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The Burpster

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Everything posted by The Burpster

  1. Ovation mags are bullet proof (no actually bomb proof) solid workhorses. 2ndhand they would I guess work out pretty similar in value providing similar condition. However if your H1 is mint and the Mag is a dog then hang onto your H1 - No brainer...! If you like the Mag (and I suggest play the hell out of it and thru your rig first before making any kind of decision) and you are happy with its condition then you and only you can make that decision. You're right in some respects tho - the Mag is quite a rare beast and will be starting to appreciate in value and the H1 is just another H1. Oh and BTW if you get some pics of the Mag posted on here several of the guys and gals own them so they can tell you if its been messed about.
  2. check this site under bass set up. [url="http://www.tunemybass.com/"]http://www.tunemybass.com/[/url]
  3. Looks are very 'Jetsons' to me, but it will I'm sure play and sound fantastic as EBMM do. Big up to up to you for stating your individuality.
  4. [quote name='DreadAlert' post='831730' date='May 8 2010, 08:20 PM']Think I will be. Its either the SR300 or the GSR200. Also, what's the difference between the SR300 and the SR300m?[/quote] The M stands for Maple and that refers to the fretboard material, Maple as a generalisation has a slightly brighter tone than rosewood but that is not an exact science. Both those models are excellent basses for what they cost - budget Ibanez and Yamaha are by far the most consistent and reliable VFM in their price bracket. Of your 2 above , I'd personally go for the GSR as the P and J style pick ups can be be IMHO more versatile then the 2 soap-bars in the SR - the other key feature that I'm not keen on in the SR is that Strat style jack exit. Looks very prone to chipping body work to me, and if you find bass is not for you, chips and dings are easily seen when you come to sell it on.
  5. I was a bit confuzzed upon reading your post but I think I have it now. You want the mounting nuts. A bolt or screw has a male thread a nut has an internal or female thread. Tuners are secured by small wood screws (normally 4 on the back of the headstock and the mounting nut and washer that goes through the headstock from the front. These might be tricky to get hold but someone will have some.
  6. [quote name='ian' post='827919' date='May 4 2010, 09:33 PM']hi my dads got a very early stingray well early 80s and just wanted to check is there a way of getting it took back to wood finish many thanks[/quote] This has been covered several times in repairs and tech so of to there you go. Several paint experts on here.
  7. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='826893' date='May 3 2010, 10:15 PM']If you are happy believing that, then be my guest I don't intend to pursue the argument in that direction with you. Most basses, I agree come with shims but we are talking thin bits of plastic in fact thinner than a thin fender pick.[/quote] GW, I would hope this is a lively debate not an argument - although I agree with Buzz above, that you are making a lot presumptions in your above post. Shims do not have to be made of plastic in fact the shims I use in my basses and my g'tarists guitars are now thin .015" slivers of copper sheet these are easily added to build the correct and minimum necessary shim. A very quick remedy is to shove a piece of plastic sheet in the neck pocket but its a remedy I avoid. Even with a large amount of correction to be sought you do not need a thick shim (common false belief) but a correctly made and shaped shim at the body end of the neck pocket. The BA II + III were bought out as a result of folks concerns about not being a direct replacement and were developed as such and even LQ states the Original BA is not a direct Fender replacement and as far as I'm aware never was intended to be. So your point about the BA I is I'm afraid a bit lame. [url="http://www.leoquan.com/html/products.html"]http://www.leoquan.com/html/products.html[/url] It would seem we will have to agree to disagree on the shimming subject. I don't think it would serve any purpose in debating the various merits of the earlier and later series PRS basses, other than to polarise our views further. Your Bass-5 and CE bass-4 are indeed very sweet looking instruments and I'm sure you're just as pleased to own them as I am mine.
  8. Chris, my opine FWIW is that if the idea of splitting the wire or disturbing the solder is likely to bring you out in hive because you are devaluing it then dont do it. If its not that, then de-solder it and get on with the job - as prospective owner buying a '64 of someone that claimed it was original I'd be well p!ssed off if I found out that you'd put a pre in it anyway (and it doesn't matter how good you are disguising, it would be pretty easy to see if most of the electrics have been disturbed). So to me you have 2 options only i) get on with or ii) leave it well alone. Deceiving a future purchaser (or even trying) further down the line isn't worth your reputation (or worse). Bob.
  9. [quote name='Grand Wazoo' post='826755' date='May 3 2010, 07:18 PM']Why would you want to compromise and shimming a prized instrument for the sake of an ill fitting bridge? Nein Danke! You'll end up shifting the geometry of the instrument and with that, moving the neck away from the ideal sitting position in the body slot your negative results are loss of sustain and increase of dead spots on the neck...[/quote] Sorry but that is misleading at best, and factually wrong at worse. 1 of my PRSs has a shim in the neck pocket. It makes no difference to the tone at all if done properly, in fact that bass has the best sustain of all 5 of mine. I agree that if you believe its not worth the effort for the sake of bridge then its not worth it, but as to creating dead spots in the neck and a loss of sustain that just isn't correct. As to BA bridges being ill fitting, well I'm sure the 1000s of happy quiet owners would disagree with your comments. They were and are designed as a direct drop on replacement for the BBOT bridges, I'm sure the design team would be very pleased to hear your comments about their 'ill fitting' product which incidentally Fender believe are so bad that they fitted them to several of their production models.
  10. Well FWIW I'll chuck Hipshot into the frame..... they make several replacements that drop straight onto Fenders.... All IMHO are better engineering than the BBOT that is std fitment. BA Gotoh Hipshot Schaller. All great bits of kit. What is all this 'it makes the action too high".....? Have you peeps not heard of neck shims?
  11. Looks lovely but should be in build diaries me thinks...!
  12. The shop has such potential it hurts...... The problem is that whoever runs it - clearly has some problem selecting staff. I wouldn't have paid any of them I have met in rusty washers.
  13. I used to believe it was Tommy Shannon, but I have recently got into Carl Radle's playing. Pure blues genius!
  14. Have you tried different strings? I've had issues with one make of string making quite a different tone in the same type and gauge of string. Your bridge could be the next place to look. Saddle height and break angle can effect the tone of some strings. There is a definite change across the fretboard as you describe. Are you just looking for a more uniform sound or a specific sound?
  15. It would have to be very very well made to avoid any tuning/ intonation issues. looks a great piece of engineering/luthiership but I would go with one or the other..... OR (As in my case) 2 indetical instruments - 1 fretted the other fretless.
  16. The Yamahas are really reliable and easy to set up too. Bang for Buck they take some beating.
  17. How about keep it, send the neck to a luthier you trust to check and maybe re glue the crack and then de-fret it to make a fretless? You would I'm sure be able to sell it but buyers will of course be wary so that will reflect in what they are willing to pay. So options i) keep it do nothing - always wonder what to do. ii) sell it on - maybe not realising what it is worth to you. ii) keep and have it de-fretted - a well loved, trusted and easy to play bass for you adding a new dimension to what you can turn out musically.
  18. A few years ago I 'did' an Ibanez Blazer Burp stylee as below. I know it went to kennyrodg for a while and I believe its moved on again a couple of times since..? I was wondering who has it now, and is it still a happy hector...? My G'tarist is hankering after another 6string Blazer for me to 'work over' and I feel the need to catch up with the bass I did to match his guitar Pics below for ID purposes....
  19. my guess it was made as a 5 string guitar project (in someones shed, with very crude tools and little skill) and the 5th peg has been taken out a 4 string nut put on and a Schaller bridge (which is probably the best bit about it!). looks a very short scale too and a week pup so I guess it could be great or utter cr@p..... I think you know where my thoughts lie
  20. I'd suggest this..... [url="http://web.mac.com/thepoptarts/bass_guitar_specialists/Mesa_Boogie_Combos_M6_Carbine.html"]http://web.mac.com/thepoptarts/bass_guitar...M6_Carbine.html[/url] Forget your huge ego for a few mins and have a combo that will re arrange internal organs.
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  24. [quote name='OutToPlayJazz' post='818150' date='Apr 25 2010, 04:09 PM']Next you'll be saying he needs to be playing an old double bass with one string (more than one would be decadent!), wearing dungarees and chewing a piece of straw in order to play that style of music! [/quote] I think you're missing the point....... At least I hope you're missing the point..! The bassline in the RECORDING was fine. The Miming on TOTP was dreadful. It looked like the band got the first wannabe from the stage door stuck an XL2 in his hands and told him to look like a bassplayer..... His dress and dancing were not in the smallest proportion in tune with the rest of the band. Was coke widely used pre-gig back then? it would explain a lot.
  25. Sorry thats just porn off you go!
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