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Everything posted by stewblack

  1. A little experimentation here. I have a Barefaced set up comprising two cabs both 8ohm 1 X 15 and 1 X 10 and I have two MB 1 X 15s. They both have their own excellent characteristics. I lean towards the MBs because for whatever reason they always sound so damn good with old amps like my Trace gear, or valve pre amps like my Orange Terror. I have a stand for the amp so no overhang issues - can't bear the thought of that! If I could still lift the old 8 X 10 I would probably go with it but that's a no no. I'm not wedded to either cab set up. Toying with two lightweight 4 X 10s to replace them but don't want a step down in quality. Be fun finding out. (410s just cos I'm old and like a big slab of speaker behind me. It's illogical (to some) irrational (to others) but hey this is my choice right?)
  2. Great medley, once again the bass player is effortlessly the coolest person in the room. Erm, tent.
  3. Hadn't heard of the Fane speaker upgrade. If that works with no problems then I shall be on that. As I say, once another 8ohm cab is connected this makes for a great lightweight set up but saving carrying another cab makes a bunch of sense
  4. I found that for small gigs mine is perfect. Anything with a full kit I connect a 1X10 and it really punches above it's weight.
  5. The svt classic I believe.
  6. Ampeg. 300 watts. Bought here.
  7. I've had those amps with the little valve in the preamp stage, and prior to that just good old fashioned ornery heads. On Sunday I officially join the world of the all valve head owners. With this in mind, what do you have to say? What do I need to know? I am a bundle of barely suppressed anticipatory excitement. Help me wile away the long hours by talking valves to me.
  8. I prefer the bass line on Domino but yes I also now enjoy playing Domino too.
  9. I enjoyed a not dissimilar experience having learned Van Morrison's Domino. In my defence they had. Brown Eyed Girl on their list so I just assumed they liked V the M. What on earth is a Jessy Jay? I was heard to ask. Literally no idea.
  10. Did many years in a Specials tribute which was absolutely brilliant. Love the music, great musicians around me. Only downside was the drink and drugs. Lots of debauched tales I could tell but I shall respect the anonymity of the other guys in the group.
  11. Beautiful work on the headstock. My issue with semi acoustics is the way they fall forward away from my body, how far has the relocation of the strap button gone to fixing this? You suggest it's still something of an issue on the TB thread, I was wondering how much... if that's even something you can quantify.
  12. If I had that kind of cash i'd definitely go for a custom build. Have it my way! Wouldn't suit everyone, but I would like the look, shape, colour, weight etc etc. And I'd have change for a nice case too 😉
  13. We did, my goodness, didn't know that was a fellow Basschater. We move the gig around. We're in Pewsey next week, Minster Lovell yesterday. Andreas is upping sticks and moving to darkest Dorset so the future is unclear.
  14. Whaaat? You know my Teutonic sidekick?? It's similar but no longer at Coleshill.
  15. Lovely Sunday afternoon gig in a super friendly pub. We are a disparate gang of musicians who gather unrehearsed and sit at the end of the room jamming out mostly well known tunes in a vaguely blues / country style. Myself, singer and slide guitarist are regulars, others may or may not show. We also encourage the locals to join in. Yesterday a guy brought his harmonica collection, he was really good. It's more than background music, less than a full on gig, and enormous fun. And getting paid for a Sunday afternoon never did anyone any harm.
  16. I always play suited and booted. And of course it isn't possible to play bass in public without a hat. No musicians should ever be mistaken for anyone else. We should always stand out simply for being the coolest people in the room.
  17. I've nearly walked away for being told what and how to play and that my sound was wrong. I don't understand people who fuss and worry about such things when they have their own stuff to deal with. I'm persevering, we'll see.
  18. I guess the idea is that so many people will edit and improve that ultimately the chords will end up correctly laid down. In reality musicians are lazy bastards and just take what's there and run with it.
  19. When I read the title I thought I knew how I felt about this kind of sniffy attitude. However I was wrong, the OP is anything but sniffy. I have a lot of sympathy for what he's saying. I play with a guy at an acoustic night once a month. He picks a couple of tunes, I learn them we meet and play. Last month I failed entirely to make sense of what he was playing. Transpired he downloads the first chords he finds online, and somehow adjusts what he sings to match no matter how horribly wrong the chords are. Nuts.
  20. Worst time this happened to me on stage was in the Wedgewood Rooms. A big crowd, all going welI, I swagger to the front to play the intro to Rudy, A Message To You. We'd played it for years and years and suddenly I could not bring one note of it to mind. Not only couldn't I play it, I couldn't even remember how it went. That moment of blind, bowel loosening terror has remained with me ever since. To this day I get a shiver of dread when I have to start a song. It's a viscous circle. The more I worry about it the more likely it is to happen. So I'm learning to read music. A glance at the opening bars of any song I start sets me on the right path.
  21. The guys I've used to fix amps in the past have always been able to work on them without a problem. Many different brands. Not MB. I have to courier it to the approved repair company. Not cool.
  22. Got to say I love gold basses. Shame it's active.
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