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Everything posted by pete.young

  1. I think virtually all the Ernie Ball 5-strings are 17.5mm, which to me is neither wide or narrow.
  2. It's back! At 10 times the price. Could someone explain what is going on please, in words of one syllable or less? https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/185702965498?hash=item2b3cc260fa:g:TyYAAOSwthhi0~LM
  3. Is the sound post set up properly and in the right place?
  4. Some BB's aren't. BBNE2 is 18mm. SGC Nanyo Bass Collection 5s are 19mm at the bridge, if you can find a second-hand one.
  5. You'd need to be a fairly capable woodworker to fit in a 5th tuning peg - Paul didn't post a picture of the back, but the tuners sit in a deep recess which would need to be enlarged, they're fairly closely packed together as it is.
  6. These were probably Eminence Deltalite IIs, built to EBS specification rather than off the shelf. Best place to get a replacement is from EBS themselves.
  7. When my son was at the same stage, we took a trip around some guitar shops and tried out some guitars. He tried quite a few, and settled on a Yamaha Pacifica fat strat. He still remembers the enjoyment of that day and still has that guitar, which he played every day for 2 years until a Japanese Strat came along.
  8. Ah, well that makes sense. In that case you're welcome to pop over to Ipswich and give my one a try.
  9. Why would you want to do that ? It's designed for acoustic instruments using piezo transducers and/or dynamic microphones. It'll probably work, but there will be many better choices aimed specifically at bass guitar.
  10. You might try looking for some violin tab for 5-string violin - your tuning is essentially violin plus a low C, although it has viola scale length. And if you can't find 5-string vioin, take the E from 4-string tab and add it to what you have for viola. I'm amazed that there is any tab at all for orchestral instruments.
  11. If you're lucky enough to have a bit the right size for the existing hole, you can centre it with a drill press.
  12. Here's this week's homework - left hand plucks , with optional juggling.
  13. Well I guess everything has increased in value during the current cost of living crisis, including firewood. But a SquiER like this is still not a 400-500 quid bass. And this guy is not a salesman of any description , especially not amazing. There is much better value to be had from the For Sale forums on this site, from Squier, VIntage, Mexican Fender, Yamaha, Sire, ...
  14. Another way might be a volume pedal with a 'minimum' setting.
  15. The pickups are stacked humbuckers, not jazz-style single coils, so I wouldn't expect them to sound like a typical Jazz bass.
  16. Colin Hodgkinson. I found a copy of the Back Door album in a second-hand shop . Never heard anything like it before or since.
  17. I remember reading an article in the NME or similar about a guitarist called Hartley Cain, who had an 18-string electric guitar. It had 19 machine heads, the 19th one was a bass machine head attached to a motorcycle clutch cable which ran down the back of the guitar to the bottom strap button to stop the tension of the other strings folding it in half.
  18. Looks like the brand still exists : http://www.riverheadguitar.com/ and there is a facebook page https://www.facebook.com/people/Riverhead-bass-guitars/100069322726151/
  19. According to my contact from the other band, this is an all-ticket gig and is sold out. Have a fun night!
  20. The build, the finish and especially the cover all look great. Have a 'like' on me.
  21. In the first post of the thread, Smanth said: "I'd love to hear who you consider great female bass players ..."
  22. This is being held up as an example of great bass playing? 3 repeated root notes all on the E string? I'm clearly out of touch.
  23. The way that the winding stops with just the core going over the saddle makes me think these are Rotosound PSD or similar piano-wound strings.
  24. Pickup looks like this to me: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003196228239.html?_randl_currency=GBP&_randl_shipto=GB&src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=494-037-6276&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&albagn=888888&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&albcp=17859472720&albag=&trgt=&crea=en1005003196228239&netw=x&device=c&albpg=&albpd=en1005003196228239&gclid=Cj0KCQjw4omaBhDqARIsADXULuUp1hGsKf2poaPNpt1tHPvTDmxQ3vEeJd_syUgm3DXUWBpmDk4afkQaAmtxEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&aff_fcid=343f2b700285474da6227621918b0597-1665327653019-01938-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=343f2b700285474da6227621918b0597-1665327653019-01938-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=15a6422552a94fc88720a94ab69051a2&afSmartRedirect=y It'll be a piezo transducer under the bridge feet, and the box probably includes a high-impedance (> 1MOhm) preamp. The cable on the Mark Wood violin looks like a right-angled mini jack on one end and a 6mm socket on the other. You can probably get Studiospares to make one, or buy the bits if you can solder. There's probably no point in replacing the friction pegs - you get all the fine adjustment you need on the tailpiece adjusters. Ebony bridge probably won't improve the sound, but with this it probably doesn't matter.
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