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Everything posted by Mcgiver69

  1. I love the program but in all honesty it seems that after selling to MTV they are not updating the website with new content regularly. IT's a shame.
  2. Mcgiver69


    I got one of the Surveyors and it is not leaving any time soon, what a well made and versatile bass. I love how it plays and the B string is just Thunder from the Gods. Love it Love it Love it. I like the H series too, wouldn't mind one of those too
  3. Wow from Death Metal to Prog Rock in 2 seconds
  4. Yeah but that's for now, I think they are developing the parts that link to their web based applications. Yes it is totally unlimited.
  5. My Aria STB5 after a Bartolini MM5 and a new preamp? Definitely YES, before that the sound wasn't bad but not what I was looking for. Having said that it has always played great.
  6. That news only made Billy Sheehan's day! As for me? Ho Hum!!!
  7. Oh great someone is talking about my pet peeve! Listen he might be the singer but lets please create a rule, if you've been singing the same songs for more than 3 months you do not need the lyrics book! Unless the songs are new or relatively new to you, YOU DO NOT NEED THE BLOODY STAND WITH THE LYRICS BOOK BLOCKING THE STAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to learn all my parts why don't you? /rant
  8. OH LORD!! do you have a calculator??? Life has taught me something, if you don't make faces, or stop playing or the error is not too egregious people won't even notice.
  9. Unfortunately the only output that will come from the Bighead is the bass. You can always load your favourite track into your DAW and record the bass on a separate track. When done then render the whole mix into one final track. BTW that Bighead USB interface is fantastic. I hope this helps.
  10. Dude you can kill small dogs with that rig, nice Sire too..
  11. In all honesty I think working in Focusrite Tech Support should be the easiest job in the world, those products are made with such quality that I don't think they might have too much to do. I even help a friend record some stuff with his 1st gen 2i2 and I can't say I found a problem with it. I got an old Saffire 6 which I absolutely love, so easy to install and still records with no issues.
  12. Yeah take your time to peruse around, there's a browser too where you can pick up the plugins manually.
  13. I think they have two plugin sections, I think those are under the PRO tab
  14. Here you go https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR X3&language=3&help=Plug-ins.1.html
  15. In all honesty it wasn't a walk in the park for me to sell it to my band but after some convincing they decided to try it out and they now are glad we went that way. I remember that after the first rehearsal the singer commenting that it was the first time in a long time her voice was not affected after a rehearsal.
  16. Isn't it cheaper and easier to just buy a Jamhub and a used e-drums kit and rehearse at home? that way you spend your money in beer and snacks? We did that and: - Haven't missed playing and hauling our gear around - Never looked back as once you get used to the headphones everything is better and your singer won't end up voiceless and your neighbours will not hate you. - You can rehearse anywhere at anytime for as long as you need it.
  17. Yeah even if you won't use it as your main DAW only the plugins are worth the install.
  18. Yes as I said it's back and now the Platinum version is totally free here (Only Windows) https://cakewalk.bandlab.com/
  19. Another great piece of kit, the pres are great too which was my main concern but they are darn good.
  20. Now that's a great piece of gear.
  21. Yes I've seen the reviews and to be honest I wasn't very impressed, for that money I can get something better.
  22. The pads are more pressure sensitive which means you don't need to bash them to produce sound, great built even though it is plastic, great key response and the pitch/bend works great with that joystick. What not to love about it. Forgot to mention drivers are up to date so no problems with W10.
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