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Everything posted by seashell

  1. Great to see you back, Pete. Hope life continues on the upward path from now on. One day at a time xx
  2. I left my last band party due to this. Our lead guitarist was fine, but then it was deemed we needed a second guitarist. Enter Singer's brother with his horrible pedals. Proceeded to crash all over everything and made every song in the set sound exactly the same.
  3. 'Spanish Train' by Chris de Burgh. Honestly, I do posses it and I do like it.
  4. Fan bloody tastic, still buzzin. Charity night at a local venue . Bloke who organised it put together various local acts in various combinations. I played bass with 2 of the support bands. Including a cover of Copperhead Road yee ha! Love that song Then did congas and backing vocals with the main band. Mostly Rolling Stones covers. Totally beasted it on Gimme Shelter. Afterwards, I think I got more compliments on my singing and percussion than on my bass playing! Hmm not sure about that... Bloody good night though, and all in a good cause. :-)
  5. [quote name='TheGreek' timestamp='1444763377' post='2885784'] ..this is a monstrosity: http://alembic.com/club/messages/411/76710.jpg [/quote] I can usually find something pleasing in the appearance of any bass, but that really is ghastly.
  6. That sounds amazing. I didn't know he was still gigging. Hope he does some more soon.
  7. I'll be there. both days this time. It's easy to avoid any excessive slapping in the main hall by going to all the amazing performances and master classes. Which is what I intend to do, as usual. :-)
  8. [quote name='colgraff' timestamp='1444499231' post='2883726'] Most of us have died a miserable death on stage at one time or another. Fortunately for me, I did it before the internet existed! [/quote] Wise words.
  9. [quote name='TKenrick' timestamp='1444208881' post='2881063'] I've been using the Vox Amplug for a while and think it's great - has an aux input if you want to practice with a metronome/backing tracks/whale noises. Also takes up very little room in a gig bag and is perfect for warming up before a gig. The newer ones are slightly better build quality than the original ones (I broke the first one I had fairly quickly). [/quote] I've got one of these, and I never thought to use it to warm up before a gig. What a great idea! (slaps head). It would be great for jams and open mics as well. If someone says 'let's do such-and-such' tonight' you could plug it in and remind yourself how it goes. Or even get it up on YouTube and plug your phone into it for a quick run through. Thanks for the tip.
  10. Did a little gig on Wednesday at a local acoustic night. Was playing with a guy who does some original songs and a few 'unplugged' covers (I was plugged in though, obvs!) Just him on guitar, another guy on mandolin and me on bass. It was OK, but there weren't that many people in. We got aripple of polite applause. Last night I was back at the same venue for ththeir blues jam night. Got talking to a young man who had been there the night before. He said 'I loved that Song you did last night 'The Weight'. I'd never heard it before so I went home and googled it. Found out it was by The Band. Never heard of them before, so I found some more of their stuff. It's great, isn't it?' I was so pleased about that! This is what it's all about, ladies and gents. Spreading the love of good music between generations. :-)
  11. I have always been, and shall always be, a cat on a toilet.
  12. There were at least 4 BC'ers at the Brum gig. The whole room was pretty much full of bass players. At one point Steve asked if anyone in the audience played bass and nearly every hand went up! It was a great night. Jonas is amazing(as is Steve, of course). Also great to hang out with some bass brothers and sisters ... almost as good as a bass bash, lol
  13. [quote name='ambient' timestamp='1443957897' post='2878923'] Thanks 😊 I got mine the day the gigs were announced ! I wouldn't miss this gig. [/quote] OK, see you later! :-)
  14. ambient, have you booked your ticket already? I find myself with a spare one. PM me if interested.
  15. [quote name='ahpook' timestamp='1443907307' post='2878696'] Let us know how it is... [/quote] Yes, will do.
  16. I'm going to see them at the Tower of Song, Birmingham tomorrow. I know there will be a few bassists there. Any BCers going to the Brum gig?
  17. [quote name='Roger2611' timestamp='1443807978' post='2877936'] There has been an add in Guitar and Bass mag for a while that makes me want to be mischievous....it is pretty much "Bass player wanted for rock band must be over 22 years old and HAVE LONG BROWN HAIR" I mean WTF I am so tempted to find a photo of a beautiful naked blonde lady playing bass and send it to them saying....really wanted to apply but hair is wrong colour..sorry goodbye...sadly as yet I have been unable to find said photo to allow me to carry out my evil plan [/quote] PM sent.
  18. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1443090634' post='2872076'] If I leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me? [/quote] Some brilliant choices in this thread! I particularly love the Romeo and Juliet lines. But this one has the tingle factor.
  19. [quote name='tauzero' timestamp='1442391299' post='2866508'] Yes, I used to go into Musical Exchanges in Brum back when it was in Broad Street (little Gary who went to PMT used to work there back then) and then Snow Hill, and the second-hand side of it just disappeared. Now there's just Stirchley Musical Exchange which is a tiny OMAAD place with some decent instruments but not very many of them, [/quote] I got my trusty Mexican Fender P from there only 4 years ago. I was in there recently buying a lead. They only had about 4 basses in - all Arias as I recall. Bob (the gaffer) said they hardly get anyone in selling basses any more, especially not anything decent :-(
  20. Brilliant. Andy Fraser is my all time bass hero. :-)
  21. Me too. Mine was delivered at the beginning of the month.
  22. Les Negresses Vertes (eponymous album). The single Zobi la Mouche was never the hit that it should have been. The album is great - I was playing it tonight for the first time in ages, and it sounds really fresh considering it came out late eighties.
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