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Everything posted by neepheid

  1. Although I did briefly have a go of guitar when I was younger (and never stuck at it) I didn't do anything for years and then decided to take up bass. Was in danger of going the same way until my now wife gave me a hoof up the backside to get playing. That's been 5 years now
  2. Posted just to show how fun-free modern kit is these days:
  3. [quote name='4 Strings' timestamp='1354121299' post='1882364'] So you think a bass will be one of the major things on sale at Tescos? [/quote] As this appears to be a distance selling thing rather than a going into the shop thing, I don't see how this is relevant.
  4. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1354102261' post='1882000'] I've been giving some thought to the super tone bridge. Would it solve the problem of bindings sitting on the saddles? This is one of the main issues I want to solve. Paul [/quote] Well, it doesn't buy you much distance over the three point bridge, maybe a ball end's worth. Here it is on an Epiphone EB-3. The strings are D'addario XL. They are unsilked, but the ratty bit doesn't go over the E saddle. Of course it depends on the intonation on the particular bass, and how much silk there is on your particular preferred strings.
  5. Ach, leave 'em then. They would only cause you bother if they were proud, obviously and you might cause even more trauma getting them removed. Have to make sure that it's touching metal to metal though when the bridge is screwed down. Perhaps something like a thin strip of self adhesive copper tape (shielding/slug tape) bent over the edge of the bush to the body underneath the bridge might ensure this?
  6. I still don't understand why you're putting yourself (and your bass) through all this bother, particularly when there's a Supertone available right now in the Classifieds: http://basschat.co.uk/classifieds/item/51-hipshot-supertone-gibson-style-bridge-chrome/ which will fit straight on, no need to worry about earthing or bushes or drilling holes in your bass. This is the last time I'll mention it. To answer your question then yes, in theory as long as they're touching metal to metal then it should be enough for earthing. But are the tops of the bushes proud of, flush with or recessed into the top of the body?
  7. Sweet, looking forward to it
  8. Yes, I would buy gear from/via Tesco if it was financially advantageous for me to do so. In the traditional music shops up here bass is treated at best as an afterthought and at worst like the guitar's big, inept cousin and because of this it wouldn't negatively impact my life if they went belly up.
  9. The band I am in that is in the process of (re)coalescing has decided that we're not having a guitarist. We have drums, a sax, a trombone and a keyboard. Furthermore, the player of said keyboard usually holds a pint in his left hand during the gig instead of trampling through my frequency space. I'm a lucky boy
  10. I'd say that's fair. Nothing major, maybe only I notice considering I've been greeted with blank faces when I apologise to the rest of the band in the post gig discussions. What I need to work on is the poker face. It's getting better, but I still haven't perfected it - I can still feel the odd half grimace flash across my face when I make a mistake.
  11. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1353951305' post='1880168'] The guy ended up not really enjoying my bass, and he put it up for sale on here a few weeks later - I jumped on it straight away, even offering more than the value I traded to get it back, telling him how much I missed it - but the guy told me he wouldn't sell it back to me. I've no idea why he wouldn't but I was very upset, and still feel very bitter about it. Perhaps even a little angry with him. [/quote] This, I don't understand.
  12. I wonder if you've found a way to engage comp/exp AND bright at the same time on first version RDs.
  13. Why are you aiming for a straight neck? Strings need room to vibrate.
  14. Yes, the SS preamp works independently of the valve. I know this because when I acquired my 3500 the valve side was bust. The valve was fine (it glowed, so the heater was getting power) but it was actually a burned out resistor in the signal path to/from the valve. Replaced it and some of the caps around it in case they were what caused the resistor to burn up. Worked fine for years afterwards, don't have it any more, had no angry phonecall from new owner so I assume all is still well
  15. Don't get me wrong, I thought about the RD Standard too But then I thought "what's the point? what will it do that's different from what I have?" and the sensible answer came back - not much. Sense prevailing? I must be getting old.
  16. I doubt a SD jazz pickup of any configuration will be as hot as a Gibson TB plus - there's bound to be more winds, there's more space. Two coils side by side in an appropriate sized enclosure rather than two coils squeezed into a Jazz pickup because of a desire to retrofit Jazz basses. Anecdotally, these don't seem to offer much increase in output over your typical Jazz pickup - http://www.talkbass.com/reviews/showproduct.php/product/134/title/seymour-duncan-hot-stacks-for-jazz-bass/cat/16 Relax, just increase the preamp gain. You like the sound that comes out, regardless of the output level, yes?
  17. Yes, forget about the blend pot and just wire the pickup direct to the main se-3 board. Not saying this will fix your problem, but the blend control seems kinda redundant in a single pickup bass.
  18. There are so many Wals in Orkney and Shetland... the standard "location" of a Wal scammer.
  19. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a forum which requires at least 1 post to view.
  20. [quote name='paul torch' timestamp='1353165628' post='1872312'] I'm going to replace the stock bridge on my gibson sg with a schaller 3D. I have noticed that even with the supplied spacer the string height is still going to be about 1-2 mm too low. Is it ok to use more than one spacer? alternatively I was thinking about making one from mahogany with a slightly larger footprint so that it hides the the post holes from the original bridge. Does anyone see any problems I may have doing this? Cheers, paul [/quote] Why not use a Hipshot Supertone? So much easier, no modifications required.
  21. [quote name='joegarcia' timestamp='1353283558' post='1873323'] Was watching the RD Standard, don't fancy the Jazz pickups though, pretty keen on humbuckers. [/quote] They aren't Jazz pickups, they are humbuckers. [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/parts/pickup/"]http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/parts/pickup/[/url] - [url="http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/RDstandard.php"]http://www.flyguitars.com/gibson/bass/RDstandard.php[/url] It seems like you've already made your mind up, so I shall say nothing more about this - but I can't leave a misconception uncorrected
  22. Sell it. Buy this: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321022479124"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/321022479124[/url] Or buy a Krist Novoselic signature model and put this in it: [url="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261126338330"]http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/261126338330[/url] Don't muck about with the Artist. That's just my opinion, but you did ask for it
  23. Apart from the fact that it's an amazing bass, my wife bought me it. Therefore it occupies the position in my collection of being the last one to go if it came to the crunch.
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