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Everything posted by coasterbass

  1. The Hercules work well. My opinion on the 'the maximum weight is only 3lbs more than my Sei' is as follows.... The component that is most likely to fail is the screws fixing to the wall, rather than the hanger itself. I'd always disregard any fixings they provide you with and get down to B&Q. If you use some heavy duty fixings (especially if you have hollow plasterboard walls) and upgrade the screws to some of a decent length and thickness, then you will be fine. [crosses fingers ]
  2. [quote name='tauzero' post='290864' date='Sep 24 2008, 02:14 PM']I've found they're pretty good, unless you have certain basses which aren't so well suited to it. For example, Thumbs...[/quote] Or even worse... left handed thumbs Will bring a couple of stands along just in case they're needed.
  3. Hi, I'm looking to hire a high quality wireless vocal mic for a forthcoming gig. We've been offered a Shure SM58 with U2 wireless system, but I'm not convinced. To my ears the SM58 is a very dated design which doesn't hold up well with a highend PA, especially when we're recording the gig. Does anyone have any suggestions of alternatives?? Sennheiser? I'd be especially interested in recommendations of hire places in London too. Cheers
  4. If its not too much of a liberty I'll be bringing a couple of surplus cheap poweramps and an unused 3u rack bag which are all for sale, just in case anyone fancies one on the day. I promise not to make it look like a Blue Peter Bring and Buy sale I'll also try to bring my sack trolley to aid eveyone's loading/unloading pains.
  5. coasterbass

    Run Leia Run

    Might try and make it down there too
  6. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='289765' date='Sep 23 2008, 11:22 AM']might as well have.[/quote] PM'd
  7. Very sorry to hear this. My deepest sincere condolences.
  8. [quote name='phil_the_bassist' post='284963' date='Sep 16 2008, 01:23 PM']Now, THAT'S dangerous. People choosin a Uni just to be with a someone is sketchy. YMMV, but NONE of the couples I know who went to the same uni (cos they wanted to be 'togevah') stayed the distance...and regretted having to face their ex at every night out on the pull. Be wary, good sir...there's gonna be plenty more GASsing before you finish Uni! [/quote] I'm not following... Why are you writing about girls and couples and stuff when this is clearly a thread about buying a bass guitar from someone. Soooo confused.
  9. Minder was transcribed in a late 90's copy of Bassist magazine. It provided me with lots of fun trying to play that. Cracking. If anyone wants a copy of the transcription then drop me a line (although its back at my parents somewhere so 'please allow 28 days for delivery' )
  10. [quote name='MuseMatt' post='283418' date='Sep 13 2008, 11:28 PM']a bit of a shame for this song imho :$[/quote] Well maybe the 40bpm was a bit of an exaggeration, but its certainly faster than the album version.
  11. Because thats the speed the drummer feels comfortable at...
  12. Yeah, its the lighting. I have a '96 in translucent red and its gorgeous. Its actually a very deep red, with the grain showing through nicely.
  13. Of course that is true, but the question is whether you'd be better at playing with the $600 whammy, or the $120 brand new whammy that you can get from your local store Sorry, of course its the overpriced secondhand version
  14. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is 'just' a digitech whammy pedal isn't it ? [url="http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-DigiTech-BASS-WHAMMY-w-power-supply-Rare-Pedal_W0QQitemZ140264741934QQihZ004QQcategoryZ22669QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem"]http://cgi.ebay.com/Vintage-DigiTech-BASS-...1QQcmdZViewItem[/url]
  15. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='282436' date='Sep 12 2008, 10:44 AM']Wouldnt that be illegal LOL[/quote] We live in mysterious times
  16. [quote name='dave_bass5' post='282398' date='Sep 12 2008, 09:58 AM']when i get some funds together I'll let you know. Bear in mind its a 4 ohm cab though and wont be till after Christmas.[/quote] Coolio. 4 ohm = excellent. That'll take me to a 1.5kw rig that fits in a coupe. Nuts!
  17. For what its worth, I'm a recent convert to the Schroeder world. I used to lug around some BIG boxes, that never really did what I thought they might do. Time and technology moves on, and after some extensive umm'ing and arr'ing (and some useful chats on here), I bit the bullet and bought a 1210R. From the first moment I turned it on I was sold. They really are great cabs. I've got no complaints about the low end, even at volume. Admittedly I don't use my 5 string very much, and I like growl as well as thump (well, I do use a Stingray and Jazz!), but it holds together well and the projection is immense. Might even make Dave an offer for his 1210R if he's selling and make a monster.....
  18. [quote name='BigBeefChief' post='281863' date='Sep 11 2008, 02:07 PM']There's 5 in my trio.[/quote] Great to have you back on board mate! The last few bands I've been in have all been 6 piece affairs. It helps cover your screw-ups, and you stand a better chance in a fight. I picked up some nasty injuries whilst working as a trio.
  19. [quote name='MacDaddy' post='281272' date='Sep 10 2008, 05:22 PM']I'm gonna be living in Roehampton, would that put you too far out of the way?[/quote] All full now I'm afraid.
  20. Are there any other lefties coming along?? (thats actual lefties, not you sellouts who actually play righthanded! )
  21. Yeah - i was just looking at the 400+ and came back to post that as a suggestion. They crop up on the 2nd hand board here quite often. They aren't made any more, and are BEASTS, so the same goes for transport as for the SVT2, but they are amazing
  22. Nice selection. Is weight/transportability an issue (I'm guessing not if you have an 810!) ? I had an SVT4 for quite some time. Lovely amp, but always missed something. The CL and SVT2 have the 'missing piece' of the jigsaw IMO. But.... make sure you have good health insurance before you start lifting them... (but that goes for the SVT4 as well really). If weight is a concern, but you want the tone of the Ampeg, then get a good lightweight poweramp and connect it to an SVP-preamp. (Jury is still out on whether its quite the same as the SVT2/CL though)
  23. We've contemplated many, but actioned few.... Personally I've just bought myself an electric blue 'Trigger' suit. Its god-awful. Looks good with white shirt and black tie though. We always have inflatable guitars to dish out. Things that didn't work out.... 1) Using the keyboard to simulate a phone ringing prior to the last song of the set, with the singer announcing 'taxi for Coaster'. Tumbleweeds.... 2) (Fortunately never used) Being in a band called Coaster, we were going to have a 'Coaster Toaster', whereby we'd put a round of bread down as the audience started clapping for an encore, and if the toast came up before they stopped then we'd play on. Ho hum.
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