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Everything posted by lukeward2004

  1. Hi Guys, Ive just got the mix back from the production company that Natalie has used for her second album - and im rather chuffed with it! Have a listen, see what you think - it was recorded with my P bass through my Bass Pod XT. [url="http://media.putfile.com/Natalie-Long---Way-Of-Life"]http://media.putfile.com/Natalie-Long---Way-Of-Life[/url] Your comments & thoughts are appreciated! Cheers Luke
  2. Christ, that has Mucho Mojo! However looking at the weight, It would require arnold schwarzernegger to carry it to and from gigs!
  3. That is a sexy Jazz you have there mate - only thing that would make it better would be a maple neck with black block inlays and binding, like th Geddy Lee Jazzers have! Sublime work my man!
  4. OMG - I wish my grandad had a Jazz Bass like that, id make sure he left it to me in his inheritance! Instead, I havea collection of old WW1 and WW2 medals he won for helping to save the world from the Nazi's - selfish bugger
  5. Just to add, Nick (OldHorseMurphy) is a top fella, I biught his Line6 Bass Pod XT and Floor Controller off him recently and he is a really top guy to deal with - I wouldnt hesitate to do business with him again.
  6. Nick, Im sorry to give you the sad news, but you simply do not own enough basses to qualify for the basschat membership - get out. Just kidding mate, you have a fantastic collection - but how many of those basses get played daily? Out of all of those, which are your "regular" gigging basses? Or do you just rotate them like a football squad??!!??
  7. Nice, a much improved bass you have there - looks rather swish to boot!
  8. Mike you sly bugger! Nice collection there mate, id love to get to grips with that Warwick, looks like a beast of a bass!
  9. I recently got rid of all my stompboxes in favour of a Bass POD XT, which has a fantastic filter sound, better than the DOD FX25, MXR Auto Q and EHX Dr Q I have used previously. Its also incredibly flexible - as is the nature of the bass POD - in that you can get almost any sound you like out of it, given time learning how to manipulate it.
  10. Number of strings and type of bass is totally irrelevant, it is a purely prsonal choice. The bass guitar is integral to music in so many ways, it is an instrument that traverses all styles and IMHO, music isnt music without it. Its not what you play, its how you play it. I bet Marcus Miller could make a shoe box with an elastic band sound awesome!
  11. The Corporate party we are playing at on the 27th requires that we have all our equipment PA tested before we plug anything in - thankfully the facilities manager for the company I work for is qualified and has agreed to test and certify all our equipment prior to the gig, so I get PAT testing for free! As of the PL insurance - MU all the way, as soon as I can afford it ill be renewing my membership with them.
  12. lukeward2004


    [quote name='OldGit' post='58917' date='Sep 11 2007, 07:32 PM']Ok a few comments about stuff relevant to this as it's getting pinned. I strongly recommend the two name approach for a band that plays two types of gigs - one name for the band that plays pubs and is building a following and another name (same band) for the band that plays weddings and corporates. This is cos the markets are different and are best served by separate attitudes and approaches to almost all of it. Marketing a wedding/function band is totally different to a pub or originals band. Totally different market and a totally different approach. If you are planning a lot of wedding and function work the better known your stuff the better you will go down. In the above set you might find it works better to truncate Superstition.. Fabbo tune, outstanding epoch making record but ... in general audiences get bored by verse two .. I've watched this happened a lot of times. The stat brings a huge whoop of recognition followed by a floor full of people but they start glazing over pretty fast so ... do two verses and the middle bit and then morph it into something else like Play that Funky Music and it will work a lot better... OG[/quote] I totally agree, and we have already decided to morph from Jill Scott's "Golden" into Supersticious, which in turn morphs into Higher Ground, and so far it works well!
  13. "Under pressure deciding on Amp or Cab connectivity? TALK TO FRANK!"
  14. Marcus Millers version of Frankenstein - its easier than it sounds RHCP - Aeroplane or Tell me Baby Level 42 - Love Games and when you get a little more proficient, have a go at: Level 42 - Hot Water (lots of slapped dead notes to carry the line along, will help build a bit of stamina) Might I suggest a purchase of Stuart Clayton's "Ultimate Slap Bass" book? I started off learning Slap with the Ed Friedland DVD but then progressed on from that using Stu's book. It is a fantastic book, and no Im not on commision from him!
  15. lukeward2004


    Im going to Pin this thread as it is a great thread for anyone looking to breakout into the wedding circuit. ALl of the above is fantastic information, and my new functions band will be taking note of this thread to help sharpen ourselves up! We have our first corporate gig at a works do at the end of the month, and although its a shade different to your usual wedding gig, we still need to put on a good show, so here is our current setlist: Set One: Brand New Heavies - Never Stop Jamiroquai - Runaway George Benson - Turn your Love Around Wild Cherry - Play that Funky Music Jamiroquai - High Times Luther Vandross - Never Too Much Modjo - Lady (Hear me Tonight) The Doobie Brothers - Long Train Running Set Two: Prince - Get on the Boat Jamiroquai - Too Young To Die Stevie Wonder - Higher Ground The Commodores - Brick House Jill Scott - Golden Stevie Wonder - Superstitious Amp Fiddler - I believe In You Stevie Wonder - Master Blaster Obviously we will be looking to learn a number of other tracks to accomodate for weddings and similar events, and we are looking to promote ourselves as a funk outfit, rather than anything else - im thinking we should probably pull in some old school Motown and Soul, alongside a bit of disco for fun.
  16. Flea from RHCP was in the Back to the Future films...
  17. THe closest thing ive found to a "PA-Like" bass cab was Dood's old Tech Cabs - which I will soon be te proud owner of!
  18. That Lakky looks fantastic - there is something about torty on white that really floats my boat!
  19. Im afraid I have just found the real cause of the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami!
  20. Having recently become a fretless convert, I would have to say that I couldnt get by without the lines on my Gary Willis 5 - so at a hazard I would guess that an unlined would improve one's musical ear and consciousness.
  21. That is horrible - I think you should give it to me right away.....
  22. ..a Tech Soundsystems ND412 or ND410 in the UK? Where is the best place to get one from price wise?
  23. Hmm - the Tapco J-2500 looks like a good buy..... any other suggestions...
  24. [quote name='Jase' post='56301' date='Sep 6 2007, 12:52 AM']I've never used Hartke, would you say it was powerful, loud, punchy?[/quote] Jase, have a listen to the soundclips ive posted a few replies up - that should give you an idea of the sounds I get with my all Hartke rig and a jazz bass.... But to answer your question, all hartke gear ive ever had has been reliable, NEVER ONCE let me down, and sound wise the 3500 is punchy as you like, as powerful as you will ever need, and loud enough to cut through in a band situation.
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