions as there are people who post on there who'd cause an argument in a graveyard.......! You could always ask if anyone else in the US has used this guy and if he has in fact fulfilled their orders?
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