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Everything posted by rushbo

  1. Hey all, Sold Pete my Big Muff...the transaction took all of three minutes. Great communication and a nice guy to boot (not literally, obviously...) Buy and sell with confidence Rushbo
  2. Item listed at 3.00. On hold pending payment at 3.03. I bloody love Basschat.
  3. Hey all Up for grabs is a handy little case which will accomodate three Boss pedals - the lid detaches leaving you a rather neat mini pedal board. Nice and sturdy and in good nick, too. [s]£20[/s] GONE!! posted to you fine folks. Treat your pedals to a bit of luxury!
  4. SOLD SOLD SOLD Hey all, What's not to love about a Big Muff? Get yourself some classic dirt for £35 all in. It's in decent nick but it does have some discolouration on the bottom where it was velcroed to my board. Comes with the (slightly tatty) box and paperwork. ta, Rushbo
  5. I've just picked one of these up second hand and I'm really impressed. I've had a number of multi effects but always got rid of 'em fairly quickly, but this ones a keeper. For a start, you don't need a degree in electronics to use it! I'm still playing with mine, but with a bit of tweaking, I'm getting some nice noises out of it. As it's on my board, I'm knocking out the compression on the patches as I've got a separate pedal for that and that's cut the noise down. Perseverance is the key. This is a lovely little box that punches well above its weight.
  6. Birmingham is God's country...birthplace of Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, The Move and ...er... Jamelia? I lived on the same street as Ozzy (Lodge Rd) and was born in the same hospital (Summerfield Rd). Do I win £5? Seriously...Birmingham is ace.
  7. Nick Beggs used to wash his hair with Lenor fabric softener. Fact.
  8. I had a BeatBass - their Hofner Macca Bass knockoff - and it was lovely. For the money, they're great value and I shifted mine for what I paid for it. I guess it depends on how hung up you are on 'The Name'.
  9. The people who object loudest to an evil, filthy electric Bass played alongside their lovely acoustic instruments tend to be people who are more concerned with image than sound. If you're doing a live radio session, the engineer is less likely to have a coronary if you turn up with a good sounded 'leccy Bass and amp than if you appeared with an awful, cheap upright or a next to inaudible acoustic Bass. And this comes from someone with a perfectly lovely acoustic Bass. If you have the luxury of time to eq it and balance mics correctly with an acoustic Bass, then it's an option. But you won't, so it isn't. If you can blag a fretless for the recording, that can sometimes appease the naysayers. I picked up an Ashbory recently for not a lot of money (from this very forum, natch) and that's what I'm taking out from now on for those sensitive moments when 20th century instruments don't appear to cut the mustard.
  10. [quote name='Alec 'Aleb' Mills' timestamp='1332678639' post='1591469'] I hope Squier isn't considered blasphemous! [/quote] Is that a Classic Vibe model? Whatever it is, it's piggin' gorgeous!
  11. ...now THAT is an uncompromising finish for a Bass!
  12. ...you can't argue with that. I hope he makes hundreds just for his refreshing candour.
  13. [quote name='gary mac' timestamp='1332659150' post='1591164'] I don't like Marmite but do like your bass [/quote] ahhww shucks.... I feel lucky to have found it - I didn't even know the model existed until I saw a picture on Fleabay. There are quite a lot of posts about them over on TalkBass, with people either raving about them or recoiling in horror. I like those reactions.
  14. "Hard Days Night" for sure...bombproof chord sequence, harmony potential and even room for a little geetar solo. Smart.
  15. Looks great on my lovely HTC Desire. However, being able to have a sneaky BC browse at work is costing me a lot of money in the Market...
  16. [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1332606938' post='1590660'] I don't have a problem with the concept, I do however think that the implementation on this particular one could have been slightly better. [/quote] You could be right. There's something rather intriguing about the way this thing looks...but I really should get out more.
  17. oooohhh, can I play? Here's my Mexican Special - a 'Cowpoke'. Some brave soul stripped all the paint off to reveal a rather lovely natural finish. She's been modded with a fantastic Schecter bridge and a brass nut and sounds fantastic.It's a keeper. Check out the slimmed down headstock. I realise it's a 'Marmite' Bass - you either love it or you hate it - but I'm a fan and I can't understand why they're still not in production.
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  20. ...I like it. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder (or beerholder, depending on yer circumstances) but surely you should be allowed to do whatever you want to your instrument? If the original owner decided he wanted an extra pickup/bridge/ashtray/rear view mirror on his '51. so be it. I'm always amazed when having the occasional peep on the Ric forums, how aggressive people get when they see the tiniest of modifications -the vitriol is amazing! For most of us, a Bass is our tool (settle down, you filthy minded lot!) and if we feel we have to modify it to make an 'improvement' then why not? I'd like to hear what this puppy sounds like...
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