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Everything posted by seashell

  1. I've got a feeling alcoholic might feature in my festivities. (That's not a euphemism, discreet! ).
  2. Thank you bigd1. A very happy Christmas to you and all the BC community. Love from shell xxx
  3. I'm not normally a massive fan of the genre. But I was totally amazed by Jah Wobble at LBGS a couple of years ago and now he is one of my main bass heroes! :-)
  4. That reminds me.. Dood's thread about shaving his carpet. (Not a euphemism!)
  5. We're not like that on BC. But I expect someone will be along in a minute to criticise the spelling in the thread title.
  6. Brilliant. Depping with a Stones covers band. Dressed up like a full-on Rock Chick and managed to convince everyone I knew what I was doing. Fingers virtually bleeding after Sympathy for the Devil. Loved it! :-)
  7. Still gotta be Andy Fraser for me. Loved him since long before I ever dreamed of playing bass myself. Now I'd love to play even slightly like that. Interesting to see the mentions of Dennis Dunaway, above. It was only after I'd started learning bass myself that I heard an Alice Cooper track on the radio and thought 'Blimey, I'd never noticed before how brilliant that bass player is!' Googled him and became a fan! :-)
  8. At least he's got rid of the puddin bowl haircut. And thinking of Justins....whatever happened to Timberlake? I used to rather like him.
  9. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1449248413' post='2921969'] I think it's brilliant, kids getting involved in music. It should be encouraged, not made fun of. [/quote] Agreed, I hope they have fun and do well. Nice that they're looking for boys or girls as well. :-)
  10. Fender P, obvs. I really don't care what amp, but I would like an enormous cab. So it would cast a huge shadow and I could get some shade when the desert sun threatens to burn my pasty skin. It's all solar powered, I assume. :-)
  11. I liked Man when I saw them at Essex Uni in 76 or 77 . At least I think I liked them. It was a long, long time ago.
  12. They used to whip 'em out as a matter of course in the 1960's. I had mine out when I was 9. I really enjoyed it actually! I was on a ward with a load of other little girls and there was much giggling and fun. Like being in one of those boarding schools I'd read so much about. And my parents brought me in loads of Monkees fanzines to read. I'd never read anything so totally funny, fab and groovy. I eschewed 'Bunty' from then on. :-)
  13. 'Doctor, will Raslee be able to play bass after the operation?' 'Yes, that will be fine' 'It's a miracle! Because he couldn't before' Sorry, I had to make that joke. It's a tradition.
  14. When is an intro not an intro? I remember a lot of my Mum's old 78s were pieces of music 'with vocal refrain'. The ' vocal refrain' would come in about half way through the tune. So are some of the tracks mentioned above just pieces of music that happen to have a bit of singing in them?
  15. Not a gig injury, but I didn't want to start a separate thread for bass-related-non-gig injuries. . I stubbed my little toe on my combo. The combo has to live in my hall as there's no room for it anywhere else. Dashing past it one day I stubbed my toe really badly. The skin was broken and now an infection has set in! I've got a horrible, grisly infected TOE! Doctor has given me antibiotics which hopefully will clear it up soon Now I need to think about some sort of padding for the combo, cos I'm bound to do it again. :-0
  16. [quote name='SteveK' timestamp='1446751438' post='2902115'] Guess I'm the only one that thinks those clip on tuners just look wrong! Tuner built in to my FX board, tuner app on my phone, and same app on my tablet. [/quote] No, I agree they look wrong. I always unclipp it before I start playing.
  17. 4 because I keep losing/mislaying them, so I only ever seem to know where one is at any one time. At the moment it's a clip on one that came free with BGM.
  18. I know a bass player who always keeps her pick in her mouth when she's playing finger style (ie between her teeth, not actually in her mouth!) It always makes me nervous watching her, cos I'm terrified she'll swallow it if she starts rocking out. And it must be difficult to do the heimlich manoeuvre on someone wearing a bass!
  19. [quote name='SICbass' timestamp='1446111006' post='2896908'] [/quote] Thanks! Is this actually you, SICbass?
  20. He reminds me of my bass teacher. I wish we could have seen his face at some point. :-)
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