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Everything posted by coasterbass

  1. We're learning quite a tricky track that has some massive synth track on it that our single keyboard player possibly can't handle. I've found a copy of the original synth parts as recorded by the original artist (god bless the internet!) I'm not wondering about whether it would be possible to lift this original track and have us play along to it ? Trouble is that I have no idea whatsoever about how this might work... I imagine I'd have to stick some clicks at the start, and it would have to be in the drummer's foldback, but what else is involved? To these things actually work in a real life scenario??
  2. I think this was the best discussion of the options available, and has some pics too [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=16069&hl=hiscox"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=...9&hl=hiscox[/url]
  3. Damn you boys work fast with your links... i just spent 5 mins trying to find my OWN thread on the topic !!! Yep, I have a Pelican and I love it. Totally indestructable. Heavy but its got wheels and is lighter than mdf cases. Happy to answer any questions.
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  5. Yep - the devil is in the detail. Just been through my schedule to be sure and there's no exclusions for musical instruments, and it even covers your car as long as its in the boot.
  6. [quote name='thepurpleblob' post='255529' date='Aug 5 2008, 04:25 PM']I've yet to find musical instrument insurance that's doesn't seem pointless. Most have conditions along the lines of "you must keep your equipment in an armoured vehicle at all times and you must sit next to it with a big gun in your hand".[/quote] Exactly... hence dropping it for extended home cover, which is 'all risks'. Its covered the same as having your ipod nicked/squashed as they don't approch things assuming that everything comes in an armoured flightcase, and that you are a musician (insurance translation = muppet) Just check the small print though. Lloyds didn't like my plans...
  7. [quote name='ped' post='255514' date='Aug 5 2008, 04:06 PM']I was thinking about this the other day. Just moved into my own place and I think I had better go for it. if they did get nicked though no amount of money would make up for it because I couldn't find another! What do you use to estimate the value, is it simply a case of insuring it for what you think it is worth to YOU, or do they value the items themselves etc? I was quoted about £70 a year for £2000 cover but never got the quote via email with a breakdown. Cheers ped[/quote] It all depends on personal circumstances/location of course, but I pay the following: Public liability for £1m from musicguard = £25 £10000 of 'out of home' cover with Zurich (based on living in Sarf London) = £200 (including the rest of my furniture/stuff in my house). Crucially the individual item limit is about £2000 i think. I had specific music insurance for theft as well as liability for some time but found it was getting out of hand. Much happier with it separated.
  8. [quote name='Crazykiwi' post='210632' date='Jun 1 2008, 05:45 PM']I gig regularly with my Akai Deep Impact. Patch 1 gets used for Chaka Khans 'Ain't Nobody' and the chorus/breakdown in Outkast's "Hey Ya" uses Patch 9, the Moog squelch.[/quote] Has anyone found anything else that does the Hey Ya sound reasonably well, other than a Deep Impact ??
  9. I'm with Musicguard for liability cover and have an extended home policy with Zurich which is very good value. Point of note though !!!!!!! If you take digital photos of your pride and joy then print them out. That way when someone nicks your laptop at the sametime you aren't left high and dry !!!
  10. [quote name='jakesbass' post='255122' date='Aug 5 2008, 10:02 AM']You're never more than 1/4 mile away from a bass [/quote] Hmmm, well as a lefty I have to think more carefully about that statement ! Personally, I'm quite a cautious guy, and I bring spare stuff and tools for most of the rest of the band, let alone just for myself. In terms of gigging issues, In 14 years I've broken one string (and skewered the centre core straight through my index finger!!) My worst experience was when the battery connection in my Stingray came off midgig. Volume cut massively and so the PA guy cranked up the channel. Battery randomly reconnected and I wiped out the first 5 rows of the audience! Bringing a soldering iron is all well and good but you can't do this mid song, or even mid-set. You need a quick change in most gigging situations (IMO). However, I do carry spare strings, 9v, soldering iron, GAFFER TAPE!, spare powersupplies (9v/12v type things), 13amp and 5amp fuses, microphone clamps, speaker leads (as well as instrument leads), kettle leads, straps and.... an ipod with jack to rca lead so you can play cover music whilst you determine why you have no sound. Of course, there's always a coiled jacktojack sat ready next to my wireless. All this fits happily into a small rucksack so its no bother and although your bandmates may laugh, they will never ever thank you enough when you rescue their b*lls from the chopper midgig! Its the bassist's role to be the prepared and sensible one....
  11. [quote name='billynoband' post='254154' date='Aug 4 2008, 09:46 AM']not bad at all apart from the review of 5 very expensive square boxes with 12" speakers in them that you could build yourself for £120.[/quote] Please can someone PM me with the details of how to make something that sounds like an Agi or Berg for £120 ?? I may even drop you a fiver if it works
  12. Sadly that's pretty much the deal Feel free to peruse my earlier thread on just such a topic: [url="http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19562"]http://basschat.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=19562[/url] In-ear costs big bucks whichever way you try it, and the 2nd hand market isn't much better. Also, as a word of warning, be sure to check the frequencies available before considering any cheap(er) imports that knock about on ebay. There's a thread somewhere on legal frequencies - i think its a sticky on one of the topic categories
  13. No probs! It was the blue LED's that did it for me too Steve-soar used to/still has one of these if you need a personal recommendation
  14. Oh no!!! Don't put a Precision in front of me !! I haven't got one of them
  15. Yeah - its the same as a pedal board really.... keeps likeminded kit safe and warm and speeds up your setup process when you arrive at a venue because you can prewire most stuff. Plus it looks REALLY cool when its all stacked up with flashing lights and stuff !!
  16. Returning to the original question (sorry, I lost it when the graph came in! ) I've heard good things about the Crown Xti series which are ridiculously light and go for about £275 on evilbay (new). Same for the new QSC lightweight amps.
  17. Hi Dave, I've got a couple of Studiomaster amps available if you're interested. We used them to drive the PA but then I sold all the speakers. I'm going to be using one with my kit once I finally sort my speakers out. I've got a couple of 1200D's and a 1600D. All very capable and have probably only seen between 10-25hrs of active service each. Nick
  18. I don't even need an amp and I'm tempted by that price !!! Bump to the top on me!
  19. First delivery will arrive at the end of the week apparently...
  20. [quote name='umph' post='245815' date='Jul 23 2008, 12:52 AM']i'd grab the pre would wanna give it a whirl first though[/quote] For what its worth I've found the WP-100 to be the most flexible preamp that I've ever come across and the tone it creates is just superb. Highly recommended!!
  21. Last saturday, as I cross the dance floor having finished our set.... Fit Girl: "Are you the drummer?" Me: "No, I'm the bass player" Fit Girl: "Oh, doesn't matter then" [looks disappointed] Me: [look uncomfortable and walk off]
  22. not being a 'fanboy', what is it ?? presuming its something that Mr Wolstenholme uses, is there a track of theirs that shows what it sounds like?? cheers
  23. Thanks again everyone. I must say the midbump in the Schroeders does worry me a little, along with the comments about them sounding poor at home/requiring to be run at stage volume to perform. Has anyone used both the Schroeders and Bergs and can offer an A/B opinion ?
  24. A fairly eventful wedding gig on saturday. There were last minute requests from the bride which we hadn't played for a while so we were counting on the soundcheck to run these through. As a result we'd requested the PA and engineer get there for midday and explained the reasons why. We were due to be 'quiet' by 3pm as the room was being used for the initial arrival of the gride and broom. Sadly it was a company that we hadn't used before... 1pm came and went before they arrived, then spent 2 hours goofing around without actually switching the thing on. We eventually started soundcheck at 2.50pm!! The sound was horrendous. A real echo chamber of a room, 15m cubed. The sound went everywhere and there bass had to be backed riiiiight off. Normally we'd be counting on the foldback to counteract this but the desk they'd brough only had a single mix and they were scared to turn it up in case it fedback. So... we did the whole gig 'deaf'. I spent the whole time with my eyes on the drummer's snare hand and played everything staccato and muted. Horrible. The crowd made it all worth while though. They loved it and even the curious bride choices went down a storm. Mr Brightside started a Conga around the room and our singer went and joined in (I love radio mics).
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