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Everything posted by Mickeyboro

  1. Met Graham Gouldman of 10CC backsage at Basingstoke Anvil tonight. Amazing songwriter and v nice bloke - the current 10CC are well worth catching too!
  2. I have recently been in a situation where my services were not required. The bandleader split the band, then re-engaged everyone but me - and I would much have preferred him to be straight up about it. Mind you, when you join a band whose two keyboard players both own more expensive basses/rigs than you, maybe you should expect these things!
  3. I have a DiMarzio in my 71 Pre (in avatar) which was there when I got it. Great pickup, totally recommend.
  4. I've just gone through this myself. I'm depping for a bloke who sings all the high songs (Police, etc) and went round singing along in the car to CDs. When doing it on stage I had no idea how much less you push your voice when amplified. Singing over a CD is like swimming with weights on your arms. It really disillusioned me. So practice with the CD by all means, but when you rehearse with the electric band you will find your amplified vocal will be much better than you think and your voice will crack less often. Good luck
  5. I once went to a rehearsal studio used by the guitarist Brinsley Schwarz, then of (Graham Parker &) the Rumour. He'd had a number of picks printed up with his name but they got it wrong and spelled it Schwartz. He threw them all over the floor in disgust. Me and my mates used em for years!
  6. Did my first ever lead vocals on Saturday - hadn't thought I was ready but got pushed into it! Quite a feeling. Must have enjoyed it cos I did two numbers before the keyboard player reclaimed his microphone! As for the audience...well they didn't leave. But it was a wedding!
  7. When we look back we'll see the Internet was not invariably a force for good!
  8. [quote name='geoffbyrne' post='454516' date='Apr 5 2009, 09:45 AM']my other band is middle-of-the-road [/quote] What, Chirpy Chirpy Cheep Cheep? Mick (54 and counting)
  9. [quote name='The Funk' post='453313' date='Apr 3 2009, 12:06 PM']Yes! Rule of thumb for me: bass should cost no more than 1/10 of the cost of car.[/quote] Where can I get a bass for £50?
  10. [quote name='johnnylager' post='449029' date='Mar 29 2009, 09:15 PM']41.8mm nuts rock.[/quote] Do you know, I've never measured mine...
  11. Aaaah! Your last gig with a band, Al, my first (sorry no pics). A four-piece Beatlesy cover band who don't take themselves too seriously. In fact, having two 'follically challenged' members, they put on comedy wigs to do Fab Four numbers... It was a surprise 30th party for a friend of the drummer, so we had the exciting 'lights off in the bar' moment as he got out of his car and walked through the car park. Then, fortunately, lights on as I had a 30-song crib sheet to keep in line of sight. No wig-wearing , though - might have drawn the line at that!
  12. I genuinely used to see OH P15 0F driving round Morden, Surrey, when a kid.
  13. I think you've hit the nail on the head there Den. One pickup, one tone, four strings, the music and you. Simple!
  14. [quote name='Johnzy' post='407326' date='Feb 12 2009, 09:36 AM']Live & Dangerous!!!! Best Live rock album ever????[/quote] Except it wasn't live...
  15. Seeing as there are so many fans... I have a just released CD/DVD called 'Both Sides Of'. The DVD is recorded in Cumbria in 2007 and the DVD in Europe in 2006. Also a studio album called 'Refrigerator'. Sling me a tenner and I'll bung in the studio album 'Refrigerator' - also unplayed! Mick
  16. I will get along as it's my local gig. We're due to play there four times this year! Beware of pi**ed teenagers yelling for 'Love SHack', however
  17. Can't help Gary, but agree about Argus & MT. It's kinda supercharged folk rock isn't it?
  18. I sat in the Festival hall at eye level with Brian a few years ago. The lights are still on these days but no-one's home!
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