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Everything posted by Graham

  1. Spirit Adrift - Enlightened In Eternity These guys are going to be big - if you want upbeat, classic sounding metal, that is also up-to-date with some of the best solos in the genre, look no further. They channel Metallica, Iron Maiden et al without sounding like a rip-off and really are a lot of fun
  2. DHL have also brought in a €0.25/Kg/€5 minimum Brexit surcharge for imports into the UK, so there's that as well
  3. Ulcerate - Stare Into Death And Be Still Good prog-death metal, but it is a bit like someone thought "What would Opeth sound like if you took all the melodic parts out"
  4. Do I need a five? The way I play, yeah I kinda do as I'm so used to having the low B. Could I make do with a four? Sure, the same way I could make do with three strings. I get what he's saying about a five not being a higher spec, or an upgrade compared to a four, but I'm definitely a five string bassist, so would always pick one over a four.
  5. I would like to get a 55-01 and then swap the electronics out for Nordstrands
  6. Thanks, to be honest, that's a little disappointing - Ampeg B15, SVT, GK RB800, Mesa 400+ are exactly what Line 6 have on the Helix, I was hoping for something different - Darkglass, EBS, Trace, Ashdown, Eden etc
  7. I'd be very interested to see which bass amps have been modelled on this, the interface looks brilliant and the tones in that video are ace
  8. I've seen Opeth several times and they've always been great, but it was mental how tight they were at Download 2009
  9. Looks like I'm the only one who liked it then 😁
  10. Cynic bassist and academic Sean Malone has died, he was in his mid 50s https://www.theprp.com/2020/12/09/news/cynic-bassist-sean-malone-has-passed-away/ One Of the earliest adopters of fretless bass in metal, he was a huge influence on many players after Cynic's debut, and for a long time only, record Focus. With highly technical fretless playing, more of a jazz musician than a metal player, Malone will be sorely missed. His work on the subsequent Cynic albums after they reunited in the early 2000s was stunning, as well as his solo record Gordian Knot. Here he is in the studio playing through the opening track of Focus - Veil Of Maya
  11. This rocked up Annie Lennox cover, I've been really enjoying the weekly covers 2M2LN have been putting out during the pandemic.
  12. Mariah Carey Gregg Lake The Waitresses Frank Turner's cover of Last Christmas
  13. I was walking the dog through the woods, lit only by the full moon, so I put Wolves In The Throne Room on
  14. I Love Julie Christmas - Made Out Of Babies are brilliant and Mariner could be my favourite album of all time, I even have a tattoo inspired by it 😎
  15. @bartelby and @Nail Soup I can heartily recommend Emma Ruth Rundle's new collaboration with Thou https://thou.bandcamp.com/album/may-our-chambers-be-full It's like if Alanis Morissette wrote a doom album
  16. I think At The Soundless Dawn is my favourite, but it varies. I really like their bass players too, Jeff Caxide on the first record is briliant and the guy playing on Every Red Heart.... and The Fear.... is writing the parts exactly the way I'd be aiming to.
  17. Russian Circles - Memorial https://russiancircles.bandcamp.com/album/memorial Red Sparrows - The Fear Is Exruciating, But Therein Lies The Answer https://redsparowes.bandcamp.com/album/the-fear-is-excruciating-but-therein-lies-the-answer Instrumental post-rock greatness
  18. I've been listening to a fair bit of Pantera recently, was working out some of Rex's baselines this afternoon
  19. When my old band played Download back in 2009, the sound guy put Living After Midnight by Judas Priest on before we started and it was just the right amount of upbeat energy to get us going for the set
  20. Dr Dre - The Chronic I'm not the biggest hip-hop fan in the world, but really enjoying this.
  21. I quite like the illustration, I'd maybe see if a local artist could finish it though
  22. The most recent Napalm Death - Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism The title's a bit of a mouthful, but it's a cracking record
  23. Red Hot Chili Peppers - the early stuff doesn't really float my boat, but Love BSSM/Californication/By The Way
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