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Everything posted by yorks5stringer

  1. Recycled some Inkjet cartridges to Jeff, great transaction, prompt payment ( just for postage) and excellent comms throughout. Recommended!
  2. Cross thread stalking but only we know the joke, nice one M! BTW did you used to be a 'scat' singer?
  3. No, I went 'online' for my news ages ago so can't have been at my house. Just remember if you ever get invited to Yorkshire Towers to BYO....
  4. 'Solitude of the forest', what with all those bears defecating? It'd be a nightmare
  5. I just put a nail on the toilet door and hang up the gold discs....
  6. Now you're just being picky, the Seller does says screws are included........!
  7. On a very slight tangent, I don't intend to die during my lifetime.
  8. Try reading this.... https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2022/jun/30/a-massive-betrayal-how-londons-olympic-legacy-was-sold-out
  9. Seems to be a red spot amongst the black both front and back, could be the laser however.......
  10. 'Good working order'? That's convinced me.....!
  11. £3,000 and it's got a mere 2 grainy photos? Those chrome covers don't look as if they've been done in the Fender CustomShop, more likely Joe's Garage... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/165316679208?_trkparms=amclksrc%3DITM%26aid%3D111001%26algo%3DREC.SEED%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20160908105057%26meid%3D5b9e5df7fe4f4487ae0fa6b1299a3c54%26pid%3D100675%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D15%26sd%3D295086080357%26itm%3D165316679208%26pmt%3D0%26noa%3D1%26pg%3D2380057%26brand%3DFender&_trksid=p2380057.c100675.m4236&_trkparms=pageci%3A8f24a1d6-0941-11ed-acf8-22c02775792a|parentrq%3A22cd81a41820ad34528cb462ffe837f0|iid%3A1
  12. There's no grime on my grubscrews! Seriously, it was less than 12 months old when I got it and everything was very clean. One possible suggestion was that the tooling to make the thread in the saddle was worn?
  13. I see you have the original 'briefcase' amp on the bottom.....
  14. Have been asked to edit out the contact I suggested.
  15. Maybe buy one at an online retailer from say Germany, get it sent to UK (if no-one can help out) and send it back as 'not suitable' upon your return? https://www.thomann.de/gb/harley_benton_mb_5_sbk_deluxe_series.htm
  16. BIke shop seems to be the usual suggestion for Basses but I reckon for an amp double box it with plenty of bubble wrap. Those large supermarket fruit trays ( loose apples and pears) tend to be quite thick and you could cut one down to fit.
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