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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. I am so lucky to have played with (so) far 4 very good drummers. Last night we were having some 7/4 fun with Unsquare Dance. Took Chris a couple of goes but he wrapped his head around it and off we went About to meet my fifth drummer, can the run of good luck continue?
  2. [quote name='iiipopes' timestamp='1359069995' post='1949596'] We play bass. The mod retains treble. Why? [/quote] Because there's nothing wrong with a bit of top end sizzle being available. You can always dial it out, but you can't fabricate it.
  3. I bought a strap from Chris. Smooth transaction, no worries, deal with confidence.
  4. Yup, in my experience G&L Tributes are scarily good for the price.
  5. I've played four BBs (BB300, BB350F, BB450 and BB614) and I've been impressed with each of them, mostly the necks - sitting in a nice middle ground between a Jazz and a Precision. They've all been very well screwed together, although I think I preferred how the older models felt versus the BB614 for some unfathomable reason.
  6. I must be really lucky. I've never been mucked about. Each time I've gone for something I've either ended up joining the band, or deciding after a jam or two that it wasn't my thing and declining.
  7. I don't think any of my basses shame any of the others, they're all great instruments in their own right. However, if you're talking surprising performance considering the relative cost of the instrument, then I'd have to put my Yamaha BB450 up for consideration: Cost me something like £50 to put together, and it is remarkably nice. Is it "better" than my RD Artist? No. Is my RD Artist more than a thousand pounds better than this? Erm... not so sure
  8. New entry: Tribute M-2000:
  9. White G&L Tribute M-2000 with matching headstock:
  10. [quote name='headofire' timestamp='1358352194' post='1937592'] That, sir, is a gorgeous piece... I have had a 301 fretless for years and its one of my favourites. I just put a deposit on a black 302 i cant afford but I really enjoy the feel and sound of these old guilds. A 'future classic' as people like to say. Have you still got it? [/quote] Oops, just saw this. Nah, I moved it on in the end, traded it for another odd bass, the G&L El Toro. "Future classic" is right, but I don't have the patience for the long game
  11. [quote name='jezzaboy' timestamp='1358851642' post='1945908'] Brand loyalty, Fender`s marketing compared to gl, [i]not considered cool and cause no bugger knows about them basically.[/i] [/quote] And there's the rub. I'm sure G&L would be delighted to become the pre-eminent brand in the world, but I suspect that they also feed off of an air of exclusivity, of being a little club of cognoscenti, and these two things are pretty much polar opposites. Suffice to say that to those in the know, G&Ls are fantastic instruments. Those of you that don't know, trust me, you're missing out, but we don't really care - too busy having fun knocking down walls with MFD pickups [b]OMG![/b]
  12. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1358851038' post='1945897'] So, as everyone likes G&Ls why do Fenders outsell them 100-1? [/quote] Got in there early, first electric bass (as we now understand it), >60 years experience, at one time was so dominant that people would refer to the electric bass as "Fender bass". There's a lot of pedigree there to be argued with. Just as well I'm just an argumentative so-and-so You could say this of any other manufacturer. They've all got to fight against it.
  13. I'll be popping in for one on Thursday. At the moment I'm going between two irons - a 25W for delicate stuff and a 40W one for doing big stuff like pot casings. The 25W just doesn't have the oomph for pot casings, and the 40W is a bit savage for the small stuff. This would eliminate that nonsense.
  14. [quote name='AnalogBomb' timestamp='1358767476' post='1944533'] Sort of making me consider my position really. I don't invest money and time in good gear and practice to be made to look like a fool. This happened to anybody else? [/quote] Yes, this has happened to me before. I quit, not completely because of this but it was a factor.
  15. Nah, I don't get all this "my sound" thing either. When I play bass it sounds like... someone playing a bass. Amidst the organised cacophony of a band I'm just happy if I can hear myself. Usually a sad face on the EQ equals a happy me.
  16. [quote name='basskit_case' timestamp='1358644605' post='1942868'] No, purely judged attempt at humour. I just don't use the bass, no time at lunch and elsewhere I use full-size basses. I would like to streamline the collection to those that are in use only. [/quote] Heh, no worries, looks like a fun wee thing. Best of luck with the sale.
  17. Oh, someone snap this up, terrific basses, great price.
  18. [quote name='basskit_case' timestamp='1358640042' post='1942814'] I am selling my Hofner Shorty, bought it on a whim a couple of months back, I thought I needed a practice bass for the car whilst at work. My colleagues think I am a bit weird if I sit in my car playing with myself at lunchtime so the bass can go. Its in good condition, comes with soft gig bag as well. The price is £75 delivered, priced to go. Let me know what you think. [/quote] You're selling it because of what your colleagues think of you?
  19. Only one drink before I go up. Tried two once and didn't feel like I was on top form, so I haven't done it since. Last gig I played I didn't have anything, had a late night three hour drive afterwards and didn't think it wise.
  20. [quote name='alyctes' timestamp='1358605434' post='1942079'] Is that the one I gave to Roland Rock? I'd be pleased to know it's back together, and glad someone could do something with it. [/quote] Yeah, it's back in service, here are some pics: http://basschat.co.uk/topic/105826-yamaha-appreciation-thread/page__view__findpost__p__1836568 It's even better now, it's got the proper tuners and knobs on it.
  21. Don't see any reason why not. If you do it his way with the alligator clips you can test it without changing anything on your bass to see if it does anything useful
  22. [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1358539499' post='1941241'] I'm really not trying to show off Thanks re the special order info. Mine must have been suplus. I paid the usual price. A 2025 with ebony? [/quote] Is it coming to Moffat? Would be nice to try another BB, never tried one of the top models. I will have one with me from the impoverished (and undead) side of the family, a resurrected BB450
  23. Sorry? Another lazy oaf takes the easy way with no pride in how they stagger through life and people are like "get over it", and "there are more important things to worry about than this" - sorry, but is the continued erosion of morals, manners, respect and consideration towards one's fellow human beings not a highly important issue? Things like this keep getting let go, but it's just contributing to a decline into savagery. Not worth fightning for? I'd say a just, civilised and morally upright society IS worth fighting for, and ripping off someone's intellectual property without so much as a "mind if I use your pics, chief?" is just another microscopic step in the wrong direction. It's not just a first world problem, it's a whole world problem. Completely 100% behind the OP. I don't mind people using my stuff, but I do mind if they just take it.
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