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Everything posted by Noisyjon

  1. The P one looks pretty bent/warped in the 2nd to last photo, will that screw down flat?
  2. Hi Spitfire7, Any P bass guards done that we can see please - Also what's happened to your pictures here? Cheers, Jon
  3. Mark bought my Gibson LP bass and it was a first class transaction with a really nice bloke. A highly recommended BC'er. Cheers, Jon
  4. A 'now sold please lock' BUMP! Thanks for buying it Mark
  5. [quote name='Jazzneck' timestamp='1396777600' post='2417129'] Coz they've all been to media college and don't use their bleedin' ears. I get a little fed up when working with music college guys who have been told how the old stuff should sound like in this digital age. I've found them to be more interested in watching their digital desk readouts rather than listening and winding up the bits that gives a live band "bollocks". i.e. a bass that can be heard and felt. Too much bookwork, youtube cods, complicated digital gear and not enough listening and getting into the groove...... IMHO of course. ... [/quote] Your honest opinion is wrong Jazzneck and let me tell you why! I know the guy that mixed the show and he is not a Media College type man at all. In fact he came up through the ranks specialising in music/bands for TV at a network and really knows his stuff from doing some serious amounts of shows and recording/mixing. Those big live light entertainment shows are very, very busy and long days getting it all rehearsed and ready to go to air and to that end quite often visiting/special guest acts are put on with 'vocal to track' to help keep to time restraints. That way the backing track can be nicely mixed & mastered elsewhere in advance. I don't know if that is the case with the recent Voice UK shows but this is my experience in the industry. All that and there are also requirements/restraints on the mix/sound laid down by the producers and networks that will need to be adhered to as a condition of the job. A real minefield and headache to make happen!
  6. Those tracks are right up my street to have a crack at, so I did! Many thanks BRX and I have submitted 2 mixes to Skol303 for judging [quote name='BigRedX' timestamp='1396191209' post='2410761'] That's all the drum tracks that were recorded. It's a combination of not enough decent mics and not enough simultaneous channels available on the audio interface. So the hihats mic is also the other side overhead and both toms (rack and floor) were recorded onto a single track. [/quote]
  7. Just caught up with this thread Sean and glad you're digging the SVT-II amp. I loved my one just couldn't do the weight [quote name='Billy Apple' timestamp='1392674749' post='2371574'] ... and thanks to NoisyJon for the help with my feet! [/quote] No problem and glad to help. [quote name='discreet' timestamp='1392676913' post='2371610'] ...Er... OK. [/quote] Not what you think Discreet
  8. It can be hard to get a reverb working well on a bass and the trick is to effect only the higher frequencies and leave the low frequencies alone as Dannybuoy hinted at with his experience with the Zoom MS-70CDR.
  9. Hi Lozz, Thanks for the mini-review and being a P bass Guy with a penchant for the SVT sound I think I need to cave in to the GAS for one of these [quote name='Lozz196' timestamp='1396018833' post='2409099'] Just bought myself one of these. Used it at rehearsal last night, all controls set to midday, bite and speaker sim engaged. Wow. Now I loved my set-up before, but now, well I`m like a dog with two, well you get the idea don`t you? For anyone liking the classic Precision/SVT sound try one of these, I don`t think you`ll be disappointed. Even the guys in the band said "this time leave your sound alone, nothings going to be better than that". Well maybe a full SVT stack maybe, but that ain`t on the cards. [/quote]
  10. [quote name='Conan' timestamp='1395996659' post='2408696'] ...Completely subjective of course! [/quote] Agreed. The OP might like it if he tries it though!
  11. Short and sweet - For larger rooms you will need the sound dispersed and mixed properly and a guitar cab doesn't do it. A PA system will. Hope that helps? Check out Alex's info pages for the theory: [url="http://barefacedbass.com/technical-information.htm"]http://barefacedbass.com/technical-information.htm[/url]
  12. Indeed par for the course. Why can't you just turn the P bass volume pot down a touch to compensate?
  13. Oh blimey, the top of my 'most wanted amp' GAS list and not enough funds! Any trade fodder considered Peter?
  14. Now sold and not through here unfortunately. It is a UK voltage circa. 1992 model with a chrome chassis and black face plate. This is a 150W 2 channel amp head that sounds absolutely massive and has to be heard to be believed! Cheers, Jon
  15. [quote name='neepheid' timestamp='1395482670' post='2402874'] I am fond of LP basses. I'd have been tempted by this if I hadn't recently acquired a Led Paul Double Cut. Sorry! [/quote] Thanks for the kind words neepheid and maybe next time! [quote name='GreeneKing' timestamp='1395483097' post='2402884'] Lovely LP there, what does it balance like? Peter [/quote] Hi Peter, It balances well on a strap, no problem whatsoever. All the best, Jon
  16. Hi Ian, I got it from a seller on eBay but they are available to order from lots of places, like Thomann: [url="http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_pckg57p.htm"]http://www.thomann.de/gb/fender_pckg57p.htm[/url] [quote name='solomoto' timestamp='1395356198' post='2401651'] Hi, Where do you get the pick guards from ?? thanks ian [/quote]
  17. [quote name='karlfer' timestamp='1395097879' post='2398796'] Bloody Hell somebody listened to an idea I had . You'll be sorry [/quote] Well, as I had just got the Gold one in it would be rude not to try it and at least see [quote name='theyellowcar' timestamp='1395099076' post='2398810'] That looks NICE. Congrats! [/quote] Thanks theyellowcar [quote name='Ou7shined' timestamp='1395099081' post='2398811'] Excellent poll. Looking good btw. [/quote] Thanks also Ou7shined and I always enjoy the easy polls that can be bantered After some thought on the matter I am going to go for the 2nd place winner of the B/W/B guard eventually as I already have a black 'n' maple P bass with a tort guard so 2 would be silly/greedy. Other drivers of this decision are that I need a 10 hole '57 format guard for this bass and I don't want to drill this bass for a modern 13 hole guard so that will mean a custom made pickguard. Then there's the issue of modern tort not looking that authentic compared to the old stuff so I'm not going to take a chance on any of that, especially as it is quite a bit dearer to buy. All the best, Jon
  18. So, Got the Gold anodised 'guard through and have fitted it just to have a look!
  19. [quote name='Biaeothanata-Bassist' timestamp='1395078418' post='2398404'] Here's mine, it's actually something i'm part way through building, had the image in my head then after mapping it out on that builder, could finally see what it's going to look like when it's finished. I can't wait for it to be done! (ps, yes, i did photoshop the reverse P pick up next to the bridge but that's what's going on it and i'm not having a logo on it so i got rid of it on the picture)..[/quote] Like it! Also like your GAS list in your signature
  20. I would like the stacked Jazz knobs on this, but they're not an option on the list...
  21. [quote name='Evil Undead' timestamp='1394491343' post='2391997']...I'm not as creative as you guys, but I like these.[/quote] Don't know about that, liking the last one with the MM pickup.
  22. [quote name='lowregisterhead' timestamp='1394482755' post='2391872'] No love for a USA Lakland?? [/quote] Plenty, but downsizing myself! Very nice bass there though lowregisterhead.
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